August 2009

My Health Insurance and Welcome to It

14 August 2009

With the current debate on health insurance in the United States, some of my readers might be interested in my health coverage here in Germany. Most employees are required to join the public insurance system. It’s financed something like Social Security, with a percentage (currently 14.9%) of income up to a certain limit (currently 3675€ [...]

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T and A Politics

12 August 2009

I’m sorry, but when I saw these two posters yesterday, I knew they just were begging to be combined in a single post. The poster on the right has managed to hit a taboo-trifecta (race, nudity, homosexualtiy) with maybe even more taboos I haven’t noticed (bad nail polish?). Two great tastes that go great… no, [...]

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10 August 2009

The past two weeks these posters have been sprouting like mushrooms. What do they mean? I’ve gathered the following facts: Federal elections are in 6 weeks The background color is SPD red The back of the poster is stamped with “SPD Harburg” So the posters have something to do with the SPD. The local paper [...]

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Why PapaScott?

8 August 2009

Why PapaScott? The oldest remaining shards of what would be become PapaScott date back 10 years to August 1999 and were posted with Blogger, a shiny new technology at the time. In 1999 we were pregnant with Christopher, and we were calling each other cute names like MamaMaus and PapaScott. And when I started a [...]

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Nine Azubis

3 August 2009

Two years ago on the first of July we officially began our business adventure. However, it’s more appropriate to look back on our two years of business experience a month later, the first workday in August. Today is the beginning of the new trade school term, and today four new Azubis are beginning their education [...]

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