... Whose Story Do I See?

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Hunger, pollution, deforestation, eviction, debt,..
We aggregate films and news about projects and policies that benefit the few at the expense of the many. We are currently exploring better ways of sharing these resources - suggestions welcome.

Selected films

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The first Spanish fiction film under Creative Commons License released in cinema and Internet, about the global debt crisis, trade imbalances, the role of the IFIs and TNCs, climate change and ecological debt, among many other issues. It's also a website with educational materials and action/campaigning proposals.

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What makes the failure of a bank like Goldman Sachs so terrifying? Simply put, the economic dangers posed by “too big to fail” banks remain very real. As Andrew Sheng, chief adviser to China’s Banking Regulatory Commission, colorfully put it, “They are so powerful they are essentially Godzillas.” But these Godzillas aren’t destroying Tokyo.

Date of Production: 
20 Oct 2011
Institute for New Economic Thinking
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New risks to environmental assessment, Indigenous Peoples, forced resettlement, natural habitats, physical cultural resources, forests, dam safety, project supervision, financial intermediaries, project appraisal, monitoring, and evaluation...

Information and Comments on Program for Results (P4R) Lending Instrument as proposed in Draft Operational Policy 9.00

Date of Production: 
1 Oct 2011
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The Global Campaign for Aid Transparency. Aid is a precious resource, but to get the most out of it we need more and better aid information.

Working with organisations from around the world, we call on donors to publish what they fund.

Slurpy Studios
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Head auditors from the EU and the IMF were on Thursday to resume an audit to save Greece from the brink of default, sparking a barrage of ministry occupations by austerity-opposing civil servants. Duration: 00:43

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Animation all about how the European Investment Bank sends EU money through banks, funds and companies that hide in tax havens.. capital flight that undermines health, education etc worldwide.

Date of Production: 
1 Dec 2010