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Public comment draft of A2K amendments for UN Guidelines

6 A new international instrument on Access to Knowledge (A2Ki) could be in the wings, with the first public release of a draft set of proposed amendments to the United Nations Guidelines for Consumer Protection.  These forward-looking A2K provisions are the culmination of months of online and face-to-face collaboration by Consumers International members from around the world.

The draft A2K amendments are now officially open for broader public comment at

Consumers chart a course for the UN Guidelines

5 Panel of the UN Guidelines fringe meetingNew innovative proposals to promote consumers' interests in Access to Knowledge (A2Ki) have emerged from a global meeting of consumers to consider amendments for the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection.

Appel aux membres pour de nouvelles campagnes menées sur le thème des bandes larges

3 Holding Broadband Service Providers to AccountL’accès internet est devenu fondamental dans la vie actuelle des consommateurs, et ne va qu’accroitre en importance dans les pays développés, de même que les pays en voie de développement.

Consumer Rights in the Digital World: Privacy, access and activism

Consumers International World Congress 2011Consumers International's World Congress 2011 will be held in Hong Kong from 3-6 May on the theme Empowering Tomorrow's Consumers. One of the sessions that will be of most interest to participants in the A2Ki programme is titled Consumer Rights in the Digital World: Privacy, access and activism

Plan to amend UN Consumer Protection Guidelines to safeguard access to education and culture

Promoting Access to Knowledge through the UN Guidelines for Consumer ProtectionVilnius, Lithuania: At a United Nations (UN) Internet summit today, Consumers International (CIi) announced plans to push for the amendment of the UN Guidelines for Consumer Protection, to include new safeguards for consumers of goods protected by copyrighti and patenti laws.  Such goods include e-books, music, films, softwarei, and the devices used for accessing these.

En annonçant "Accès au Savoir: Un Guide pour tous"

Access to Knowledge: A Guide for EveryoneAccès au Savoir: Un Guide pour tous vise à donner une introduction sans spécialiste et concise aux questions de la propriéte intellectuelle et à A2Ki et choisir des questions relatives aux droits à la communication et aux technologies de l'information et de la communication(ICTs).

Les resultats de l'enquête sur les obstacles à l’accès aux supports protégés par droits d’auteurs

Enquête sur les obstacles à l’accès aux supports protégés par droits d’auteurs

Entre 2009 et 2010, Consumers International a lancé une enquête dans 25 pays sur les obstacles auxquels font face les consommateurs lors de l’accès et l’utilisation de supports protégés par droit d’auteur.

IGF Workshop on "Freedom of expression or access to knowledge"


Consumers International, the Centre for Internet and Society, India, and Center for Technology and Society of the Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil, are presenting a workshop at this year's Internet Governance Forum on its opening day, 14 September, titled "Freedom of expression or access to knowledge: are we taking the necessary steps towards an open and inclusive Internet?"

Human Rights Groups to Challenge Special 301

On Tuesday July 20, a group of public interest organizations, represented by Sean Flynn, Associate Director of PIJIP, will file a complaint alleging that U.S. trade policy in the Obama Administration violates international human rights obligations. The complaint will be filed with the Special Rapporteur on the Right to Health, Anand Grover.

A live press conference will take place at the Media Center at the International AIDS Conference 2010, Vienna, at 12:00 noon Vienna time.

Sean Flynn explained: