Berkeley Federation of Teachers Calls On Teachers to participate in the Wednesday, November 2nd Day of Action

October 30, 2011 in Solidarity Statements

BFT Calls on All Members to Mobilize November 2nd at Occupy Oakland

BFT stands in solidarity with Occupy Oakland and its advocacy on behalf of the 99%.  Occupy Oakland and the Worldwide Occupy Movement are fighting to restore sanity to our economy and to oppose growing wealth inequality.
We call upon all BFT members to participate in the November 2nd Day of Action at Occupy Oakland.  It is incredibly important that teachers and union members take part in this historic mobilization.
We are encouraging our members to participate in the Wednesday, November 2nd Day of Action in the following ways: 
1) Wear your BFT t-shirt on Wednesday in solidarity with Occupy Oakland.  Wear the “We Are the 99%” sticker that you will be offered by your site rep.
2) Attend the Occupy Oakland late afternoon action.  We are asking BFT members to meet between 4:00 p.m. and 5:00 p.m. at the State Building at 1515 Clay Street.  Bring signs and wear your BFT t-shirt.  If you come after 5:00 p.m. please look for the BFT banner and join our group.
3) Look for ways to incorporate information and activities about the history of organizing efforts against economic injustice into your lessons on Wednesday.  If possible, also look for ways members can come together on this day, maybe at lunch, to talk about the Occupy Wall Street movement.
4) Attend the solidarity barbecue hosted by the Alameda Labor Council at 7:00 p.m. at Frank Ogawa Plaza.
BFT is aware that Occupy Oakland has called for a General Strike, as well as a Day of Action, on November 2nd.  We have a no strike clause in our contract, so BFT is attempting to reach an agreement with BUSD to allow members to use personal leave, as long as there is adequate sub coverage, to attend ALL Occupy Oakland events on November 2nd.  We will update members and site reps as soon as we have news on that effort.  
Please note that the Occupy movement is very fluid. We will do our best to keep members updated.
If you need a BFT t-shirt (or button) please call the BFT office at 549-2307 and we will get one to you.
In Unity,
Cathy Campbell
President, Berkeley Federation of Teachers

Cathy Campbell
President, Berkeley Federation of Teachers
2530 San Pablo Avenue, Suite A
Berkeley, CA 94702

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