International Solidarity Commission

Who We Are:

The Industrial Workers of the World recognizes that solidarity is key to labor struggles in one's home community, country, region and the world.

The concentration of capitalist ownership in the hands of fewer and fewer owners strengthens their hand not only in contract negotiations but in how the world works.

For this reason, the Industrial Workers of the World formed the International Solidarity Commission to help the union build the worker-to-worker solidarity that can lead to effective action against the bosses of the world.

The 2010 International Solidarity Commission members are:

  • Matthew Antosh - Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada
  • David Kloker - San Francisco Bay Area GMB
  • Nathanial Miller - Philadelphia GMB

Donate to the ISC:

Click here to lend your support to: SINTEC: Construction Workers Union in Chile and make a donation at !


ISC send our solidarity and condolences to the people of Japan, and suggest a donation to the General Freeters Union though the German Freie ArbeiterInnen-Union (FAU) as we reach out to the Freeters Union.  

ISC Haiti support is for long-term labor assistance and Development. For short-term disaster relief, the ISC suggest a donation to Partners in Health.

ISC supports the Boycott-divestment-sanction campaign called by various Palestinian labor unions and civil society organizations. The ISC urges members to educate themselves on the campaign.