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latest news

Qantas management tries to lockout workers

01/11/2011: Most vicious attack on unions in 13 years


World Economy
Just 147 companies control 40% of global wealth

01/11/2011: Study finds 1% of corporations control world economy

  World Economy

Maruti Suzuki strike ends

31/10/2011: But battles still to wage


Which way forward for the ’Occupy’ movement

31/10/2011: What should the next step be for the ’Occupy’ movement


The one sided mining boom

30/10/2011: Review of “Too much luck” by Paul Cleary

  Australia, Review

Ennahda’s breakthrough brings major change in political landscape

28/10/2011: Election ‘success story’ masks growing anger from below


 Australia/Sri Lanka
Sri Lankan government under fire as President visits Australia

27/10/2011: Siritunga Jayasuriya, secretary of the United Socialist Party (CWI) Sri Lanka, has made a stinging public attack on the regime of Mahinda Rajapaksa while in Australia at the same time as the president.

  Audio, Australia, Sri Lanka

Armed attack on journalists covering oil workers’ dispute

27/10/2011: Condemn brutal attack on media freedom, Solidarity needed!

  Kazakhstan, Solidarity

Nationalise the steel sector under workers’ control!

26/10/2011: ArcelorMittal wants to close ‘liquid’ steelproduction in Liège. Workers resist, unions call for nationalisation.


Urgent #OccupySeattle solidarity appeal

26/10/2011: Let #OccupySeattle stay at Seattle Central Community College!

  Solidarity, US

EU Austerity laws passed

26/10/2011: "Six pack" rules institutionalise austerity across the EU

  Europe, Video

10,000 youth protest on 15 october in Brussels

25/10/2011: Clear opening for radical ideas developing


Gaddafi Dead - What now?

25/10/2011: Independent action by Libyan workers, youth and poor vital to prevent revolution’s derailment


Metal Workers’ wage agreement

24/10/2011: Strike action wins concessions - but 4.2% is not enough!


Effects of global crisis felt in Asia

24/10/2011: Malaysian economy enters difficult period

  Asia, Malaysia

Lost in Euroland

22/10/2011: Eurozone crisis deepens

  Europe, World Economy

48-hour general strike sees biggest workers’ protests in decades

21/10/2011: All out occupations and strikes! Kick out the Pasok cuts government! For a revolutionary government of the workers and poor!


‘Occupy Melbourne’ savaged by riot police

21/10/2011: Brutal assault as protesters hold their ground and block city streets


Suzuki workers occupy factory

20/10/2011: Thousands take solidarity action


Huge demonstration of “Enraged” in Rome

20/10/2011: Violence of a few used to try and curb growing opposition


“Smash capitalism” echoes inside biggest skyscraper

19/10/2011: CWI Taiwan members make media splash


Mass Occupation Defeats Seattle Mayor and Police

18/10/2011: Big Victory for Occupy Wall Street Movement


Occupy Stockholm and Gothenburg

18/10/2011: Anti-racist demo in Malmö


General Labour Confederation leaders sell out workers

17/10/2011: Build for 19 October ‘independent’ unions’ strike!


Metal Workers strike for wage increase of 5.5%

15/10/2011: Austrian working class gives impressive sign of life


Brutal cuts provokes new wave of workers’ struggles

15/10/2011: Strikes must be democratically controlled by rank and file


Sri Lanka
United Socialist Party holds successful congress

15/10/2011: “Difficult times - yet we are defiant and determined!”

  Sri Lanka

 15 October
The day of inter-continental resistance

15/10/2011: Break the power of the banks and multinationals! Fight capitalism – for a socialist alternative to the failed profit-driven system!


Grilling Commissioner De Gucht on murders of trade unionists

15/10/2011: EU Commissioner For Trade questioned for trade deal with Columbia despite continuing murder of trade union activists

  Columbia, Video

Sri Lanka
Rajapaksa government buys its supporters

14/10/2011: British Defence Secretary Fox in trouble

  Sri Lanka

#OccupySeattle calls for “The Night of 500 Tents”

13/10/2011: 600 to 800 students joined student strikes



Xekinima - Socialist Internationalist OrganisationCWI in Greece: Xekinima - Socialist Internationalist Organisation
Xekinima, 8 Gortynos, Kato Patissia, PO Box 11254, Athens, Greece., ++ 30 210 2283018-9, email

Greece: 48-hour general strike sees biggest workers’ protests in decades

21/10/2011, All out occupations and strikes! Kick out the Pasok cuts government! For a revolutionary government of the workers and poor!
Andreas Payiatsos, Xekinima (CWI Greece), Athens

Greece: Brutal cuts provokes new wave of workers’ struggles

15/10/2011, Strikes must be democratically controlled by rank and file
Dimitris Pantazopoulos, Xekinima (CWI), Athens

Greece: Despair and fury

27/09/2011, New wave of strikes and student protests - But how can the cuts tsunami be halted?
Interview with Greek socialist

Greece : Huge student movement kicks off an autumn of struggle

09/09/2011, Rebellion against neo-liberal onslaught on education
Nikos Anastasiades, Xekinima (CWI in Greece ) and Danny Byrne, CWI

CWI Summer School: Greece in turmoil

31/07/2011, Lessons of the Movement of the ’Enraged’
Snead Daly, Socialist Party Scotland (CWI)

Greece’s debt crisis: No way out for workers under capitalism

26/07/2011, As the sovereign debt crisis in Greece deepens, Andros Payiatsos, general secretary of Xekinima (CWI in Greece), spoke to the Socialist (paper of the Socialist Party England & Wales, 13 July) about its effects and what the way out is for workers and the majority in society.
Interview with Andros Payiatsos, Xekinima

Greece: Savage austerity policies passed despite mass protest

04/07/2011, Tear gas and police brutality against general strikes and movement of the Enraged
Stephan Kimmerle, CWI, Athens

Greece: Time to get rid of them!

27/06/2011, They write memorandums – we write history!
Xekinima (CWI in Greece)

International Youth Camp: Uniting the European struggles against cutbacks, racism and capitalism!

23/06/2011, 18th annual Youth Against Racism in Europe (YRE) Greek camp
International Socialist Resistance (ISR) reporters

Greece: Debt crisis threatens worldwide banking system

22/06/2011, Workers resist Pasok’s savage cuts and privatisation programme
Niall Mulholland, from The Socialist (weekly paper of the Socialist Party (CWI England & Wales)

Greece: A trial of strength

19/06/2011, Greek unions announce 48-hour general strike ahead of parliament cuts vote
Stephan Kimmerle, CWI, Athens

Austerity and anger in Greece

17/06/2011, A few days before the tenth general strike in Greece, APOSTOLIS KASIMERIS, one of the leaders of the OASA bus workers’ union in Athens, spoke at the recent National Shop Stewards Network conference in London. Below is an extract of his speech.
Apostolis Kasimeris

Greece: 250,000 protest in Athens during general strike

16/06/2011, Brutal and provocative police response
Eyewitness report from Eleni Vetsika, Athens

Greece: General strike

15/06/2011, Today’s general strike in Greece, coming after a movement of the "indignated", showed the huge strength of the resistance to more austerity cuts. Further strikes were announced and the Pasok Prime minister offered to resign.
Interview with Andros Payiatsos, Xekinima (CWI in Greece)

Greece: New general strike set for Wednesday 15 June

14/06/2011, Militant mass action needed to stop next savage austerity package
CWI reporter, Athens

Greece: Unite the struggles and bring down the government 

02/06/2011, Since Wednesday 25 May the central squares in Athens and other Greek cities have been occupied by protesters.
Andros Payiatsos, from Xekinima (CWI in Greece)

Further articles on 'Greece':











EuropeRegion in Revolt


Europe: EU Austerity laws passed, 26/10/2011

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