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J Street

The political home for pro-Israel, pro-peace Americans

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Welcome to JStreetPAC

JStreetPAC is the first political action committee to endorse and raise money for federal candidates based on their support for Israel and for American policy in the Middle East that promotes security through peace, a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and active diplomacy to address regional conflict.

In 2008, JStreetPAC emerged merged as the single-largest pro-Israel PAC in the country, distributing nearly $600,000 to 41 endorsed candidates, 33 of whom won their races. JStreetPAC 2008 Election Report

Building on the success of our inaugural cycle, JStreetPAC made history in 2010 by distributing over $1.5 million to 61 endorsed candidates, more than 2.5 times more than 2008 and the largest ever by any Pro-Israel PAC.  JStreetPAC's endorsees fared well in the face of the most toxic political atmosphere in recent memory.  Overall, 45 of 61 endorsees won their races, including 82% of House incumbents.  This financial support came from an expansive fundraising network including thousands of online donors, a dozen PAC events held in cities across the country, and from our growing National Finance Committee. JStreetPAC 2010 Election Report

In 2012, JStreetPAC has ambitious goals to build strong political support for pro-Israel, pro-peace candidates. To see our full list of endorsees click here.

About Us

JStreetPAC supports Congressional candidates who share our conviction that strong American leadership to end the Israeli-Palestinian and Israeli-Arab conflicts peacefully and diplomatically will advance U.S. interests in the Middle East and promote real peace and security for Israel and the region.

What people are saying about JStreetPAC

"What a mitzvah you are doing with JStreetPAC! Thank you for all children's future."

-  Dan, Boston
"President Obama needs us - and JStreetPAC - if he's going to be able to make peace a reality."
- Jeannie, Florida 

"Thank you, JStreetPAC, for the voice you've give to the concerns of so many of us."

- Susie, San Francisco

J Street is a 501(c)(4) organization that primarily focuses on nonpartisan education and advocacy on important national issues. Contact J Street at info [at] jstreet [dot] org.

JStreetPAC is a federal political action committee that primarily helps members elect candidates who reflect our values through a variety of activities aimed at influencing the outcome of the next election. Contact JStreetPAC at info [at] jstreetpac [dot] org.

Paid for by J Street,, and JStreetPAC, Not authorized by any candidate or candidate's committee.

JStreetPAC and J Street are legally independent organizations.