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Source: presstv.ir
Thursday November 24, 2011 - 15:25
Israeli forces have used a bulldozer to destroy three wells and part of a home in the village of al-Bass, west of Hebron. Full Story
Peace Protest By Peace Now Movement Israel
Thursday November 24, 2011 - 12:31
Israeli Internal Security Minister, Yitzhak Aharonovitch of Yisrael Beiteinu (Israel is Our Home), warned of the possibility of a political assassination in Israel, and stated that the Police and the Security Services must seriously deal with all information on such threats. Full Story
Israel Foreign Minister Source: digitaljournal.com
Thursday November 24, 2011 - 11:30
Israeli Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, has said that his government will not transfer any Palestinian tax revenue to a Fatah-Hamas Unity Government, as reported by Haaretz. Full Story
Peace Now Protest - Image By Peace Now Movement
Thursday November 24, 2011 - 06:28
Israeli sources reported, that the Israeli Knesset passed, in the first reading, a controversial bill dubbed as “libel law” aiming at increasing compensations paid for “libel violations” to NIS 300,000. Israeli Peace Now Movement stated that the bill is a legislation targeting Free Speech in Israel. Full Story
File - Image By stqou.com
Wednesday November 23, 2011 - 11:02
Palestinian Minister of Detainees, Issa Qaraqe’, stated that all preparations to present the file of the Palestinian detainees, held by Israel, to the International Court at The Hague, were concluded and the case will be presented to the court soon. Full Story
Image By Arabs48
Wednesday November 23, 2011 - 10:15
Israeli daily, Haaretz, reported that U.S. Secretary of State, Hilary Clinton, phoned Israeli Prime Minister, Benjamin Netanyahu, urging him to release Palestinian tax money Israel has been withholding since Palestine was voted as a full UNESCO member. Netanyahu also rejected a request from the U.N. in this regard. Full Story
Palestinian Journalists Syndicate
Wednesday November 23, 2011 - 08:13
The Palestinian Journalist Syndicate in Gaza reported Tuesday that members of the Hamas-led security forces in Gaza arrested two Palestinian reporters; one in central Gaza, and the other in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. Full Story
Aid Convoy - Gaza, Palestine-Info
Wednesday November 23, 2011 - 07:44
A Tunisian convoy, loaded with medical supplies and equipment, was allowed into the Gaza Strip, on Tuesday evening, via the Rafah Border Terminal, between Gaza and Egypt. Full Story
Bombarding Gaza - File Palestine-Info
Wednesday November 23, 2011 - 06:47
Palestinian sources reported on Tuesday night that Israeli war-jets carried out a number of air-strikes in Rafah, in the southern part of the Gaza Strip. They also opened fire at Palestinian fishing boats in Rafah and Khan Younis. Full Story
Image by Palestine-Info
Tuesday November 22, 2011 - 12:02
A solidarity convoy made it into the Gaza Strip on Monday evening, through the Rafah Border Terminal, between the Gaza Strip and Egypt. Members of the "Freedom Spring" convoy will be holding meetings with political and social figures in Gaza. Full Story
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