Monday, January 04, 2010

Still here

The kids and I had a wonderful Christmas break. :) We also managed to squeeze in a trip to the LA Zoo. Though we only lasted two hours (too many people, weird weather), we had a fun time. It's always entertaining to listen to P3 and P4 comment on the animals' behavior.

I'm still posting mostly to facebook, but I'll try to get back to posting here more often.

Saturday, October 24, 2009


My parents received the following flier on their door last week. The text had been reproduced in full (with the exception of the name and place of the church).

"Calling all responsible Christians. Please meet at xxxxxxxxx Church, located at **** ************ Road, on Friday, October 30, 6:00pm for a symposium on the true meaning of Halloween and Proposition 8..."

I love how they're throwing a "symposium" on gay marriage and Halloween, as if the two are in any way related, on the Eve of Halloween. If the kids and I didn't have plans, I'd go just to be a fly on the wall. Think I could pass for a "responsible Christian"?

Sunday, October 11, 2009


Just for those who haven't found me, yet. I am on facebook. I'm not facebook proficient enough to start a pmomma page, but that might be on the horizon. For those who know my name and want to add me, that would be great.

The possums are doing well. P3 just turned 7 yesterday. It's hard to believe that when I started this blog, she was just a baby.

I ran into Jack Jackyll the other day and he's looking pretty good. Maybe I can convince him to start up the podcast?

The ACA has a cool interview with PZ Meyers available at their website. Check it out!

How are all of you? I miss being able to write for you and chat with you. Soon. Hopefully this will soon be back to a new normal.

Wednesday, September 02, 2009

Science in schools

PZ has an interesting article on his site. It contains a map of the US, where each state is given a score based on it's public education commitment to evolutionary biology (among other things). California gets an A. This actually mildly surprises me. I guess it's because of where I live, in particular, but I see a backlash to this every day. Just this week, I had a discussion with another class-mom that illustrates this backlash.

I mentioned that I liked our middle school science teacher because she truly wants the children to understand biology. She really strives to get the kids involved in teh scientific method. This other room-mom, however, didn't take my enthusiasm for the teacher as a positive thing. She was worried. I asked why she was worried and she explained that she was glad she'd told her son, on the first day, to remember that he should "give the answer the teacher wants at school, but know in (his) heart the "real answer"".

I have to say that the discussion kind of petered out after that. I mean, what do you say from that point on that won't end up in meritless, go-nowhere back-and-forth?

Sadly, in this "A" state, that's a common sentiment in these parts. I don't get it. I suppose I don't have to.

Monday, August 31, 2009

Back in the saddle.

Does anyone read here anymore?

Sunday, August 30, 2009


Congratulations are in order for my friend Berlzebub and his family.

He's the proud new papa of two beautiful baby girls.

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Pharyngula -v- Ham

This post at PZ Meyers' place is gold.
The comments are a delicious bonus. Some of them have left my side aching and I'd like to share a few of my favorites...

Rev. Big Dump Chimp: "Now that we've brought out the sharp poking stick, when do we use the smashing rock?"

Lose the Woo: "...but since the whole "museum" is scientifically vacuous..."

Ham: But its got displays...really neat ones too. They proclaim the truth of the bible plain as day for everyone to see!

When Dinkum asks why Ham won't link to PZ, Warren says...They'll just drift over on floating mats of vegetation.

Humanistic Jones: As Chef taught us, if someone serves you and then you serve them back, then it's on. While PZ has twice served Ham today, does anything from Ham count for the technical definition of serving?