Join the General Defense Committee

The General Defense Committee (GDC) is composed of the GDC Central with members around the world as well as GDC locals initiated by Industrial Unions, General Membership Branches, and other concerned individuals within the IWW, and GDC Regional Groups initiated outside of North America.

The General Defense Committee serves a vital purpose within the IWW and for working people everywhere. Committed to goals and aims of the union, the GDC is organized to act in defense of those who find themselves at odds with the bosses, the police, and the courts because of their commitment to their class.


Any member of the IWW in good standing may be a member of the GDC, but non-members who subscribe to the general principles and aims of the IWW and GDC may join as well.

All members must agree to abide by the regulations of the GDC, and the Constitution and regulations of the IWW; to study the principles contained therein; and make themselves acquainted with its purpose.

Initiation fees are $5, and dues are a low $5 per quarter (or $20) annually.

Initiation fees will be waived for anyone who has previously been a member of the GDC. All they need to do is send in their original card along with a dues payment of at least $5 for the current quarter; the original card will be sent back to you, along with a newly designed GDC card and membership number, as well as a GDC button and copy of the by-laws . . .

Anyone may, of course pay for additional quarters at $5 a quarter if they wish . . . $20 would take care of one's dues for a period of one year.


PLEASE NOTE - GDC Dues and Initiations are separate from IWW Dues and Initiations. Membership and dues in the GDC are not the same thing as Membership and Dues in the IWW itself. If you wish to Join the IWW or Pay IWW Dues, please do so separately.

How to Join the GDC

To Join by Mail:

How to Join the GDC:

  • Print this PDF File Application, follow the instructions, and return to the address listed on the form.


To Pay Electronically Online:

You must make payments in US Dollars.

Your payments will be handled by; The IWW has no political connection to this organization. They are an independent, secure on-line transaction service that handles our on-line payments. Your transactions will be secure and protected, and your credit card information will not be revealed to us or Paypal. There is no additional fee for using this service. If you do not wish to use this service, please select another method for joining the IWW.

Secondly, you will need to be prepared to provide us with your name, address, phone number (if you have it), and e-mail address. You must complete the required fields when you make your payment. If you do not have a mailing address or e-mail (or choose not to provide them), we cannot process your application electronically.

You may pay for as many months dues in advance as you wish with your initiation (which is the same as one month's dues), but you must pay for at least one month's dues along with your initiation. If we receive less than the minimum payment, we will not be able to process your application, and your payment will be returned to you.

Make Your Payment:



NOTE: Ocassionally the secure server at may experience down-time. If you cannot connect to the secure payment screen, please try again later.

After you join, you may continue to pay GDC dues online if you wish.

Pay Your GDC Dues Online

Make a One-time Dues Payment:

You may pay as many quarters dues in advance as you wish. For example, to pay for a full year's dues at $5.00, pay $20.00



Set-up Regular, Ongoing Dues Payments:

You may set up PayPal to make your dues payments at quarterly intervals, like a subscription; you can cancel at any time.



Remember, you can cancel your automatic dues payments at any time if you wish.

GDC Application.pdf90.56 KB