
Tutorial: An introduction to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
Tutorial: An introduction to Public Key Infrastructure (PKI)
How does PKI work - without going into technical nitty-gritty. In this short movie tutorial, I hope to convey the essence of PKI security. There is much more that can be said, and I try to keep things light (I make a few shortcuts), yet this little clip should help a newbie to acquire a basic understanding of Public Key Infrastructure principles.

PKI Holland Computing Center Deploys Quad-Core AMD Opteron
PKI Holland Computing Center Deploys Quad-Core AMD Opteron
The Peter Kiewit Institute (PKI) at the University of Nebraska has deployed 2300 Quad-Core AMD Opteron processors -- or 9200 cores -- operating at over 60 Teraflops at its Holland Computing Center. Highlights include: -The ease of upgrading from Dual-Core AMD Opteron processors to Quad-Core; -Additionally, this upgrade equated to over triple the original performance with no change in PKI's thermal footprint whatsoever; -Furthermore, not only does this computing center provide the exact technology environment researchers are looking for, but it also currently serves as the largest Microsoft Computer Cluster in the world.

Certificate Services 1: Introduction, Building a PKI
Certificate Services 1: Introduction, Building a PKI
Certificate Services: Introduction, Building a PKI, infrastructure and Certificate Authorities.

Loyalitas dan Ambisi Aidit pada PKI
Loyalitas dan Ambisi Aidit pada PKI
This film is a piece of film called "G 30 S / PKI" work great director Arifin C. Noer. Describing the condition of the preparatory meetings "G 30 S" by the PKI (which is still vague truth), and also Aidit ambition to seize power in Java as a key power in Indonesia. However, in this movie that I want to show is how the loyalty of PKI members of his party that there was no doubt. That said, they are also willing to cut his salary as a member of the legislature party for greatness and welfare of his people. Attitudes are very rarely shown by politicians today ...