Emissions Trading and carbon tax

24 11 11 Sarah at doors on asylum seekers, end of year wrap

Greencast | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 24th November 2011, 8:35am

Audio from Sarah's doors appearance in the Senate. She spoke about keeping asylum seeker numbers in perspective and a great year for the Australian Greens.

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Ensure mining tax delivers revenue: Brown

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Monday 21st November 2011, 11:53am


The Australian Greens are proposing amendments to the watered-down mining tax which are revenue positive and the Gillard Government should ensure that the revenue from the tax is not further undermined.

"The Greens want a fairer mining tax, a genuine super profits tax. If there is to be any change to the mining tax it should be, at the very least, revenue neutral," Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said in Canberra today.

Bob Brown, Adam Bandt - press conference on a fairer mining tax and a safe exit from Afghanistan

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown, Adam Bandt MP
Monday 21st November 2011, 11:48am

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown and Member for Melbourne Adam Bandt outlined the Greens' position on the MRRT, namely to protect the revenue stream from moves in Parliament to further water down the mining tax.

The Greens will also move for a debate on setting a date for a safe exit of Australian troops from Afghanistan.

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Renewable Energy Agency bill passes; Time for Abbott to embrace CEFC as well

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Wednesday 9th November 2011, 5:33pm

The passing of the bills to establish the Australian Renewable Energy Agency today is another big step towards a clean energy future, the Australian Greens said today.

The Greens welcomed the support for ARENA from the Opposition on the basis that an independent expert board would be in charge of investing funds. Since that is the identical structure to the Clean Energy Finance Corporation, the Opposition should also support that legislation when it comes to the parliament next year.

"ARENA will be hugely important, bringing together for the first time over $3 billion in government funds for renewable energy R&D under the auspices of an independent expert board," Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.

"For too long, political interference has seen renewable energy projects face the uncertainty of on-again off-again funding, making it impossible to invest properly for the future.

Senator Bob Brown press conference - November 9, 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 9th November 2011, 4:16pm

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown spoke to reporters in Canberra today to wish the soldiers wounded in Afghanistan a speedy recovery and to call for all Australian troops to be brought home safely.

Senator Brown also answered questions about the passage yesterday of the climate bills, the proposed mining tax, and the activities of Malaysian logging company Ta Ann.

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Senator Bob Brown press conference - November 9, 2011

Greencast | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Wednesday 9th November 2011, 4:00pm

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown spoke to reporters in Canberra today to wish the soldiers wounded in Afghanistan a speedy recovery and to call for all Australian troops to be brought home safely.

Senator Brown also answered questions about the passage yesterday of the climate bills, the proposed mining tax, and the activities of Malaysian logging company Ta Ann.

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Christine Milne at Senate doors on carbon price, steel bills, Tassie devils and more

Wednesday 9th November 2011, 12:18pm

Christine Milne at Senate doors on carbon price, steel bills, Tassie devils and more

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Beginning of a new era as Clean Energy Future bills pass into law

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Tuesday 8th November 2011, 3:13pm

Today is an historic day for Australia and a boost to global efforts to reduce emissions as the Senate passes the Clean Energy Future legislation, the Australian Greens said today.

"Today is the day that Australia lays the foundation for a whole economic transformation and it's the day we start serious action to tackle the climate crisis ," Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.

"It is a day when the parliament placed the well being of future generations front and centre.

"This is an exciting day in Australia. Laying this foundation stone means it is the beginning of building a clean, zero carbon economy and seizing the opportunities of creating jobs and investment and putting our economy on a 21st century track.

The carbon price is law. Now begins the campaign for serious climate action!

Blog Post | Blog of Christine Milne
Tuesday 8th November 2011, 3:12pm

Today we celebrate a huge achievement, with the passage of the Clean Energy Future legislation that finally puts a price on pollution and gets us ready for historical investments in clean, renewable energy, energy efficiency and protection of landscape carbon.

But, in a very real way, today's vote is a new beginning for the campaign for serious climate action, not the end.

This package of bills was designed carefully to have as many points of review as possible, as many opportunities for campaigning as possible, and as much independent expert advice as possible. Critically, it is designed with complete upward flexibility: there is no limit to our ambition if we are ready to aim high.

The challenge now is to build the political will for ambitious, science-based action over the years ahead.

Australian Greens press conference - carbon price package

Greens TV | Spokesperson Bob Brown, Christine Milne
Tuesday 8th November 2011, 3:10pm

The Australian Greens held a press conference to discuss the historic passage of the carbon price legislation through the senate, November 8, 2011