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  1. @Mondoweiss Likewise, Israel justifies its siege of Gaza on the basis of Genesis, Lamb Lies Down On Broadway: Disc 1, Track 5 "In The Cage"
  2. @Mondoweiss Actually, if the Knesset votes 2 annex the West Bank, they'll justify it on the basis of Genesis, Foxtrot: Get 'Em Out By Friday
  3. @Mondoweiss That's no reply at all! RT @Mondoweiss: Legal auth: Genesis Abacab MT @ChadAustinSD: Legal auth: Genesis 15 MT Israel 2 annex WB
  4. VIDEO: Harsh MSM indictment of KKKops brutalizing #OccupyWallStreet (ignore the intro - greenwashing lies by big oil)
  5. VIDEO: Slow-motion analysis of the vicious & cowardly chemical terror attack on innocent civilians in NYC on 24-9-11
  6. Palestinians in Hebron watching video of Israel PM Netanyahu speaking @ UN show him some love. With shoes. Lots of 'em.
  7. BREAKING: Saudi Arabian women get the right to vote a century after Scandinavian women get the right to vote
  8. @JessicaMontell Congratulations you're short-listed 4 a @haaretzonline award for 5771 =) I'm writing the article & I need your bio & a photo
  9. .@nytimes covers 1st conference on Holocaust held in Arab world after my article in @haaretzonline
  10. Whew! Gotta watch that high-tweeting
  11. Sunshower!!! Praise Yah!!!
  12. ZZZzzz...