
20 Unusual Uses for Coffee

These 20 unusual household, garden and beauty uses for coffee will ensure that you never toss used grounds in the trash again. More »Unusual uses for coffee

How to Save at Least $250 on Your Heating Bills This Year

Take charge of your energy bill by making a few, simple fixes around the house. It's good … More »Save money on heat

How Clean Are Bagged Salads?

Wondering how clean those "triple-washed" salad greens really are? Studies suggest you … More »How clean are bagged salads?

  • By Anna Brones

    Sometimes we need reminders of who we are and what is important. Finding Oregon is one of those reminders. Shot in Oregon, and produced by Uncage the Soul Productions, the video is a composite of timelapses, giving us an intimate look at the day and night sky in some of the most remote places in this western state known for its natural resources and beauty. This video is a fresh respite from our everyday, overloaded, technology dependent, lives. It reminds us of the natural rhythms that we have almost become unaccustomed to, reintroducing us to the power and routine of nature. Photographer and Uncage the Soul team member Ben Canales knows a thing or two about timelapses, and in this EcoSalon exclusive behind-the-scenes he shares his inspiration and process, giving us a look into the reality of creating a magical 3 minutes.

    How long did you film for?
    About 70% of the timelapse sequences were shot in one intense, week-long road trip going to all four of the fu...Read More »

  • Sweet and spicy toasted pumpkin seeds

    Athletes often need to pack a lot of calories and nutrients in to their diets to compensate for all of the energy their grueling exercise schedules require. Healthy snacks are a great way to boost nutrients between workouts without taking too much time to prepare or eat.

    Snacks that are high in protein are particularly important for athletes, as protein is crucial for muscle growth and recovery (as well as maintaining healthy skin and bones). Smart athletes eat a variety of proteins -- like eggs, lentils and quinoa -- that provide the body with essential amino acids that it can't create itself.

    When it comes to finding protein-rich foods, athletes are like the rest of us and often go straight to meat. However, some of the best protein-packed snacks are meat-free as well as fresh and delicious. Almost all vegetables, beans, grains, and nuts contain protein, making them a tasty, inexpensive and healthy source.

    Sports nutritionists recommend getting protein from a variety of fres

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  • Goosebumps (MaryLane/Flickr)

    Goosebumps (MaryLane/Flickr)

    by Chanie Kirschner, Mother Nature Network

    Well, if you've ever been in an air-conditioned New York City bus on a hot summer day, you know that goose bumps can be caused by extreme cold (that's because there are only two settings for the air conditioning on NYC public transportation - "Icebox" or "Heat Wave"). If you've ever been chased by a bear, you also know that goose bumps can be caused by fear. But how?

    Goose bumps are a phenomenon caused by the sympathetic nervous system, which controls our fight-or-flight response. When you encounter a dangerous situation, such as a bear approaching you, your sympathetic nervous system sends more blood to your brain, slows digestion, and causes your pupils to dilate - all things that will help you either "fight" or "take flight."

    Goose bumps are one of those fight-or-flight responses of the sympathetic nervous system. When you experience cold or fear, for example, a nerve reaction is sent to the muscles that control the hair follicles on

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  • Vinegar is a great, green cleaner, but you can't use it for everything.

    By Adam Verwymeren, Hometalk

    Common household vinegar is one of those wonder products that people are always discovering new uses for. Whether you want to drive away dandruff, eradicate mildew, or keep bugs at bay, vinegar has been proposed as a solution to just about every problem under the sun.

    But while it has a number of uses, vinegar isn't always the solution, and on occasion it can be downright dangerous. Here are the top 8 ways not to put this miracle substance to work in your home.

    1. While vinegar is good at cleaning many things, you shouldn't confuse it with soap. Alkaline cleaners like dish detergent are ideally suited for lifting grease, whereas vinegar will have little effect on it. If you have a greasy cleaning job, reach for regular soap and leave the vinegar on the shelf.

    2. You should never use vinegar on waxed surfaces. The vinegar will only strip the wax off, dulling the sheen on your nicely shined car. However, vinegar is a great option if you're lo

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  • By Stephanie Rogers

    Can you imagine life without coffee? We'd all stumble around like drones for hours every morning, lost without our precious fix. We love coffee for its flavor, its aroma and of course its pick-me-up, but there are at least 20 more compelling reasons to stay stocked up. These tips will give you surprising and unusual uses for fresh coffee beans or grounds that have gone stale, the pounds of used grounds you toss out every week and the dregs at the bottom of your cup.

    Kill fridge odor
    Wouldn't you rather smell coffee than two-week-old leftovers, half-rotten produce and spoiled milk? If your fridge is a nightmare of foul odors, place a bowl of fresh, unused coffee grounds inside and leave it for a day or two. The coffee will absorb the odors and you'll crave a cup whenever you open the door. This odor-killing trick works for practically anything else as well - just place the item in a sealed plastic bag along with an open can of coffee grounds and bye-bye stank.

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