Ron Paul 2012

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It’s Official: Ron Paul Is Running for President!

He Can Win The Republican Nomination And Beat Obama in 2012

From CNN’s Political Ticker:

Who does best against Obama? [Ron] Paul. The congressman from Texas, who also ran as a libertarian candidate for president in 1988 and who is well liked by many in the tea party movement, trails the president by only seven points (52 to 45 percent) in a hypothetical general election showdown. Huckabee trails by eight points, with Romney down 11 points to Obama. The poll indicates the president leading Gingrich by 17 points, Palin by 19, and Trump by 22 points. More…

As early as last year, Ron Paul would have gained 41% of the vote compared to Obama’s 42% – statistical dead heat. Among independents, Paul had an astonishing 47% to 28% edge over the president.

Ron Paul Can Win In 2012! But Will He Actually Run?

YES! On May 13, 2011, Ron Paul officially announced his candidacy for the Republican nomination.

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  4. Make a donation (up to $2,500) to Ron Paul at his official campaign website.
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Countering the Mainstream Media’s Bias Against Ron Paul

Now that Ron Paul is actively campaigning and his support is increasing exponentially, the mainstream media will continue to ignore or downplay his growing appeal. The media is part of the military-industrial complex and they stand to lose their corporate welfare checks when Ron Paul becomes President! We need to work even harder at getting the message out at the grassroots level! Tell 5+ people about Ron Paul today… and tomorrow… and every day!

Ron Paul can win… Ron Paul must win… Ron Paul will win! Please do everything you can to help us spread the message and reach our goal! Thanks for your support!

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AlexPena 6 pts

Ron Paul is the only one with an open mind RON PAUL 2012

Bella7198 6 pts

My question is wat more can ron do 2 improve this country i'm tired of these president's sayin wat they can do 2 improve this country but never do it like Barack Obama wat has he done come on get real.........Hopefully ron won't make the same mistakes as obama........GO RON PAUL.....

ken locke 7 pts

Go Ron Go!!!

Call anytime for help!

Ron will win 2012 Election.

Will be totally cool.

We THE PEOPLE can ask, Is There A Doctor in the House? and the answer will be YES! :)

The United States will rejoice once he steps into the office, Great Track Record, Truth,Compassion


Vote RON PAUL 2012

alsupillustrations 10 pts

This CAN be accomplished.... Ron Paul CAN win!... :)

4nR abroad 7 pts

Finally! A real leader that wants to go back to the Gold Standard and make American currency "real" again! Get rid of the debt to China (why in the world does the USA have to borrow money from China is beyond my comprehension) and bring the "boys" home! Who could ask for anything more! Thomas Jefferson I believe stated we should be a country on trade not interference (I can’t quote that… my History from 30 years ago is rusty) but that’s what America should be! a Manufacturing Country with "Our" interests first...and I'm sorry to say...even as a Gulf War veteran....our interests are not in fighting wars in far flung areas of the's not WWII....the Military is worried as are the Corporate Welfare Junkies?

Bella7198 6 pts

i 2 agree with this statement y do we have 2 borrow money from china r we dat broke??????

4nR abroad 7 pts

Well Let them develop "New Technology" say " Strategic Earth Cruisers" that can deploy from the USA to anywhere in the World in a matter of hours 20 Battalions 5,000 tanks and 10,000 Fighters and a full sea worthy fleet and particle beam defense and 100,000 support personal....and be self sufficient for months to years on a single deployment...etc and make at least 10 such "Strategic Earth Cruisers" that will keep the Corporations and Military busy...and the World knowingly awed that better not mess with the best or wanna be Hitler’s beware the sleeping but ever aware Giant that America once was!.....all conjecture Ron Paul just to give dignity back to the USA as really folks who needs a dollar of a paper worth 20cents when you can have real "cash" back by precious metals and not mealy-mouthed Feds?????.....

denaNY1 6 pts

Anyone who has LOVE in his campaign is worthy of looking at. I think the top GOP leaders will start to reveal some true colors and crack while the grass-roots, slow-and-steady Ron Paul will quietly build. I'm not decided yet but I do like how authentic, and 'non political game-player' Ron Paul is.

sonyar 7 pts

Hey! I have been going back and researching how Ron feels about various issues. He is the first person in a while that I believe tells the truth as he see it. He seems to be unwavering. I would like to know what he would do in some war "what-ifs". I feel comfortable with his views so far. I am just not sure "when" or "if" he would ever feel there is a time we should take action. I wonder if anyone knows what he felt about our helping in the war against Hitler.

:) Sonya

Bruer 6 pts

sonyar I'm not sure what Ron Paul would've done about Hitler, but I can tell you he wouldn't ruin the country as F.D.R. did. Nazi Germany and Imperial Japan were a serious threat to Americans, that is without doubt. Iraq, Afgandyland, and Iran however are not serious threats to Americans. Sure, atrocities were (and are) commited in all of the countries i've mentioned, but the Federal Government of the United States shouldn't take offensive action so carelessly. Maybe you can justify attacks in Afgandyland, but occupation is rediciulus. In any case, Ron Paul is a rare candidate. He's not the candidate of "The People", he's the candidate of "You", and "Me". He's the man that will dismantle the welfare state, from your mooching neighbor to the wall street crook. I wasn't old enough to vote for him in '08, but i'll damn sure be voting for him in Virginia's primary, and regardless of whether he wins the nomination or not, i'll write his name in the election. I'm sick of hearing people say "I vote for the lesser of two evils." I'm not worried about Rick Perry being elected, i'm not worried about another four years of President Obama, i'm worried about our mentality that puts these clowns in power. Ron Paul is a man of his word, and has a good head on his shoulders, there is nothing on his personal or public record to say otherwise. You will never find another candidate with a message such as his, so I suggest you look into his policies, and use your brain to vote.

4nR abroad 7 pts

Agreed! And I believe the threat you speak of is the complacency that has been creeping into the very fabric of American's via political manipulation and media mogul fodder! I'm heartened to see a youth such as yourself being "aware" of America's present state and encourage you to "witness" to your friends to do the same Vote Ron Paul and restore true liberty to American's. After all do free citizens need to be told how to live their life by the FEDs....

Bella7198 6 pts

i agree with ur statement and i 2 wonder what he would do if he were president like will he improve medical care or make it so that everyone gets an education i feel that he might make these thing happen but like i said waht if hes just another obama not doing anything to help this country we do need a president who will stand to his potential instead of backing down aned someone who will improve the education for our fellow children and many more to come....

kenwcreative 6 pts

Hi Bella,

As a response to your question "What If" i give you this in response and to remember Dr. Paul has not change his stance on ANYTHING for 30 yrs.

OliverTroll 5 pts


Finaly a guy which make sense... go Ron GO!!

philoec 8 pts


MattPapke 15 pts

Hello Fellow Patriots!

So we have been hard at work here in Tempe, Arizona. And now I would like to share some ideas with the people here. In order for us to effect change we really need to work, not just talk, but work together.

1) In Arizona we have several meetup groups. These are facilitated through it's free and a great way to connect to other Ron Paul Supporters.

2) We have been doing the sign waves, getting together for Debates ( a liberty friendly restaurant is giving us space)

3) We had the Rock the Revolution tour. (concert)

4) Working to register people to vote

But I"ll tell you what is most exciting to me we got ASU campus to start up it's very own Ron Paul crew. getting the passion and vigor of these students is what Obama did in 2008 if we can capture it in 2011/2012 I think we really have a shot at the title.

In addition to the boots on the ground work we have been doing we have been strategizing on how to get the delegates for Ron Paul. I'll be releasing a document in the coming week outlining this initiative.

Guys and Girls I am by no way saying follow me, honest. I'm really new to this type of work but I really I mean really want to see America get back on track: Stop fighting wars, killing our youth, our dollar our future. It's time to Restore America.

We all gotta get together in our own neighborhoods, cities, and states to spread the good word and works of Dr. Paul. If all of us worked half as hard as he has I'd say it's a sure thing to get him in.

Feel free to contact me with any questions or ideas. I spoke with a Ron Paul campaigner in Las Vegas today he has access to the Ron Paul HQ. We need to network and connect as many ideas and passions as possible.

Ron Paul 2012

daryn.herzberg 5 pts

Like him or not, Ron Paul is the man who can save this country. He is not afraid to make the changes we need. He is not afraid to keep promises. He is not afraid of putting the American people before anyone else in the world. Ron Paul is everything that the United States needs in a President. The media is ignoring him, despite the fact that he is often beating or nearly tying his Republican competitors in straw polls. Ron Paul and the United States needs our help getting his name into the grassroots. Check him out, check the others out, spread the word.

fauxbusters 5 pts

We must also address the CHEMTRAILS (geo-engineering) problem.

fred_bynum 5 pts

I'm having a BIG problem, I'm being BLOCKED by Craigslist. They will let me post. But thwy are not putting up my post for everyone to see. I have been posting all across the Country for Dr. Paul's Campaign. Someone doesn't like the truth to be told.So I get flagged all of the time.

So I started post on I got barred for 1 week while they did an investigation.

I checked with Craigslist they say the believe in the Constitution. But they also have the United Nations Constitution added as well. The United Nations is part of the NEW WORLD ORDER.

This is where FREEDOM of speech has died on craigslist.

This is like the Fox in Charge of the Hen House. If you are a Supporter of Dr. Ron Paul Please Start posting on Craigslist all across the country. We all can help in our own way.

WE need Dr. Ron Paul as our Next President.

All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent.

Thomas Jefferson / Dr.Ron Paul

A wise and frugal government, which shall leave men free to regulate their own pursuits of industry and improvement, and shall not take from the mouth of labor the bread it has earned - this is the sum of good government.

Thomas Jefferson / Dr.Ron Paul

Blue Republic 10 pts

I've had similar problems on the New York Times site - I haven't used

Craigslist for anything other than shopping and checking out the

personals on the odd occasion..

What forums or parts of the site have you been posting to? I think it's

important to be active on these sites - not just hanging out with the

already-converted. It's going to take a *big* movement of

sympathetic Independents, Democrats, etc. registering Republican

in addition to making more headway among the already-Republican

for Paul to have a shot at the nomination. If he gets that, he's got

a good shot against Obama.

Do run run, Ron do do run, Ron!

getting this video to go viral would help:

speaking of Jefferson:

l0rdhelmet223 5 pts

It's kinda funny what comes to mind,... In the movie The Shaw-shank Redemption where Morgan Freeman was talking about how he was an "institutional man". I makes me wonder how many people in this country have been slowly "institutionalized" to the point that they have forgotten what LIBERTY really is. If things continue on the path that it's on now we may all have to ask for permission to take a piss. I have never been very political, hell I haven't voted in 15 years but I plan to in the primary and the general elections for Ron Paul... I feel America waking up, the sleeping giant is stirring. I always used to think that term (sleeping giant) referred to our military might or something cliche' but it has always been reserved for the power of it's people... I see that now... We have a voice, and no matter how the MSM tries to manipulate the information or deny RP media coverage, we must not be silent . I've never seen anyone hand out hope the way he does, not by telling people what they want to hear or what's convenient at the time. But with the truth and addressing the true underlying problems in the country, with REAL freedoms and civil liberties.. How could anyone who says that the want something better and loves their country not support this man

LorenzoTorres 5 pts

and thanks to the Patriot act, I'm sure almost every one on here is on the governments watch list.

LorenzoTorres 5 pts

While I may not agree with everything Ron Paul believes in, I will definitely vote for him in 2012. Even though I am pro-choice, that matter is almost trivial compared with the rest of America's problems caused by the FED and the greedy bankers.

philoec 8 pts

What it could be a reason not to vote for Dr. Paul?

None. Dr. Paul is pro-life, anti-war, pro-DEMOCRACY, not tyranny as we are living it right now/

Dr. Paul 2012

philoec 8 pts

Obama says will announce tomorrow his new Obama Plan to consolidate students loans. He knows how critical is for him 2012 so he is desperate to win the youth's votes.

Will America be so naive to vote again for this man that brought us to the brink of despair?

Ron Paul 2012!!!

TimothyKeidel 6 pts

ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul ron paul we want our freedom back obama takes it from us more and more everyday and anybody else would be another obama other than ron paul!!!!!

MichelleBaugh 5 pts

Ron Paul for President! An honest, intelligent, man, who will begin the process of weeding out the corrupt in power. He will bring our troops home for good. He will cut military spending and not be so quick to go to war! Watch all you can on Ron Paul, see for yourself! Vote this coming year.....for Ron Paul!

Liberty 27 pts

I needed a real laugh. Jon Steward is hillarous. I wonder if Fox News and the other Media anchors saw this clip.

But beyond this humorous reality, Ron Paul is at the forefront despite being belittled and dismissed. It it the internet that will reveal truefully what he believes in and his plan for correcting this awful economy.

Ron Paul 2012

MattPapke 15 pts

ChristopherCornwall That is exactly what we need to do.. Become involved in the party and recruit from with in. We have several members who are committeemen in our group. They will be eligible to do to the caucuses.

" If you want to change government, you have to become government" Ron Paul

ChristopherCornwall 7 pts

I did something I never thought I would do last night and registered as a republican so I can support him in the Colorado caucus, I will be encouragin everyone I know to do the same! He can do this, we just all need to support him as individuals.

philoec 8 pts

ChristopherCornwall Me too, I'm talking to all students on campus, specially those in my History class where we discuss the reasons of our freedom or are we really free?

I have a group of 9 votes secured for Dr. Paul. Regardless what Obama says will do to help students with their loans, we all know he is giving his last moment attempts, more lies as he was in 2008.

Ron Paul 2012!!!

Bella7198 6 pts

u seem so sure that he can support this country but dats just wat everyone said about obama wat if he doesn't improve this country then wat do we do next i'm not tryin 2 put him down but but get real...:)

5xstronger 6 pts

So far I like what I see kin Paul. I watched the GOP debate in las Vegas and he was the ONLY candidate who actually answered all of the questions without beating around the bush and without dodging them. He understands the occupy protest and he has the best ideas so far. I'm going to keep following him so I can know for sure who gets my vote. It's him or Obama, the rest if the republican candidates are lost, out of touch with reality, and just a horrible move.

fauxbusters 5 pts

I like what Ron Paul has to say, I just did not like the way the email was handled, so I had to unsubscribe. Also any inquiries I emailed never were responded and I am expected to contribute without getting any response. I still prefer Ron Paul over anyone else.

tricktone 6 pts

Finally, a guy who knows what the hell he's talking about. I've never been much for politics, because I find it frustrating to watch people sit there and argue about what color to paint a bridge while ignoring the fact that it's crumbling to the ground. You can only hide fundamental flaws in a system for so long. Eventually they will reveal themselves in unexpected and often catastrophic ways. Hats off to Ron Paul for having the guts to address the real, underlying issues at hand without fear of media bias, mockery, or condemnation.

l0rdhelmet223 5 pts

tricktone Amen brother!!! Let the revolution begin

AJ179 7 pts

As a 30 yr old African-American female and registered Democrat who voted and campaigned for Obama in 2008, I can say that I like Ron Paul. But I don't know enough about him. His message is getting buried...however I will say that if wants to have a shot at the nomination he needs to appeal to swing voters like myself, especially African-Americans. I think they would like him, but he needs to reach that population. Splitting off Blacks from Obama is the only way to get serious media attention. Take that to the bank...

MattPapke 15 pts

AJ179 I completely agree with you! Ron Paul will appeal to President Obama's broad liberal base. He is anti War. That is what much of President Obama

s campaign was geared around. Thats why I voted for him in 2008 after Dr. Paul did not get hte nomination. Here is a Youtube Video discussing Dr.s Pauls affinity toward the African American community. there are several our there please do research this man. If you have any more questions I"ll do my best to answer them.

Matt Papke


AJ179 7 pts

His strongest talking points with AAs will be the 2 unjust wars that disproportionately affect our community: the drug war and the war in the Middle East. He really needs to spend some of his campaign dollars on advertising these 2 points in major urban markets. I was a precinct captain for Obama...grassroots support is built by getting people fired up. Then they will tell a friend who will tell 5 friends...once the momentum is built it works for you but you can't have momentum if people don't even know your name. This is especially critical for Paul as he is stifled in mainstream media...something needs to happen that will get people's attention. His ideas are refreshing enough that they will do it for him, but he needs to reach his target audiences.

5xstronger 6 pts

AJ179 I agree with you. Obama got my vote last time, but its between Obama and Paul for this election.

philoec 8 pts

5xstrongerAJ179 I hope America learned from cheap politicians 2008 and see people's representatives like Dr. Paul as person of integrity who will not compromise with the enemy of liberty. We need to get out of bondage and only Dr. Paul can do it in 2012!!

Obama_FTW 5 pts

Ron Paul opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964

It's not just him though. The Republican Party has catered to racist sentinents since they adopted the Southern Strategy.

l0rdhelmet223 5 pts

Obama_FTW If you had done your research you would know that RP is not a racist, yes he did vote against the civil rights act but it was done on the principles of civil liberties... It comes back to his message as a whole,... It is not the federal governments job to tell the people of this country how they should live... It had absolutely nothing to do with race... forcing people play nice is not their job.

Obama_FTW 5 pts


Ron Paul opposes the Civil Rights Act of 1964

It's not just him though. The Republican Party has catered to racist sentinents since they adopted the Southern Strategy.

5xstronger 6 pts

Obama_FTW AJ179 I didn't know that, thank you for that info. This is why I like to do thorough research before I decide who gets my vote.

philoec 8 pts

AJ179 The only way to know more about someone we are interested is by knowing him more. I did not know anything about Dr. Paul until this summer, by accident I ended up reading who is Dr. Paul and what is his role in the American Liberty.

All he says makes sense to one who knows liberty is a gift from God, it nos given by any one. I'll not change my mind and my family and friends will vote Ron Paul 2012