Slovenian translation

uri | book | Friday, July 1st, 2011

My article “Anarchism Reloaded” – also the second chapter of AA! – has been translated into Slovenian and appears in the newly released collection Antologija anarhizma 3 from the publisher Zalozba Krtina.

Here’s a machine translation of the blurb:

When the end of the 19th century seemed that we will see a “century anarchism,” the political events again showed that “competition of ideas” throughout history has never been particularly fair. Only a few decades the anarchist movement was due to a systematic anti-anarchist “heresy” is only a pale shadow of the global network, which is prefigurirala completely new political alternative. It is therefore not surprising that many authors in recent decades has announced the end of anarchism too, but then again were forced to revise their theses. Today it is unnecessary to emphasize that within the “post-seattelskega” alter-globalist movement anarchism space just the most creative and most lucid radical boil. A return to Anarchism for a new notebook Anthology of Anarchism represents both relief and a new problem. In recent years, recorded a bifurcation anarchist thought and practice which lead to a degree where it is due to heterogeneity difuznosti and “flow” practically impossible to determine the limits of anarchism. Despite these limitations, the choice of trying to overcome the risk of smoothing anarchism on one dimension, the task of identifying relevant and anachronistic within the new anarchism left to the reader himself. The new notebook does not support “true” anarchism, nor an uncritical and naive inventory of cases and evidence that anarchism is possible and necessary. If the texts collected in this volume Anthology of Anarchism in less than clear and unambiguous answers, stressed the heterogeneity and provide internal kontradikotrnost questions about anarchism, this is only the successful realization of the goal.

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