March 2006

Where Am I? Who Am I?

25 March 2006

I’ve been pretty quiet here the past week. Mama was gone 5 days, including last weekend, Christopher had short days for school testing and a home day on Friday, and I’ve been up to my ears in work. (I installed a new mail server, but the old server died before the all the users were [...]

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Poor Sun

20 March 2006

Poor Sun. They can’t sell their servers and they can’t give them away.

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Robber Hotzenplotz

19 March 2006

Christopher and I went to see the new film The Robber Hotzenplotz today, and now he has a new role model.

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A Better System

16 March 2006

When you are a cartoonist you learn to be concise, and in the The Dilbert Blog Scott Adams summed my university education in economics and politics in just 3 sentences: I still favor the traditional system where rich people run the country and convince the morons who live here that the voters are really the [...]

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Messenger Prank

15 March 2006

I’ve won new respect for the University of California Berkeley after reading about the Basketball Prank at Cal: Victoria was a hoax UCLA co-ed, created by Cal’s Rally Committee. For the previous week, “she” had been chatting with Gabe Pruitt, USC’s starting guard, over AOL Instant Messenger. It got serious. Pruitt and several of his [...]

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Previews of Coming Attractions

14 March 2006

Christopher’s first day of school may not be until September 2nd, but he’ll get his first taste of school this week. As part of the process to determine whether he’ll attend regular elementary school or a special ed school, he’ll be evaluated for 3 days at the special ed school in Buchholz, this Friday, Monday [...]

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Good News

13 March 2006

In good news, my brother will be out of the hospital tomorrow. The biopsy last week revealed a cancer very similar to that he had 15 (not 10) years ago which responded very well to chemotherapy. In fact, he was much more comfortable after just one treatment. They’ve done the first set at the University [...]

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Who Turned The Heat Off?

13 March 2006

It was bad enough that we got 24 hours of snowfall on Friday, but the temperature this morning is ridiculous! So much for “meteorological spring” starting on March 1. The graphic is in Celcius, that’s 5°F for Americans.

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Good-bye, Kirby

8 March 2006

I didn’t mean for PapaScott to become the weblog of death and illness, but sometimes you don’t pick your memes, but your memes pick you. I’m not sure I could explain anyone here in Germany how I feel about Kirby Puckett, and why I am mourning a retired sports star with a checkered private life [...]

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Got Morphine?

7 March 2006

I was able to talk with my brother this evening. The pain is down to where he can sleep, albeit restlessly. The new CT scan revealed a large mass in his abdomen, and he’s waiting rather impatiently for a biopsy to be performed. Only then will they know what the next step will be, either [...]

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Puckett dies after massive stroke

7 March 2006

Minnesota Twins Hall of Famer Kirby Puckett dies after suffering a massive stroke. He was 45.

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Life Sucks

5 March 2006

Sometimes life sucks, and then it sucks some more. It isn’t enough for my brother, who just turned 40, that he got divorced a couple years ago, lost his job last fall, and has a no-good girlfriend. He went into to the local hospital a Friday night with abdominal pains, which he’s had the past [...]

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Myth and Reality 2

2 March 2006

So, did you all do your homework? The Newsweek article Myth & Reality is in our experience mostly correct. Germany seems to go out of its way to make it difficult to be parents in a two-career household, and career women. Parents are allowed 3 years of parental leave, with employers bearing most of the [...]

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