Estimates Transcripts

Three times each year, usually in February, May and November, the estimates of proposed annual expenditure of government departments and authorities are referred by the Senate to the relevant legislation committees for examination and report. At the estimates hearings, Senators may directly question Ministers and public officials not only about the details of proposed expenditure but also about the objectives, operations and efficiency of the programs for which they are responsible. Read more about estimates here.

Export permits for e-waste to Ghana- Answers to estimates questions on notice

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 13th December 2011, 5:19pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Legislation Committee
Answers to questions on notice
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio
Budget Estimates, October 2011
Topic: Issue of export permits for e-waste

Senator Ludlam asked:
Senator LUDLAM: Have we issued export permits for e-waste shipments to Ghana?

Sustainability Indicators - Consulation and update - Answer to Estimates question on notice

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 13th December 2011, 5:03pm

Senate Standing Committee on Environment and Communications Legislation Committee
Answers to questions on notice
Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities portfolio
Supplementary Budget Estimates, October 17-18 2011

Topic: Sustainability Indicators

Senator Ludlam asked:

Senator LUDLAM: In two and a half minutes. It is the sustainability indicators. We had a reasonably lengthy discussion on that last time. Can you give us an update on that one?

Mr Thompson: There have been quite extensive but targeted consultations with a range of stakeholders around the country who are already engaged in different types of sustainability indicator work, which Mr McNee could add to if necessary. We are continuing work on potential indicators to put to government for its consideration before the end of this year.

AFP role in educating/counselling child sexual exploitation offenders

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 2nd December 2011, 8:36pm

Question No. 24
Senator Ludlam asked the following question at the hearing on 18 October 2011:

Senator LUDLAM: ... What are you doing preventatively with offenders?

ANSTO nuclear waste storage and treatment

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 4th November 2011, 5:06pm

Senate Standing Committee on Economics
Budget Estimates Hearing 2011-12
30 May 2011

Senator LUDLAM: I wonder if you can give us an update on the decommissioning first of the small Moata reactor, which I understand is still underway, and secondly for the HIFAR reactor. Can you just give us an update on the status of both of those?
Dr Paterson: The Moata reactor has completed its decommissioning. On 17 May we received a letter from ARPANSA-the regulator-indicating that they had satisfied themselves that the decommissioning activities were indeed complete. Therefore, we have successfully completed the first decommissioning of our reactor in Australia. That was a very positive process for us. It was under the scrutiny of the IAEA, and it also won the New South Wales engineering project award from last year and the small project award at the national level. So it was a very controlled, carefully thought through, planned and executed exercise which has successfully decommissioned that reactor.
Senator LUDLAM: Okay. Where is the contaminated material currently being stored?
Dr Paterson: The contaminated material is currently stored in our stores on the site. The ultimate destination in international best practice would be to a national repository.
Senator LUDLAM: So that would be removed if and when a national repository is established. What is the volume of the material and in what form is it?
Dr Paterson: I will take that on notice, Senator.
SENATOR LUDLAM: Thanks, if you could. Also how you treat and condition that material-that would be appreciated

The quantity of radioactive waste material generated from the decommissioning of the MOATA Reactor included:
• 115 Tonnes (approx 55 m3) of low level solid waste, of which 90 per cent is low activity concrete and 10 per cent is lightly activated steel and other metals;
• 12 Tonnes of lightly activated activity graphite; and
• 100g of intermediate level waste (stainless steel).
The low activity solid concrete waste is currently stored in engineered steel containers. The containers are currently stored in the ANSTO Low Level Solid Waste Storage facility. When the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility is established, the MOATA low level waste will be further conditioned (the containers will be filled with cement grout) and will comply with specific Waste Acceptance Criteria for disposal at the National Radioactive Waste Management Facility.

Dept. of Resources on nuclear waste and HRL

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 28th October 2011, 2:49pm

Economics Committee Wednesday 19 October 2011

Senator LUDLAM: I would like to turn attention to the matter of the proposed Commonwealth radioactive waste dump. Has the department been involved? Do we have Mr Davoren here or anybody who can speak-

Mr Hoffman: We certainly do. He has been waiting around all day; we might as well bring him forward.

Senator LUDLAM: Welcome back, Mr Davoren.

Food Standards Australia New Zealand on food irradiation

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 25th October 2011, 8:44pm

Tiesdau 18 October 2011 - Community Affairs Committee

Senator LUDLAM: I am going to put a bunch of questions to ARPANSA in a minute about food irradiation. But I just want to check with Ms Halton first: if I was asking questions specifically about labelling for products that have been irradiated, would they be directed better to you or to ARPANSA?

Ms Halton : You need to ask here.

Major Cities Unit - Liveable cities, National Urban policy and Active Transport

Estimates Transcripts
Tuesday 25th October 2011, 2:00pm

Senate Estimates - Rural Affairs and Transport Legislation Committee - 18/10/2011
Department of Infrastructure and Transport - Major Cities Unit

Liveable Cities program

Senator LUDLAM: Thank you for presenting. I am a little bit cross that we still are no closer to guidelines for liveable cities. I think at different stages you both said they will be released shortly. How long is 'shortly'? We have played this game once already.

Mr Mrdak : We have played this game once before. I think that they will be in the very near future.

Senator LUDLAM: Is that days rather than weeks?

Senate Estimates - Social Housing, the new NAHA, and Rental affordability

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 25th October 2011, 1:07pm

Supemenatry Budget Estimates 2011-12 - Community Affairs Legislation Committee
Thursday 20 October 2011

Department of Families, Housing, Community Services and Indigenous Affairs
Program 2.1 - Housing assistance and Homelessness Prevention


CHAIR: I welcome Senator the Hon. Mark Arbib, the departmental Secretary, Mr Finn Pratt, and portfolio officers of FaHCSIA today. I put on record again my appreciation to the officers for their cooperation and flexibility in fitting into the sequence we have for estimates. Minister, would you like to make an opening statement?

Senator Arbib: No, but I thank the committee for its flexibility in starting early tomorrow morning. I do appreciate it. I've got two little prints of myself who will be happy that dad's come home. Thank you.


Social Housing Advisory Committee

Senator LUDLAM: Mine are more on the social housing advisory committee, so we will tag team. Welcome back. My question is about the social housing expert panel, which I think is a very good idea. That was announced on 28 September. Can you just tell us how it was appointed?

Nation Building Program - Transport and Infrastructure investment and bicycle paths

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 25th October 2011, 12:09pm

Senate Estimates Tuesday 18 October - Rural Affairs and Transport Committee
Infrastructure and Transport Portfolio
Nation Building Program

CHAIR: Thank you, Senator Macdonald. Before I give Senator Ludlam the call, we have got to the bottom of the confusion relating to the five pages of Queensland projects being funded under the Nation Building Program. There was a mix-up in the lettering. It was MOU and I believe you said MUO, so it is there if that assists you. I have a copy there for you anyway.

Senator LUDLAM: I understand the Nation Building guidelines are under review at the moment. Can you talk us through what that review looks like?

Jusice for Nuclear Veterans

Estimates Transcripts | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Sunday 23rd October 2011, 3:18pm

Wednesday 19 October 2011 Foreign Affairs Defence and Trade Committee

ACTING CHAIR: Thank you, Senator Xenophon. Senator Ludlam, do you have a couple of quick questions?

Senator LUDLAM: Yes, I have some follow-ups-and thanks for this as some of the questions I was going to put have been asked. To finish the thread that Senator Xenophon has started, I guess the definition of warlike service we consider to be exposure to hostilities. The reasons that these people have been excluded is that in this case the hostilities were carried out by an ally; they were exposed to the nuclear weapons tests of an ally. If they had been exposed to nuclear weapons on the battlefield they would be eligible.