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Newly Divorced Olivia Wilde Defends Kim Kardashian

Newly Divorced Olivia Wilde Defends Kim Kardashian

Don't count Olivia Wilde among those signing a petition to boycott Kim Kardashian.

Like Kardashian, the sexy In Time actress, 27, made divorce headlines in 2011. Early in October, Wilde and Italian prince Tao Ruspoli finalized their divorce after eight years of marriage (they separated in February). On Oct. 31, of course, Kardashian, 31, filed for divorce after 72 days of matrimony with Kris Humphries.

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"I empathize. It's not easy," Wilde told the New York Post of the reality star's romantic drama at a Tuesday bash in Manhattan.

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Indeed, pals told Us Weekly that Kardashian "thinks the world turned against her" in the wake of her quickie split from Humphries, 26. "She feels everyone hates her."

Not Wilde! "[Divorce] is the hardest thing in the world," said the star, who eloped with Ruspoli when she was just 19. (Similarly, Kardashian was also 19 when she married music producer Damon Thomas.)

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"People judge you because divorce is seen as failure. [Kim] took a risk. No one should be attacking her," Wilde mused. "Our attention should be focused on things that are truly scandalous."

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  • Bobby 3 days ago
    Make a big public deal about your wedding, your divorce will also have big public attention. You asked for it, you got it. Suck it up.
  • Pamela A O 3 days ago
    Agreed that divorce is hard - but the way Kim did it was not good. If Kris was really the love of her life as she stated many times, then she could have at least tried counseling or at least sitting down with him before going to the press. I agree, 8 years in a marriage, then divorce IS NOT like 72 days and the way it was played out.
  • Jules80 3 days ago
    No, our attention should be focused on things that really our own lives.
  • Rp 3 days ago
    First: Why is it we're calling Kim Kardashian a "star" -- because she made a sex video? Nobody would know who she was if it wasn't for her father (defended OJ -- remember). Second: Her divorce is just another ploy to stay in the lime light.
  • opinionated me 3 days ago
    We all know the whole thing is scripted, and badly acted out.
  • Chris Brown 3 days ago
    If you make a career out of chasing fame, sell the broadcast rights to your own wedding, and divorce after less than 3 months, you've lost the right to complain about being judged by the public.
  • mirza b 3 days ago
    I thought Olivia Wilde had brains. How can she compare her divorce to that of Kim's. Divorcing after 8 years of marriage is not necessarily considered a failure. Now after 72 days, that's just a mockery of marriage. Did Kris cheat on her or beat her up that she quickly ran out of the relationship. Even if Kim and her husband are 2 different people and she realized that after marriage, she should have stuck in their to see if they could find middle ground. But Kim, haha, what does she know about commitment.
  • saraimay75 3 days ago
    Marriage is hard because you need to sacrifice. Kim was not willing to sacrifice.
  • Grace 3 days ago
    there are many things harder than divorce. how about STAYING married?
  • alesia 3 days ago
    i'm sorry but Kim is just now thinking that everyone hates her?? i don't hate her, but i also don't watch her shows, i have never heard anyone ever say anything positive about her the wasn't in her family! maybe she should focus on that instead of what other people think of her. honestly how many of her so called fans does she actually know?? i doubt very many. and really people who thought it was going to last?? i'll wait for the response.............. crickets!! ok so no one but her and kris it seems. move on Kim and here is a hint if you want a real life get out of reality t.v. you are no spring chicken, your looks are great but they won't last for ever!! just saying!! :(
  • SiouxsieQ79 3 days ago
    It's funny that The K Clan says that Kim's first husband was abusive and what not, but she was married to him for how long??? a couple years? But this marriage was sooo much worse than being abused, that it only lasted 72 days... I bet she doesn't like the NBA Lockout... no money, no Kim.
  • obviously smart 3 days ago
    She didnt took a risk, she knew she was not going to stay married to this man long, she just wanted to bank off the wedding, then bank off the divorce. If the marriage would have lasted at least a year, I would have felt differently. I think we as the normal people can rule the celebrities, we should start boycotts to let them know that we are in charge, and it is not a #$%$ thing they can do about it.
  • Jeff 3 days ago
    Kim was hated by everyone to begin with. People just watched the show to see when the train was going to crash. It has crashed...time to go. Look....she has had implants, lip injections, nose job and lipo (and that is what we know for a fact). You can take pretty much any girl...send her to the doc to get the same surgeries and have a 24/7 make-up/stylist and they would look just as glamorous! Her only claim to fame is having sex with another no-name idiot on tape and knowing how to market it. I bet her father is spinning in his grave!! This family is everywhere....they are like a cancer that needs to be cured. The only way to cure it is to completely boycott ANYTHING to do with the "Kardashian brand".
  • AceOfCase 2 days ago
    There's a big difference between eight years and 72 days! Kardashian didn't even try to make it work--as soon as it got difficult, she bailed. I've been married for 6 years, and it is hard at times. Thank goodness that everyone in America doesn't share Kim's ideals/values on marriage. She's a horrible influence on our youth!
  • Heidi 3 days ago
    Um, Kim does deserve to be criticized because she got married just for the publicity and the millions that she made off the wedding!
  • Nancy L 3 days ago
    Ms. Wilde, please shut up...............................
  • Crystal 3 days ago
    How nuch did they pay you Oliver- To pretend to be her friend-
  • Cavalry Scout 3 days ago
    The difference between them: Kim's marriage broke before the $10,000,000.00 cake cutting. I can't understand why everybody thinks she's so hot. She isn't that pretty, she is short, her butt is way too big and her chest is totally fake. So what's the big deal. My wife is 10,000 times better looking, and she puts up with me. What else could a guy want?
  • sweetlatinkat 3 days ago
    olivia shut up before we sign a boycott petition on you too... God li!!!!
  • edition 3 days ago
    Am I the only person on the planet who doesnt find and of the kadashions attractive ?