Wind Energy

Wind Farms report

Speech | Spokesperson Rachel Siewert
Thursday 23rd June 2011, 2:12pm

Senator SIEWERT (Western Australia—Australian Greens Whip) (13:53):  I would like to very quickly make a few remarks, bearing in mind that this was a very controversial inquiry, and I thank the senators who participated and the secretariat for the work they have put into this committee.

WA industry lobbies stuck in the past on energy thinking

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Wednesday 4th May 2011, 4:25pm

Suggestions by the WA Chamber of Commerce and Industry and Chamber of Minerals and Energy that nuclear power should be part of WA's energy supply by 2031 are unrealistic and outdated, the Australian Greens say.

"Those industry groups calling for nuclear power in their submissions this week to the WA Government's Strategic Energy Initiative are failing to note the vast potential for sustainable economic prosperity in Western Australia based on renewable energy sources," Greens Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam said.

West Australian householders way ahead of their Government on renewable energy

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Tuesday 11th January 2011, 2:58pm

The Greens have congratulated the growing number of Western Australians using renewable energy sources, and called on the State Government to abandon plans for more coal-fired power stations and do more to encourage renewable energy development in WA.

Greens Senator for Western Australia Scott Ludlam said more than 12,000 WA households have installed systems including solar, wind and micro-hydro power but the numbers would grow much more rapidly with the right policies in place.

Mill closure presents opportunity for new Tasmanian government

Media Release | Spokesperson Christine Milne
Tuesday 13th April 2010, 3:17pm

Greens Deputy Leader, Christine Milne says a major opportunity now rests with Tasmania's new government in securing new employment opportunities following news of Burnie's soon to close paper mill.

"The announcement that the mill will close in July will at least provide certainty as to where the 165 workers stand. Months of enduring the possible threat of unemployment would have certainly taken it's toll on many North West families.

"The challenge now is to connect an available skills base to smart new industries that are both suitable for the region and immune to the boom and bust catastrophes that have plagued the North West.

Greens to move whole of Government censure motion

Media Release | Spokesperson Bob Brown
Tuesday 23rd February 2010, 10:48am

Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown will today move in the Senate to censure the Government for its gross and systematic failure in the delivery of climate change programs.

The motion will also call for the establishment of a unified Ministry and Department of Climate Change and Energy.

Greens demand Just Transition for Collie

Media Release | Spokesperson Scott Ludlam
Friday 18th December 2009, 5:32pm

Australian Greens Senator for WA Scott Ludlam will join protestors at Collie, in WA’s southwest, this weekend (19-20 Dec) to call for action by State and Federal governments on climate change and oppose the expansion of the local coal industry.

“This camp has been organised by young people dedicated to making the future a better place – and I wholeheartedly support their efforts,” Senator Ludlam said.

“The organisers have been working over many weeks to engage the Collie community, including holding a public forum, distributing flyers and contacting local people.

“The Australian Greens back their calls for a ‘Just Transition’ for this community of 7,000 people, many of whose livelihoods depends on coal.