January 2006

Cooking with Spinach

31 January 2006

I’m sure he does it just to shock us, but Christopher regularly requests spinach for supper. He didn’t learn to like it from his parents, neither of us can stand the stuff. Now the spokesperson for spinach in Germany is not Popeye, but the ex-model and ex-TV personality Verona Pooth (née Feldbusch), who in commercials [...]

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Four Things

29 January 2006

I was afraid I’d end up with this… Thanks to Hal for tagging me with Four Things Four jobs I’ve had: Cleaner in a butcher shop Police radio monitor for a major newspaper (night shift) Receptionist Accounts payable clerk Four movies I can watch over and over again: Casablanca To Have and Have Not Rear [...]

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Google Gone

28 January 2006

I’ve removed the Google Adsense ads from PapaScott. Sure everyone seems to do business with China these days, but this is my personal site. They can buy their links someplace else.

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Mouse Heads

28 January 2006

Mouse Heads?!? And if you think there’s any truth to this map, then you, too, are a mouse head. (via Der Denkpass) Update: Actually, we’ve always thought of Canada as the land of screaming orgasms. But then again, we’ve only been to Thunder Bay. I’m not sure if all of Canada is like that.

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Stumbling Blocks

27 January 2006

Cem Basman describes the “Stumbling Blocks” in front of his house that commemorate victims of National Socialism who had lived at that address. Today is Holocaust Memorial Day, the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz.

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Snowball Fight

25 January 2006

Never bring a knife to a snowball fight. FC St. Pauli leads Werder Bremen 3-1.

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Modest Swimwear

25 January 2006

Modest Muslim Swimwear and Modest Christian Swimwear. I can’t detect the difference. I’m not sure what modest pagans are wearing. (Modest links via Andrew Sullivan.)

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Volle Halbtagsgrundschule

25 January 2006

christina: I’d rather stay inside but today is my last after school (‘after school’ in Germany being 12:45 p.m. – go figure)… Me: And I am so looking forward to that this fall! christina: Even worse if it’s not a verlässliche Grundschule- then they can send them home any old time. I think I’ve complained [...]

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The New Economy

24 January 2006

Wonkette: “Welcome to the ‘new’ economy. It’s new because you’re not in it.”

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23 January 2006

On weekends, Christopher likes to wake us up. He’ll crawl under the covers between us, crouch together for a few seconds, then suddenly spring up, taking the covers with him, and shouting “Surprise!” Typical kid stuff. Last weekend he had a real surprise for us in bed. Out of the blue he said, “When I [...]

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Zimbra Collaboration Suite Beta 3

23 January 2006

Workgroup suite supported only on Red Hat, but seems to run faster on SuSE.

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Bathroom Walls

20 January 2006

Jean-Remy von Matt is head of the Jung von Matt ad agency which concieved the “Du bist Deutschland” campaign. A lot of German bloggers have expressed the opinion that the campaign is baloney, and so it’s no surprise that Herr von Matt doesn’t like weblogs: Weblogs, the bathroom walls of the internet. What gives every [...]

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Oh What A Beautiful Morning!

19 January 2006

Today got off to a wonderful start. At 4:30 Christopher announced he wasn’t feeling good and crawled into our bed (exceeding the capacity of exactly 2 adults). An hour later he said he had to throw up, then did just that (after going into the bathroom, thankfully). So he stayed home from Kindergarten. As I [...]

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Wikipedia Outlawed

19 January 2006

The newest trend in Germany seems to be to ban parts of the internet. After Heidi Klum’s father and the Sozialgericht Bremen, someone in Berlin is trying to ban Wikipedia. Of course, since Wikipedia is hosted in the US, the German courts don’t have any jurisdiction. They did manage to put a temporary restraining order [...]

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Misrouted SMS

18 January 2006

I just got the following SMS from a number I didn’t recognize: Priwet lida kak dela Since I don’t recognize the language, I don’t know if it is as good as the last misrouted SMS I got a few years ago (at 4 in the morning): Hab meiner Frau alles gestanden (I’ve admitted everything to [...]

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Time Management for System Administrators

18 January 2006

I just got the book from O’Reilly. I hope I can find time to read it.

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Mozilla Amazon Browser

18 January 2006

Browse Amazon without distracting fluff.

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Chicking Martha

17 January 2006

Caterina.net: Chicking Martha, as in Martha Stewart, as in dismissing and belittling a talented woman. Believe me, that’s absolutely the last thing you want to do.

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Kindergarten Cop

16 January 2006

Back before the fall election I wondered whether Angela Merkel had the right stuff and experience to lead a national government, since she had never acutally led a government of any type, only a party. Turns out that instead of a government she got a grand coalition, and her experience herding the Kindergarten boys Stoiber, [...]

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One Cent

16 January 2006

According to teltarif.de, the cheapest rate to call the US is currently 1.0 cent per minute. We can’t even make local calls that cheaply. Even Skype Out is more expensive. I forget what we were paying way back when Mama and I were still a-courting, but I have vague memories of 5 DM for 3 [...]

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Career Planning

16 January 2006

Groundhog Day: “With my personal computer, I can now do, much faster, things I never used to have to do at all.” Yep, that pretty much sums up my career planning.

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13 January 2006

This is Hermann, our new family member for the next 10 days. Christopher brought him home from Kindergarten, and he seems to be a sourdough of some sort. If we treat him right, he will give birth to 3 Hermann-children, and we can bake a cake. Until then, though, he has to be cared for [...]

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It’s Your Heimspiel

12 January 2006

World Cup doesn’t start until summer, but Mama has already brought home her first World Cup swag. But I don’t get it. Why the Denglish? We don’t watch much TV, but apparently this is Coca-Cola’s main advertising slogan in Germany for the tournament. Mama couldn’t explain it either, she just shrugged and said “It’s supposed [...]

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Technical Translation

11 January 2006

A friend of my sister-in-law is looking for a technical translator, and she thought that perhaps a reader of PapaScott might be qualified and interested in the job: “Who is able to either correct a translation of a technical text from German into English or to translate it totally on his own? The text to [...]

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Sticky Hardware

11 January 2006

We threw some more hardware at blogg.de

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8 January 2006

I usually don’t get excited about gadgets, but the SkyScout is a telescope that tells you what you’re looking at which sounds pretty cool to me.

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7 January 2006

In the spirit of ecological renewal, we have returned our Christmas tree to mother nature and have planted it in our backyard, to once again contribute precious oxygen to our earth’s atmosphere. Perhaps, though, we should have thought of that before we bought a chopped tree.

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The Hammer

7 January 2006

My wife isn’t usually very interested in my work, but she was looking for a quick trip to someplace warm and turned to weg.de, our travel portal. Suddenly she exclaimed “That’s the hammer! Two clicks and I’m where I want to be!” Well, weg.de is pretty easy to use. I didn’t even tell her to [...]

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Outage Resolved

5 January 2006

And lessons learned.

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Could You Pass the Test?

4 January 2006

Could You Pass the US Citizenship Test? You have to know some esoteric facts. 1. How many times can a senator be re-elected? 2. In what month is the new President inaugurated? 10. What country did the US fight during the revolutionary war? Watch out, you might not be a citizen, even if you think [...]

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