
Transgender Day of Remembrance

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 24th November 2011, 12:00am

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (South Australia) (12:07): I, and also on behalf of Senator Pratt, move:

That the Senate-

Iranian exiles and asylum seekers in Iraq

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 24th November 2011, 12:00am

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (South Australia) (12:23): I move:
That the Senate-
(a) notes that:
(i) more than 3 000 Iranian exiles and asylum seekers reside at Camp Ashraf in Iraq, and
(ii) these people are at risk of expulsion or refoulement, if the Iraqi Government persists in its plan to close the camp by the end of 2011; and

Same-Sex Relationships

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Thursday 24th November 2011, 12:00am

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (South Australia) (12:29): I move:
That the Senate-

SBS resources - are they sufficient?

Motion | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 23rd November 2011, 5:33pm

Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia) (15:45): I move:
That the Senate-
(a) notes that:
(i) in Australia there are twice as many people speaking languages other than English and that Australia is more culturally and racially diverse than 30 years ago, at the time of the formation of the Special Broadcasting Service (SBS), and
(ii) research demonstrates that tensions and fault lines exist in Australia, with particular sensitivity around refugee intake;
(b) notes that Australia's SBS:
(i) was the first multicultural broadcaster established anywhere in the world,
(ii) transmits in a different language every hour, with 7 million viewers watching SBS television in more than 60 languages per week,
(iii) exposes Australians to cultures and ideas beyond the Anglosphere,
(iv) portrays multicultural Australia and tells the stories of Aboriginal people, and
(v) has the purpose of inspiring all Australians to explore and appreciate our multicultural world and contribute to an inclusive society; and
(c) calls on the Government to consider whether the resources allocated to SBS are sufficient to allow it to fulfil its mandate and take full advantage of the education, employment and creative opportunities provided by digital multi-channelling and the National Broadband Network.
Question agreed to.

Sarah's urgent motion on amending the Marriage Act to achieve marriage equality

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 23rd November 2011, 11:54am

Senator HANSON-YOUNG (South Australia) (15:43): At the request of Senator Siewert, I move:
That, in the opinion of the Senate, the following is a matter of urgency:

Australian Refugee Council

Motion | Spokesperson Sarah Hanson-Young
Wednesday 23rd November 2011, 12:00am

(South Australia) (15:48): I move:

That the Senate congratulates the Australian Refugee Council on its 30th anniversary - 30 years of wonderful work, advocacy and promotion of Australia's multicultural society, offering important support to new arrivals and refugees.

Question agreed to.


Motion | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Sunday 13th November 2011, 7:06pm

I move that the Senate-
(a) notes:
(i) that the International Atomic Energy Agency will report on 8 November 2011 on the Implementation of the NPT Safeguards Agreement and relevant provisions of Security Council resolutions in the Islamic Republic of Iran, and
(ii) recent statements regarding potential military strikes on Iran; and
(b) calls on the Government to intensify diplomatic efforts through the Australian delegations in Vienna, Geneva and New York aimed towards a peaceful solution to this situation.
Question agreed to.

National Recycling Week

Motion | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 9th November 2011, 5:10pm

Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia) (15:57): I move:
That the Senate-
(a) notes that:
(i) National Recycling Week runs from 7 November to 13 November 2011,
(ii) Australians use more than 12 billion drink containers every year - 1.4 million per hour - fewer than half of which are recycled,
(iii) a July 2010 study commissioned by the Government found that a container deposit scheme (CDS) with a 10 cent deposit on beverage containers would increase recycling to more than 80 per cent and reduce overall litter volume by 19 per cent,
(iv) South Australia has operated a successful CDS since 1977,
(v) the Northern Territory has adopted a CDS to commence in 2012, and
(vi) the Australian Labor Party in Western Australia has adopted the Australian Greens' model CDS bill for that state; and
(b) calls on the Government to immediately adopt a national CDS.
Question put.

Mr Julian Assange

Motion | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Thursday 3rd November 2011, 1:11pm

Senator LUDLAM: I move:
That the Senate-
(a) notes that the High Court in London will bring down its decision on Wednesday, 2 November 2011 regarding Sweden's request to extradite Mr Julian Assange; and
(b) calls on the Government to ensure that:
(i) the consular and legal rights of all Australian citizens overseas are fully protected, and
(ii) if extradited to Sweden for questioning, Mr Assange not be subject to further extradition from Sweden to the United States of America under a bilateral agreement to which Australia is not party.

Australia's efforts to weaken the Convention on Cluster Munitions

Motion | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 1st November 2011, 5:10pm

Senator LUDLAM (Western Australia) (15:39): I move:

That the Senate-

(a) notes that:
(i) the Fourth Review Conference on the Convention on Prohibitions or Restrictions on the Use of Certain Conventional Weapons Which May Be Deemed to Be Excessively Injurious or to Have Indiscriminate Effects will be held in Geneva from 14 November to 25 November 2011,
(ii) Australia will be the Friend of the Chair at this conference,