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GMB News


GMB Driving Instructors Demo

GMB Driving Instructors Demo

GMB Driving Instructors Demonstration In Dublin Tomorrow (26 October) Over Unsafe, Flawed And Unworkable Driver Training System

This training system which puts the driver, the sponsor and other road users at serious risk can be described as “an accident waiting to happen” says approved driving instructors

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GMB Campaigns

Save Remploy Factories

Save Remploy Factories

Sign The Petition On The Campaign Page Now

More about Save Remploy Factories

Four Seasons Care Homes

Four Seasons Care Homes

140 Southern Cross care homes go to Four Seasons Healthcare – and a serious danger of “jumping from the frying pan into the fire” to be “Son of Southern Cross”

More about Four Seasons Care Homes

Public Sector Pensions Dispute

Public Sector Pensions Dispute

GMB has campaigning for a number of years to retain decent pension provision in the public sector. GMB current campaigning materials can be downloaded here.

More about Public Sector Pensions Dispute