Did Kate Gosselin Get a Facelift?

Did Kate Gosselin Get a Facelift?

Has Kate Gosselin gone under the knife -- again?

When the former reality star recently reported for her first day as a CouponCabin.com blogger, she revealed a new face to go with her new gig. And it's not the first time the formerly full-figured brunette has freshened up.

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin's biggest beauty faux pas

"She's consumed with her appearance," a source says of Gosselin, 36, whose TLC reality show Kate Plus 8 was canceled in August.

VIDEO: Kate Gosselin cops to getting plastic surgery

To keep her youthful appearance, the single mom of eight -- who got a tummy tuck in 2007 and breast implants in 2009 -- relies on thrice-weekly tanning sessions. Last June, she even gave herself Botox injections! (The result: unnaturally arched eyebrows.)

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin's meanest faces

New York City plastic surgeon Jon Turk tells the new issue of Us Weekly (on sale Monday) that based on recent photos, it looks like Gosselin's gone more extreme this time: A defined jawline and changed eye shape "suggest a facelift."

PHOTOS: Kate Gosselin's hair through the years

It's not surprising, the source tells Us: "Kate wants to look 10 years younger."

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  • Heather Yesterday
    Is there a valid reason why this woman is still being covered in the media? Her poor children.
  • RonM Yesterday
    She is just another one on the D list who thinks she is someone special just because she had a reality show.None of these reality people have any acting talent and are only on tv because its cheaper to produce these shows than pay the actors in Hollywood and you won't see any big time directors like Ron Howard or Robert Redford on the sets.As far as the facelift goes its her business but don't call Joan Rivers or Dolly Parton for any advise.
  • uh Yesterday
    she needs a personality overhaul more than anything. and that's free.
  • Ian 22 hours ago
    They say you lose your ability to smile when you've had too much plastic surgery. It does something to the facial muscles.
  • NIght Owl Yesterday
    who gives a shit!!!!!!
  • Happy Happy Yesterday
    yep, definitely had an eye job, or something of sorts...yuck...
  • Yesterday
    This lady is an example of who you do not want to be as a mother. I loathe her and everything she is and stands for.
    Now that the show has been cancelled, how will she afford all her surgery? Poooooooooooor Mommy.
  • Getting Tired Yesterday
    Is that a clef in her chin or her belly button? Facelift....heck, her toes are curling up....now if she could only get a talent transplant, she would not have to go back to living in that trailer......oh, and the kids...what kids, those kids...they’re all in therapy…but that’s free because she doing the doctor….this will be the theme for the next reality show….Kate Does the Doc…
  • ANTHONY Yesterday
    Go find your kids if you can remember where you left them douche bag
  • Pete Yesterday
    Kate Gosselin ugly any ways! It really would make a difference if she did get a face lift!
    celebrities spend to much time looking into the mirror .
  • JLR 2 days ago
  • Barbara 2 days ago
    Who cares? I for one am sick to death of Kate Gosselin. Any good looks she has is ruined by her snotty, arrogant attitude. I used to love that show but she just got too much to watch. I really feel for her children. They have no chance to have normal childhoods because of her obsession with fame. I really hope she fades away.
  • EN Yesterday
    why are you saying she's full figured? she's not!
  • Jim 2 days ago
    for a person who has no job no money wow
  • Montezuma's Revenge Yesterday
    LOL at the first image.. she still looks ugly BTW.
    I feel sorry for her kids thou.
  • Evelyn B 2 days ago
    She will always be "that woman that had the stupidest hair cut I've ever seen" to me, when ever I think of her I still see that reverse mullet look and all the while the dumb #$%$ thought she looked so "hot" in it...menopause maybe? Too bad she can't have her brain "lifted" or maybe some values implanted, sadder still, who is caring for her kids while she spends all her time working on her "look"? Everyone knocks old OctoMom for the same thing and Kate is worse, both are self centered #$%$ in my view and you have to feel bad for the kids.
  • roo Yesterday
    Did Kate Gosselin Get a Facelift? Who CARES?
  • Sam Yesterday
    maybe she should have gotten a personality lift...of course being someone we all love to hate is what made her famous
  • LL 2 days ago
    Guess she's teaching her 8 too many children, "Kids, you don't have to finish school and go to college. Just make drastic decision in your life and a TV station will help support you and your expenses". How pathetic. Those poor children have no positive role model...selfish parents!!!
  • Jim Halpert Yesterday
    in my lowly opinion, the woman is just a total self absorbed douche bag. using kids for profit. I loved my alone time with my kids. Being a shift worker, i treasured my time with them.
    she might be well off but to me she seems she would do anything to be famous. yuck! selfish cow