25 November 2011

Yemeni president signs deal to step down

By Peter Symonds, 25 November 2011

The GCC agreement is a cynical arrangement patched together by the government and the opposition parties under Washington’s tutelage in a bid to end protests demanding an end to the pro-US regime.

Beijing considers response to US diplomatic offensive

By John Chan, 25 November 2011

Last weekend’s summit in Bali represented a major blow to China’s diplomatic efforts over the past decade to expand its influence in South East Asia.

Police evict Occupy Toronto protesters

By Carl Bronski 25 November 2011

Wednesday’s eviction of protesters from Toronto’s St. James Cathedral Park is part of a concerted effort by state authorities to bring an end to the Occupy protests across Canada.

More on the anti-Wall Street protests »

Nearly half of US Congress members are millionaires

By Andre Damon, 25 November 2011

Two studies published this month point to the transformation of the United States into a plutocracy.

Corruption-plagued NYPD tramples on democratic rights

By Ali Ismail, 25 November 2011

The draconian response of the New York Police Department to the ongoing anti-Wall Street protests in the city is part of a stepped-up attack on democratic rights.

Squalid manoeuvre gives extra vote to minority Australian Labor government

By Patrick O’Connor, 25 November 2011

Every section of the media is now demanding that Gillard utilise her enhanced numbers in parliament to implement pro-business economic “reform” measures.

Working people disenfranchised in New Zealand election

By Tom Peters and John Braddock, 25 November 2011

All parties are committed to a program of austerity designed to make workers pay for the global economic breakdown.

Berlin city government: SPD and CDU agree on a coalition

By Emma Bode, 25 November 2011

The new administration will slash spending, cut jobs and wages and scale back social provisions in order to balance the budget and meet its debt repayments to the banks.

Labour’s new president promotes “Irishness” to cover austerity

By Steve James, 25 November 2011

Irish President Michael D. Higgins made clear in his inauguration address that the large numbers of working people who voted for him will be immediately betrayed.

New in German

Die Krise des Euro

Von Peter Schwarz, 25. November 2011

Seit Beginn dieses Jahres ist kein einziger Monat vergangen, in dem nicht ein Gipfeltreffen neue Maßnahmen zur Rettung des Euro beschlossen hätte. Aber am Ende des Jahres steckt der Euro tiefer in der Krise denn je zuvor.

Eurozone und Weltwirtschaft im Abschwung

Von Andre Damon, 25. November 2011

Die Zinsen für Staatsanleihen schossen am Mittwoch in Europa in die Höhe, nachdem eine Auktion deutscher Anleihen gescheitert war. Jüngste Zahlen weisen auf eine neue globale Rezession hin.

Obama richtet seine Aufmerksamkeit auf Asien

Von Peter Symonds, 25. November 2011

Präsident Obama ist auf allen Fronten – der diplomatischen, der wirtschaftlichen und der strategischen – auf Konfrontationskurs mit China, um Amerikas Vorherrschaft in der Region mit dem größten Wachstum der Welt aufrechtzuerhalten.

Der Volksentscheid über Stuttgart 21

Von Ulrich Rippert und Marianne Arens, 25. November 2011

Am Sonntag findet eine Volksabstimmung über das umstrittene Bahnprojekt Stuttgart 21 statt. Die Protestbewegung soll damit zum Abschluss gebracht werden. Grund genug für einen kritischen Rückblick.

New in French

Les questions politiques dans l'incendie criminel contre le magazine français Charlie Hebdo

Par Alex Lantier, 25 novembre 2011

Avant même que soient connus l’identité ou les motifs des incendiaires, les hommes politiques français et les médias ont commencé une campagne raciste où ils se posent en défenseurs de droits démocratiques qui seraient menacés par l’islam.

Egypte: Les nouveaux soulèvements signalent un tournant de la révolution

Par Bill Van Auken, 25 novembre 2011

Les soulèvements révolutionnaires qui ont débuté en janvier dernier en Egypte ont atteint un tournant crucial où la question décisive est la mobilisation politique indépendante de la classe ouvrière dans la lutte pour le pouvoir.

New in Arabic

المجلس العسكري يدافع عن مذبحته،ويطلق هجمات جديدة على المتظاهرين

ن14 أكتوبر/ تشرين الأول 2011

دافع لؤاءات المجلس الأعلى للقوات المسلحة المصرية عن حملتهم الأخيرة على المتظاهرين السلميين،في مؤتمر صحفي يوم الثلاثاء.كان الجيش قد هجم بوحشية على حوالي 10000متظاهر سلمي أغلبهم من الأقباط أمام مبنى الإذاعة و التليفزيون في ماسبيرو،بوسط القاهرة.وقتل26متظاهر على الأقل وأصيب أكثر من 300.

Other Languages


The crisis of the euro

25 November 2011

Since this year began, hardly a month has passed without a major summit to decide on new measures to save the euro.

Earlier Perspectives »


The Greens: Adjuncts of US and Australian militarism

By James Cogan, 25 November 2011

Behind his party’s pacifist facade, Greens’ leader Bob Brown is an advocate of the “option” of military action against China.

Obama’s aggressive turn to Asia

By Peter Symonds, 24 November 2011

Renewed uprising signals turning point in Egyptian revolution

By Bill Van Auken, 22 November 2011

The counterrevolutionary role of the Egyptian pseudo-left

By Alex Lantier and Johannes Stern, 21 November 2011

Anti-Wall Street protests

The police assault at University of California, Davis

By Jerry White, 23 November 2011

DavisVideo: ISSE member at UC Davis speaks on pepper spraying of students

“They are taking away people’s rights”
Auto workers denounce police attack on California students

David Harvey and the Occupy movement

The Occupy protests in Australia, the unions and the pseudo-left

More on the anti-Wall Street protests »


European historians oppose publication by Suhrkamp of Robert Service’s Trotsky biography

By Wolfgang Weber, 23 November 2011

Fourteen prominent historians, political scientists and publicists from Germany and Austria have sent a letter to the German publishing house Suhrkamp opposing the publication of Robert Service’s biography of Trotsky.

Letter from historians to German publisher Suhrkamp on Robert Service’s biography of Trotsky

23 November 2011

Below is the text of a letter sent in July by noted European historians to the German publishing house Suhrkamp opposing its planned publication of Robert Service's biography of Leon Trotsky.

The story of Mark Zborowski: Stalin’s spy in the Fourth International

Statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International

We are republishing a statement of the International Committee of the Fourth International originally published on June 15, 1990 in the Fourth International magazine on the death of Mark Zborowski. Zborowski, a GPU spy against the Trotskyist movement, was responsible for the murder of leading cadre of the Fourth International in the 1930s and for preparing, along with other Stalinist agents, the assassination of Leon Trotsky.

Workers Struggles

Australian nurses rally in defence of wages and conditions

By Will Morrow, 25 November 2011

The nurses are maintaining industrial action within Victoria’s public hospitals in defiance of a ban imposed by the federal Labor government’s Fair Work Australia industrial relations tribunal.

UK bakers union calls off strikes at Park Cakes

By Danny Richardson, 25 November 2011

Workers at Park Cakes Bakeries in Bolton and Oldham face the prospect of a reversal of their wages and conditions after the Bakers Food and Allied Workers Union called off strikes.

Workers Struggles: Europe, Middle East & Africa

25 November 2011

The World Socialist Web Site invites workers and other readers to contribute to this regular feature.

Australia: The political issues facing Victorian nurses

By the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), 23 November 2011

Arts Review

AnonymousAnonymous: An ignorant assault on Shakespeare

By David Walsh, 23 November 2011

Clint Eastwood’s J. Edgar

By Joanne Laurier, 17 November 2011

Socialist Equality Party

Socialist Equality Party UK public meeting
What the Gleision mining tragedy reveals about Britain's trade unions

The Gleision mining tragedy has shone a harsh light on the conditions of super-exploitation now rife in what remains of the UK's mining industry.

International Students for Social Equality

The police attack at UC Davis: The working class and the defense of democratic rights

Statement of the International Students for Social Equality,
21 November 2011

Public meetings in Germany
Greece, the crisis of the euro and the dictatorship of finance

The Partei für Soziale Gleichheit and the ISSE are holding a series of meetings to discuss a socialist response to the financial crisis and the threat of dictatorship.

WSWS/ISSE public meeting in Wellington
After the New Zealand election: the fight against social inequality

Public meetings in Britain
The Occupy movement and beyond
Inequality and the fight for socialism

SEP and ISSE public meetings
Occupy Wall Street and Beyond: Equality and the Fight for Socialism

Committee Against Utility Shutoffs

DTEVideo: Michigan residents denounce DTE Energy’s “Customer Assistance Day”

24 November 2011

Residents seeking home heating assistance at the Cobo Hall event in Detroit spoke out on the lack of help available and the event itself.

Thousands line up for heating assistance in Detroit

By Shannon Jones and Lawrence Porter, 23 November 2011

Detroit residents: “There is nothing here for the people but a struggle”

23 November 2011

Visit the CAUS web site »

Auto Workers Struggles

UAW-run trust fund to cut retiree health benefits

By Jerry White, 17 November 2011

PSA Peugeot Citroën to slash 6,000 jobs in Europe

By Antoine Lerougetel, 21 November 2011

More on auto workers’ struggles »

25 years ago: Iran-Contra cover-up unravels

On November 26, 1986, US President Ronald Reagan went on national television and revealed that secret arms sales to Iran—carried out in violation of a US arms and trade embargo—had been used to illegally funnel money to Nicaraguan Contra forces, engaged in a dirty war against the nationalist Sandinista government of Daniel Ortega.

More »

50 years ago: UN report highlights Palestinian refugee crisis

A report delivered to the United Nations on November 25, 1961 revealed that separate discussions with Israel and the Arab nations offered little hope that any resolution could be found for the plight of the estimated 1.2 million Palestinians dispossessed from their former homes and lands in Israel.

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75 years ago: “Trotskyist wreckers” in Kemerovo Trial executed

On November 22, 1936 the defendants in the Kemerovov Trial, falsely accused of sabotage and being members of an "Anti-Soviet Trotskyite Centre," were found guilty and shot later the same day.

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100 years ago: British ruling class divisions on foreign policy

The keynote debate on foreign policy in the British House of Commons on November 27, 1911 pointed to the intensifying rivalry among the Great Powers.

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