Frequently Asked Questions

What is LoudSauce?

LoudSauce is a new way to fund media space for ideas that matter. We believe that by helping to amplify messages out beyond our social networks, we can help accelerate attention and adoption of good ideas and projects. LoudSauce uses an all-or-nothing funding model where campaigns must reach their funding goal, or no money is exchanged.

Why All-or-nothing?

Each LoudSauce campaign must be fully funded before its funding deadline. This way, there is less risk for everyone, as some media placement requires a minimum amount. The deadline is also a great motivator to inspire funders to spread the word in order to reach the goal and get the message out to larger audiences.

How do I pledge to fund a campaign?

To pledge to a campaign, click the red “Amplify” button on any campaign page. You will be asked to input your amount, and then will go through the Amazon checkout process. You will need to finish the Amazon checkout process in order for your pledge to be recorded.

When is my credit card charged?

If a campaign that you pledged to fund reaches its funding goal, your credit card will be charged at that time. If the campaign does not reach it’s goal, your card is never charged.

If funding is not successful, am I charged anything?

No, you will not be charged anything. If the deadline passes and the fundraising goal hasn’t been reached, then no pledge will be processed, your credit card will not be charged, and the ad will not run.

Why contribute through LoudSauce and not to a cause directly?

We believe that advertising for a cause is an alternative form of support. Our hypothesis is that funding advertising maximizes your individual impact by reaching completely new communities for your favorite causes. By bringing unexpected ideas and creative solutions to mainstream channels, we will ultimately build momentum for some of the best work happening in the world.

What is an “alpha” test?

We are using this opportunity to validate our assumptions and refine our model. We’ve invited YOU because you’ve expressed early interest and support, and we think your honest feedback will be help us design a more intuitive service.

Love LoudSauce, but not really a fan of the current campaigns. Can I still join?

Of course! New campaigns are coming soon! By signing up via Facebook, we will keep you informed of all of the latest campaigns. If you don’t see a campaign you love, suggest one!

Where does my money go?

Funds go toward the purchase of ad space through our partner ad networks and media owners. LoudSauce negotiates discounted media space with select partners who are interested in supporting our vision. LoudSauce will take 10% of every contribution to cover our costs in developing our platform. Amazon Payments will also charge a credit card processing fee, which works out to roughly 3-5%. See the Amazon Payments fee details.

How do I get my own LoudSauce campaign?

If you’ve got an idea for a LoudSauce campaign, go ahead and submit the idea! The LoudSauce campaigns that we think will be most successful are those that have: 1. great existing creative (including a short intro video) 2. an already engaged user base (the better to spread the word with) and 3. a need to get their story and message out to a new audience, not just the same group of supporters.

What projects are not a good fit for LoudSauce?

Projects or causes that already have a lot of attention are not a good fit. After a natural disaster for example, giving money to people on the ground will make more of a difference than advertising. Also, campaigns that are hateful or offensive will not be approved.

What does crowdfund mean?

The idea of crowdfunding involves people giving money collectively to reach a common goal. An accurate definition for crowdfund can be found on wikipedia.

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Recent Funded Campaign

LoudSauce users chipped in to put Green Patriot Posters in downtown San Francisco.

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