#FreedomWaves launches to bring Gaza humanitarian aid

#FreedomWaves launches to bring Gaza humanitarian aid

by Ben Lorber

2 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank
On Wednesday, November 2, two international ships left the Turkish harbor to carry humanitarian aid through the Israeli blockade of Gaza.
The event, called ‘Freedom Waves for Gaza’,  unites 27 activists from 9 countries, including America, Canada, Denmark, Belgium, Germany and Australia, alongside a Palestinian Haifa, in a broad-based international movement to break Israel’s illegal and immoral suffocation of the 1.6 million inhabitants of the Gaza Strip. The Irish yacht Saoirse (Freedom), which carries 15 activists, … Continue reading

Items to watch

Media activists needed in Palestine

Updated on October 19, 2011

Volunteer in Gaza with the ISM

Updated on April 25, 2011

Activists react to Gaza flotilla assault

(Photo: Peter Folter)

by Ruqaya Izzidien

4 November 2011 | Al Akhbar English

Palestine activists call on the international community to keep pressuring Israel to end the blockade of Gaza after the Freedom Waves flotilla was assaulted by Israel in international waters.

Gaza — Palestinian activists have condemned the Israeli navy’s assault on the Freedom Waves to Gaza flotilla in international waters.

Huwaida Arraf, a Palestinian-American human rights activist said, “This kind of violent, irrational behavior by Israel is similar to that which we see in other brutal regimes that are being challenged by the people. It’s important that … Continue reading

Hebron copes with self deifying Israeli military and its settlers

Soldiers harrasing Hebronite youth on Wednesday the 12th of Oct after a small protest in the city

by Alistair George

3 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, West Bank
The streets of Tel Rumeida are locked-down and divided; physically occupied by a forceful Israeli military.  For the Palestinian community living in this part of H2, Israeli-controlled Hebron, military occupation is an inescapable intrusion into everyday reality. The existence of an estimated 500 Israeli settlers is facilitated by up to 4000 Israeli soldiers stations in Hebron. Grey, austere watchtowers gaze over streets in which Israeli soldiers and military vehicles are stationed at regular intervals, frequently stopping Palestinians as they walk through their own neighbourhood to demand they prove … Continue reading

Under the flag of UNESCO marched Gaza

Under the flag of UNESCO marched Gaza

by Nathan Stuckey 
1 November 2011 | International Solidarity Movement, Gaza
We gathered on the road in front of the Agricultural College of Beit Hanoun, one side of the road a functioning school, on the other, only the remains of destroyed school buildings.  For three years the people of Beit Hanoun have gathered here every Tuesday for their protest against the no go zone and the occupation.  Members of the Local Initiative of Beit Hanoun, townspeople, students who had taken the afternoon off of school, and the International Solidarity Movement, all marching under the same flag, … Continue reading