Beginning of a new era as Clean Energy Future bills pass into law

Today is an historic day for Australia and a boost to global efforts to reduce emissions as the Senate passes the Clean Energy Future legislation, the Australian Greens said today.

"Today is the day that Australia lays the foundation for a whole economic transformation and it's the day we start serious action to tackle the climate crisis," Australian Greens Deputy Leader, Senator Christine Milne, said.

"It is a day when the parliament placed the well being of future generations front and centre.

"This is an exciting day in Australia. Laying this foundation stone means it is the beginning of building a clean, zero carbon economy and seizing the opportunities of creating jobs and investment and putting our economy on a 21st century track.


Australians outraged at Great Barrier Reef destruction

Larissa Waters Profile picThe Australians Greens will today introduce an urgent motion into the Senate to suspend all dredging activity in the Great Barrier Reef World Heritage area, following the widespread public condemnation of the damage caused by coal and gas development in the Reef exposed by Four Corners last night.

“19,000 people have signed the GetUp! petition to save the Great Barrier Reef in less than 12 hours,” Australian Greens spokesperson for the environment Senator Larissa Waters said.

“Australians are absolutely horrified by what the coal and gas industries have been allowed to do to this international treasure.
