Review of Hate by Matthew Collins

Dateline: Rhyl National Express.

Well, we missed out on all the fun and festivities at the weekend due to going on holiday ‘by mistake’ in Rhyl  (see previous posting) and as it was drooking it down  we had chance to read Hate, the new book by ex-Nazi turned Searchlight bright spark Matthew Collins. Braw!

Hate follows Collins’ induction into the National Front and
his eventual decision to turn Searchlight informer. If nothing else it confirms the view that fascists are failures, psychopaths and invariably single, after  all, what sensible wee lassie would want to play 2nd fiddle to Hitler et al? Collins imagines that the left are infinitely more libidinous than our simian opponents and mentions it several times. There are also way too
many references to his hectic masturbation schedule. In parts it is laugh out loud funny, especially a particularly windy day at a Remembrance Sunday do (page 107 – if you must!). Collins’ portraits of the luminaries of the far right scene can be as entertaining as they are scathing. He gleefully
highlights the social shortcomings of various terminal fash and some classic fuck ups are in there: Richard Edmonds, Tony Lecomber and Ian Anderson amongst many colourful (though mainly white) thugs. These professional Nazis have
neither skills nor qualifications to do anything else and it must take them an enormous amount of effort to not admit that everything they have  tried to do has been a complete and utter
failure. Collins was particularly close to Edmonds of the BNP who recently failed in a leadership challenge against Nick Griffin. Edmonds is a lanky streak, full of piss and vinegar, signifying nothing, who lived in squalor at the BNP Welling ‘bookshop’
- which is pathetic. Lecomber almost blew himself up with his own bomb and has spent around 7 years in prison for his useless activities, was battered many times by AFA/Red Action and is a classic example of a Nazi loser. NF leader Ian Anderson is portrayed as a ranting, raving, raggedy arsed alcoholic (and no
doubt regrets leaving prog-folk band Jethro Tull). Griffin
hangs ominously in the background like a large cloud of beery flatulence about to hit the air-con although Collins manages to get out before Griffin’s coup against the horrible John
Tyndall (Vosene’s ‘Dandruff Man of the Year’ 1977 & 1978!).

Hate also confirms the oft-repeated sentiment amongst
anti-fascists that fascists reserve most of their hatred for their own: the violent rivalry between the BNP and NF is lovingly highlighted and symptomatic of the inability for Nazis to stand together despite regular despairing calls for unity (something that continues to this day). There are always too many leaders and not enough foot soldiers. Collins points out that despite these rivalries
and vicious hatreds they have to stick together because their insane views are so abhorrent to most people in ‘normal’ life. After all, who but a psycho spends their entire life denying the  holocaust, justifying genocide and/or praising an insane ideology?

Collins sees the far right scene as a tedious heavy drinking
club enlivened by  occasions of violence, full of lonely deviants who deserve each others company, trying desperately to
convince themselves that their political programme is not a waste of time. He describes his erstwhile colleagues smashing up an Indian restaurant which was less to do with politics and more to do with a psychopathic urge for aggressive and drunken bullying. It is handy to remember that it is grown men that are doing these kind of things. What is most disturbing, however, is not these
brutal outbursts but Collins musical taste: The Beautiful South? Are you sure Maff?

Collins becomes increasingly guilt-stricken after an appalling assault on a community meeting in Welling library, a bloody and
pointless BNP ‘victory,’ and as his relationship develops with Gerry Gable of Searchlight he becomes justifiably frightened of the repercussions. He also describes meeting Gable who is wearing an Italian suit and a ponytail! (Crivvens, Gerry! A ponytail?).

As with other books such as the autobiographies of Ray Hill
or the German ex-Nazi Ingo Hasselbach, the astute reader gets the impression that Collins is saying what his new antifascist friends want him to say and he sketches over his involvement in some of the more abysmal violence. All the greatest hits are there though – Waterloo, Hemel Hempstead (Collins describes the Searchlight team watching footage of Anderson getting planted at Hemel
Hempstead over and over again) but Gable is apparently the hero of the hour following the Kensington Library ‘massacreee.’ Funny that, wasn’t there another feller in court with him? The portrayal of antifascist opponents follows the Searchlight line: although Red Action are mentioned several times – and their  reputation on the far right confirmed – AFA’s role against the BNP is downplayed and ‘reds’ and ‘antifascists’ are fairly interchangeable despite their differing stances on physical opposition.

Hate is a very readable book in the same way that the best
football hooligan books are readable, after all there is a rise and fall narrative to hold the whole story together and little or no subtext. Like Tilzey & Hann’s No Retreat, Hate is what one Urban75 poster called a ‘political biography’ – unlike Beating The Fascists which features 1st person narrative but not at the expense of political analysis.

Verdict: An interesting addition to the small body of antifascist literature but Reader Beware of the heavy Searchlight bias running through it!

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It’s Time For Tommy Robinson!

Dateline: Rhyl National Express.

Well, the Malatestas missed all the fun at the weekend because we were at  Nanatesta’s caravan in Rhyl. There is no TV or radio reception so we couldn’t keep abreast of the goings on in London. MacMalatesta disgraced himself on the 1st day by getting blootered on ‘3 boatils ah Bucky’ and Nanatesta made him sleep under the caravan for the duration. We also got banned from the Leek & Bucket boozer following a violent
altercation between Nanatesta and the landlord over what is and  isn’t acceptable in a meat pie filling. She is insistent that there is NO nutritional value in rawl plugs!


‘Norman Yaxley Lennon, you are an habitual criminal who accepts arrest as an ccupational hazard!’

What an eejit! Tommy Robinson had talked up the EDL’s stupid Tower Hamlets march for so long that despite his bail conditions he had to make an appearance. And of course, he got nicked (although why plod had not arrested him for several previous infractions
is still a wee bit of a mystery). So he turned up dressed as a rabbit or something and after some grandstanding on his ever diminishing platform he was lifted and is now remanded at Her Maj’s Pleasure. His ‘martyrdom’ was a self-written prophecy and the choice was bleak: either not turn up and lose face or show up and get nicked. Rumour has it he’s on the nonce wing so he won’t be able to explain the finer points of the EDL’s ideology to any Muslim prisoners who happen to be inside with him. If he is on the nonce wing then we hope he will just sit there and think about what he has done! Tommy will not be
acquainting himself with the EDL’s royal couple Stella and Charlie for a while so will have to make do with lousy food and the occasional bad tempered visit from his wife to whom he has just got hitched. In sickness and in health eh, Tommy? Tommy has said he is going on hunger strike and other incarcerated EDLers are going to join him. And there are plenty of those  including the eejit who just got 5 months for smacking a plod.

The EDL have called upon Amnesty International to help Tommy, their ‘political prisoner.’ Is that the same Amnesty International they were slagging off last year by any chance? Listen boys! Amnesty deal with grown up problems not petty criminals who have been jailed for assaulting women and policemen, assaulting ‘comrades’ and
football related violence. Tommy is not a ‘political prisoner’ but a career criminal
who broke his bail conditions. The guy with the fluffy hat in the boring court
room lays out these conditions and you have to stick to them. Otherwise you go
to jail! It’s not that complex.

Saturday’s demo in Londonseemed to lack co-ordination somewhat. Various EDL divs landed in London and were either not allowed to get to the RV point or were shepherded in smaller groups to Aldgate where they were kettled in before being escorted away by plod from several forces. The RMT union also refused to liaise with plod and deal with the anti-union scab organisation. One of the adorable bunnies from the EDL sprayed lighter fluid or similar on a photographer and set them on fire whilst another desperate member groped a female journalist. Surely there’s better ways to meet women lads?

The EDL are claiming that they marched after all but they failed. Plod had them in a mobile kettle. And they are also claiming that they got to Tower Hamlets but they failed on that one too. They just about saw the arse end of the City and that’s it. They
were supposed to march ‘where we want, when we want’ but successfully didn’t.
Boozers aplenty refused to open or serve them, all the car parks were off-limits
and they were hopelessly outnumbered by plod and antifascists. They arrived in much lower than expected numbers – 10,000 expected, 1,000 turned up, result: much acrimony over people not showing. They had talked it up so much on Facebook that they ended up believing their own wretched rhetoric and many are secretly – and not so secretly – disappointed. With this embarrassing failure and the arrest of Tommy, the good ship EDL is now being crewed by Kocaine Kev Karol and the bickering harridan duo of Hel ‘hath no fury’ Gower (BNP, Combat 18 supporter) and Roberta ‘say no’ Moore of the Jewish division who hate each other. Well Kev, time to don the Captain’s hat and guide it away from the rocks. Wee Tam turned up arm in arm with Roberta and that lad who runs the Jewish division despite saying they were proscribed from the EDL and despite the amount of negative sentiment from many of the rank and file towards them. Alan Lake turning the screws then Tommy?

Many EDL divisions have expressed their concerns over yet another compromise by the EDL ‘leadership’ liaising with plod and getting a shite deal. Lots of them wasted time and money on getting down to the smoke for ‘the little big one’ and were angered by the weakness of resolve in their own divisions.

Highlight of the internet pickings is the footage of the Nottingham coach getting attacked by angry locals and the EDL Angel crashing to earth with scorched wings. Whilst ‘Malatesta’ does not condone violence against women (unlike Tommy who was jailed for assaulting a girlfriend) if you join an openly provocative march to cause trouble and you get trouble, then don’t whine about it. The lady in question is called Joanne Dickens and she sports a Celtic cross on her lady lumps. A friend of ours questioned her about this on Facebook and she claimed that it was not a right wing symbol. Aye and neither is this
swastika on me arse love! Other friends of ours have put up screenshots from her Facebook account and she is hardly a paragon of virtue.

To cap it all, she was escorted away from angry counter-demonstrators by ‘horrible terrorist Muslamics’ which is most embarassing. But what really put the currants in the clootie was the fact that the entire busload of Nottingham eejits left her behind and  then all got nicked after being routed and humiliated. Shame on you boys!

The Splits Continue!

The Northwest and Northeast Infidels are coming up to auld Reekie – that’s Edinburgh to you Jimmy! – for a do on the 10th where they will no doubt be hopelessly outnumbered by antifascists, after all the Scottish Defence League and the EDL’s record north of the border is hardly impressive. John ‘Snowy’ Shaw has threatened all manner of violence against opponents on Facebook which the polis will no doubt find helpful.

Not only that but Billy ‘Bunter’ Baker of the English Nationalist Alliance has been poking his neb in. Bill hates Hel Gower – and Tommy who booted him out of the EDL – so has
been aligning himself with all manner of puddin’ heids. 2 weeks back he ‘helped’ the British Patriots Society ‘organise’ a march on Downing  Street but failed to turn up. He also set up a rival march the other side of town on Saturday but it is unclear if he got up in time or anyone else showed up. He has also fallen out with the Combined exForces (CxF) and been involved in a slanging match with them. The CxF were part of the Plymouth EDL ‘assault’ on a local kebab shop having ‘strong drink taken’ and they are
all facing charges and subject to bail restrictions. Pardon me for asking, but aren’t ex-forces supposed to be patriots who should follow the laws of the land? Our friends over on Everything EDL have kindly reposted a screenshot of Bill calling Hel Gower a ‘Nazi’ amongst other things – which is a wee bit rich coming from that fat fascist fuck. Baker highlighted Gower’s connections with Chris Renton, a rather unpleasant nonentity who is associated with the BNP and helped set up the EDL’s website. Crivvens Wullie! You’ll be accusing her of anti-Semitism next!

Of course, antifascists sites are abuzz with news that a certain EDL member named Michael Coates is a known paedophile. He is currently in nick for sex offences and
apparently is organising the EDL ‘Fiddlers Division’ with Richard Price.


So, the EDL ‘leadership’ has taken yet another massive knock: Tommy is in jail and Kocaine Kev is now in charge but he is a bit of a dick with limited organisational – and rhetorical – skills so will he be able to keep the disenchanted divisions onside  or Hel Gower and Roberta Moore from killing each other? Many members have declared their dissatisfaction over the debacle on Saturday and the Infidels are taking a more militant stance drawing the openly fascist contingent away from Tommy and the EDL. Their credibility is at an all time low and for that we are grateful.

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EDL & Tower Hamlets

EDL: Putting The Ham Into Tower Hamlets!

‘We’re coming down the road, we’re coming down the road’ … and straight into the nearest  carpark! Thankfully, Tower Hamlets has some excellent parking facilities for the English Defence League to defend this weekend if they turn up like they are saying they will following the blanket ban on marches in London. The car parks can be found on this website:

Yes indeed, despite the ban on a march through the London Borough of Tower Hamlets – which sounds like a nice wee village tae us – the EDL are going to turn up anyway and teach  those smelly lefties and Muslamics a lesson and that’s what they said and that’s what they’re going to do cos Sir Tommy said so. FACT! So what’s happening?  


Despite their usual bluff and bluster the EDL are privately worried (if you consider Twitter and Facebook private) about getting the numbers to Tower Hamlets on Saturday after talking up their big march through ‘enemy territory.’ By the way does the ‘enemy’ include working class Londoners who don’t want their Saturday ruined by a bunch of far right semi-tards in tracksuits? What is going to happen is this. Loads of plod. Loads of counter-demonstrators and locals annoyed that the EDL are causing a fuss. Loads of media. Loads of photos of the EDL again looking like a bunch of pissed-up football hooligans chanting racist slogans. If the EDL make it across London to the site that plod has allotted them, they will be heavily outnumbered, kettled and rapidly bussed out again after standing in some carpark dying for a wee-wee.

Regular readers will have been following the multiple splits that have occurred in the EDL camp recently and know about the reduction of the leadership to Kocaine Kev Karol and Tommy Caxley-Trousers who has to be in bed by 7 every night due to bail restrictions. Being the noble Aryan warrior that he is Tommy is saying he is still going to go turn up on Saturday  – well he can’t lose face in front of his diminishing acolytes can he? We assume plod is aware of his intentions and will keep him in at playtime without any crisps!

The splits are getting even more acrimonious now with the North West Infidels, North East Infidels, the Combined ExFarcicals and numerous individual divisions sick of Tommy getting all the glory on telly whilst they stand about in pissy car parks having paid good cash for the privilege. So given this factional rivalry, will they all heed the calls for unity some EDLers have been shouting for. No. John ‘Snowy’ Shaw who Tommy ex-communicated years ago is seething at being left out of the limelight. Snowy’s pram was surrounded by toys earlier this week as he ranted and raved on Facebook about Tommy and then he declared support for the BNP, Combat 18 (why? They are all well over 70 now) and the National Front with others joining in saying they should also unite behind Johnny Adair, Paul Ray and the Blood and Honour movement. So, obviously still pushing the ‘non-racist’ line then Snowy?

Also, many people have lost the faith. Liverpool division are struggling to get 8 to That London but even better is the Plymouth lot. In case you don’t know the entire ranks of Plymouth EDL and Combined ExFarces were nicked for smashing up a kebab shop a few weeks ago. The ‘leader’ of these 4 people is a delightful girl named Hayley Mills who had booked a coach to take her ‘soldiers’ up to Tower Hamlets at 25 quid a pop. However, she has to answer bail on the day so will have lost out on making all that money from her fellow stooges and missed her chance to get her face on Sky telly. Maybe you should do what your mammy said and look after your bairns instead, Hayley? Other divisions are complaining that people are dropping out faster than Tommy can drop his ‘aitches’ and decrying their lack of bottle. To make matters worse posters are also saying that they are under bail restrictions so can’t do the show. You puffs! It isn’t stopping Sir Tommy! Shitters! Bah! Also, a lot of the EDL are without gainful employ so can’t afford tickets and even if they could they would only stand around complaining that 1/ the beer is too expensive and 2/ not as good as back home. Don’t take our word for it, check out the excellent Everything EDL for further details!

There’s also an excellent piece on EDL News on the ban:

Moving On …

In the last post we mentioned that a right bunch of Clooties called British Patriots Society were marching past Downing Street the other week to make a stand against something or other.

Our old friend from the English Nationalists Alliance, Bill ‘take me to the’ Baker was trumpeting away about leading his mini-march on Rome and was full of the usual blether and shouts for unity. However, many on the day were annoyed with Chubs Baker because he didn’t actually turn up! Bill, shame on you. When you organise something it is polite to dignify it with your buxom presence. Even for a wee while. And to add to this, Bill is doing another march on Downing Street at the same time the EDL will be standing in a carpark in the East End. Bill has fallen out with Mr Tommy and is aye slagging him off. Yeah, but at least he turns up Bill! The EDL are claiming that now Fatty Baker is trying to scupper their demo with fake stories: Lookit!

In general the fragmentation and clumsiness continues on the far right but the best story this week is from Hope not Hate which features loads of piccies of EDL members with guns:

The EDL Action Man Division are seen posing with crossbows, air rifles, shotguns and replica MP40 machine guns (thank you Pickman’s Model!). This is just too reminiscent of the BNP at their last outdoor swamp meet when they all started posing with replica guns and baring their generous backsides for all to see! Look if ye dare!

Not great PR to be honest. So, will the EDL get to Tower Hamlets and if they do, how many will there actually be? Or will this be like Bradford and Luton ‘Big Ones,’ i.e., little ones. Now that the Infidels have dropped all pretence of being anything but fascists will they attract the flotsam from the moribund BNP and the jetsam from the other equally clueless grupuscules? And will Bill Baker finally make it to Downing Street this time so that Mr Dave can recognise his services to Queen and country? Or will he be distracted the new Greggs on Whitehall? Tune in next week …

PS: Hello to Urban75 posters on EDL Watch thread!

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Cat Fights!

Meeeeee-oooowwww! Don’t you just love a good cat fight? Far be it for the ‘Malatestas’ to feel any kind of schadenfreude when it comes to the associated idiots of the English Defence League but it is lovely to see those two hotties of the EDL, Roberta Moore of the Jewish Division and Hel Gower, Tommy Robinson’s PA, going it at it tooth and claw. Check out Gower the EDL’s smokin’ glamour girl here:

Hel Gower, who is 70, runs the EDL Support Group and is currently being accused of anti-Semitism, racism and not saying her prayers at bedtime over on the EDL Extra website and our wee chums on the excellent Everything EDL site have captured it all in its full and bloody glory! Lookit!

The EDL Extra site claims that ‘Hel-fire’ Gower has some kind of mystical pull over diminutive leader Stephen Napoleon-Lennon and this is why she is never chastised for her online outbursts and naughty behaviour! The toys are flying out of the prams as the Jewish division also claim to have names and evidence of the various EDLers involved in anti-Semitic smears. EDL Extra claim that Hel Gower is a supporter of the BNP, NF and geriatric ‘terror-gang’ Combat 18 – who readers will remember got turned over by the EDL in 2009 with 1 member catching the wrong end of a fire extinguisher. The claims made on Extra have been criticised by other EDLers for ‘making us look shit again.’ Now, now lads, you are perfectly capable of doing that yourselves by piling into a town uninvited, causing disruptions and damage and getting nothing but negative publicity in the media …

Incidentally, we have been going through the archives and have yet to find any complimentary publicity in the press about the EDL. They think that any publicity is good publicity but we think Gary Glitter and Jonathan King may disagree. There was the 1 piece in the Daily Star praising them but that was pretty much negated the following couple of weeks by negative reporting following a panic at Dirty Desmond’s HQ and the Star have subsequently reversed their position. Searchlight have also started using the Star to distribute anti EDL/BNP stories which used to go via The Mirror. But anyway … back in the cat house …

The Schisms Continue!

The EDL continue to fragment and the predominant schism appears to be the Infidels. These wee radges are more vociferously right wing and nationalist (i.e., racist!) than the Tommy Robinson Band with their ‘multicultural racism’, pro-Israel stance and gay friendliness. The Infidels split has energised the torpid jobbies on the various Nazi websites with VNNuk claiming that the Infidels are preferable to the ‘Zionist’ EDL and Shirtfront (rhyming slang) do as well. They have also claimed that Tommy and his boys legged it when confronted by the Infidels at Blackburn following the ‘outing’ by Tommy of an internet critic and the subsequent brawl at the coaches. Result: Infidels 1, Tommy, shat. The Infidels are supported by John ‘Snowy’ Shaw who was  nicked at the Dudley rooftop protest. He left the EDL after falling out with Tommy who had raised a wad of cash for the ‘Snowy Defence Fund’ which has yet to be accounted for. We can only presume that the EDL royal couple, Stella and Charlie, benefitted somehow from the rotten proceeds. The Infidels have also said that the National Front would be welcome on any of their day trips. So they are not even attempting to disguise their far-right leanings.

See post 17!


In a more conciliatory tone Jeff ‘Stabber’ Marsh of the Casuals United has been urging people to stop using the ‘Allah/Mohammed is a pedo’ chant on demos. This week saw a  couple of EDLers convicted in Halifax for such offensive chants and other posters agreed that it makes ‘the ELD [sic] sound like a bunch of retards.’ ‘Stabber’ Marsh is not concerned about causing offence rather than being caught. Stabber says ‘Stop it!’ but good luck with that Jeffrey. On the same thread a poster also claims that ‘there are no moderates in Islam there is only Islam, “moderates” is a western term and you wont find them using it.’ Which again illustrates the sophisticated, in-depth understanding that the ambassadors of non violence (and non-profiteering!) in the EDL have of world religions.

It just seems to be getting worse for Tommy and the EDL with many people realising the pointlessness of ‘defending’ various car parks from ‘Muslamic extremism.’ However, the Infidels are something to watch out for. Will they have the organisational nous to actually achieve something? We shall see …

And tomorrow, (Sat, 19th August) the powerhouse that is the British Patriots Society (it’s okay, we’d never heard of them either) are marching PAST Downing Street. Don’t they know Mr Dave will be away attending a Bring and Buy sale at Chipping Sodomy – he is in charge of the Tombola! Everyone’s a winner in the Big Society, eh Mr Dave? In case you don’t know, the British Patriots Society is an unpleasant tweedy conglomeration of UKIP (we talk, UKIP), UPP (You Pee Pee!) and Pompey Dave from March For England (who are regularly humiliated by our antifascist comrades in Brighton). What a sizzler!!! I know, we  won’t be going either.

Belated Thanks!

The ‘Malatestas’ would just like to thank the following websites (amongst others) for posting up the articles: EDL News, Lancaster Unity and Brighton Antifascists. Crivvens! Even the British Democracy Forum have got in on the act as have, surprisingly, the Nazi loons on VNNuk – so thank you to ‘Big’ Bev Kerry, winner of ‘Camel Toe of the Year Award,’ 2006. Lovely.

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A Riot Laugh With The EDL!

For Sale: Flat screen TV. Slight fire damage. Offers?

Crivvens! Britain burns, Dave dithers and Boris bumbles through but luckily the English Defence League are on hand to help! Phew! It’s not really been going too well for the EDL over the last few weeks what with the media fingering them over connections to Norwegian  killer Anders Breivik, the continuing fallouts with the Jewish division, the appalling attack on a takeaway joint by Plymouth EDL and the subsequent sacking of Hayley Wells as regional organ grinder which incurred the wrath of the action monkeys of the ‘Combined Ex-Forces’ – regimental motto ‘Don’t panic! Don’t panic!’ And to top it off, after various factions have been sticking their nebs in where they simply weren’t wanted round ‘riot torn’ Britain they ended the week with a pisspoor demo in Wellington.  

Poor Do!

Considering that there has been a bit of a hoo-ha recently on Albion’s fair streets, plod thought it wise to ban the EDL’s Wellington march but could not refuse a static demo. Locals were grateful as the EDL bought a bunch of outsiders into town, the Telford/ Luton match was rescheduled and shops had to fork out to some dodgy company to get boarded up. In case you don’t know, a static demo is when the EDL arrive in a town where they are not wanted  armed with carrier bags of Stella to stand in a carpark with no toilets for an hour or two. After shouting a bit and getting out of hand, which the stewards always fail to deal with, plod then escorts them back to their coaches and they are told to go away. This is how ‘Islamic extremism’ has been successfully defeated by the EDL. Not really. At Wellington a diminished EDL stood cluelessly about getting more and more irate then, after chucking bottles at plod, some clever fellow attempted to get in the dog van! Why? As Rochdale  proved plod dogs love the taste of EDLers – apparently they’re like kebabs! As usual, the EDL couldn’t help themselves and after a wee bit of argy bargy there were 5 nickings, the silly Billies! As usual the stewards lost control and one female steward ‘scratched the life out of’ another member. As usual, it  also kicked off a bit on the train station when plod dished up Section 60s which mean ‘bugger off now, we’ve had enough!’ and there may also have been arrests at Birmingham train station when the Stella and Charlie relationship (the EDL’s royal couple) fully blossomed. Jeff ‘Stabber’ Marsh is currently seething and posting frenzied rebuttals to the scant press reports of the day on his website. Help Ma Boab!

It’s been a bit of week for ‘Cocaine’ Kev Carol, de facto EDL leader now that Tommy has to be in bed by 7. ‘Sir’ Tommy Robinson is currently under bail restrictions so cannot attend demos – though this did not stop him from appearing on Newsnight for some reason – and Cocaine Kev is now calling the shots. He turned up at the London trial of 3 brave EDL warriors who had been arrested for attacking ‘Muslamics’ at Speakers Corner. So much for defending free speech then lads? 1 EDL had also grabbed a policeman’s genitals! Really! There are better ways of asking for dates you know! At Wellington the cocaine cowboy praised the father of one of the 3 guys who had been killed last week for being a ‘good Muslim’ and held a minute’s silence. Apparently South Yorkshire also tried to organise a flash demo yesterday in solidarity but they didn’t get up in time. Shame.

A Bunch of Posses!

The EDL have also been making a perfect nuisance of themselves following last week’s interruptions to the weekly shop. In Eltham a bunch of ‘middle aged men’ – who surely should know better – ended up chanting EDL slogans and fighting with plod. Locals claimed that these characters were outsiders and were not welcome especially after they attacked a bus with some black lads on it and members of the EDL Facebook pages were calling for some ‘nig bashing.’ How 70s! The EDL have claimed that these chaps weren’t members but seeing as how there is no formal membership scheme anyone who says they are EDL is therefore EDL no matter how many times Kev and Tommy deny it. David Cameron condemned the EDL this week by calling them ‘sick’ and the EDL have finally got round to issuing a statement on it. It makes for dull reading. In Enfield, an EDL vigilante posse turned up to be roundly condemned by plod for drinking too much and getting in the way of things. Manchester EDL made a half-arsed attempt to do something but then didn’t. The EDL also claimed to have swept the streets of Cambridge clear of Brigands and then indulged in their favourite pastime of intimidating takeaway joints (like in Plymouth and Leicester).

Following the attack on the Plymouth takeaway 2 weeks back, Hayley Wells was removed as regional organiser for her part in the incident. The EDL leadership of course denied they had anything to do with it but seeing at it was caused by the Plymouth EDL after a Plymouth EDL meet and greet then it was Plymouth EDL wot done it! Hayley got a bit of a Facebook bollocking of Ma Wells for drinking and fighting instead of looking after her children. Hayley’s fiancé is Michael Rafferty, ‘commander’ of the Combined ex-Forces group (they love their little titles don’t they?) and he waltzed off in a tizz after Tommy slagged them all  off and they are no longer friends. Hayley ran the EDL Extra on Facebook and she is currently having a pram war with Hel Gower (Tommy’s PA & known fascist) and the toys are flying about! The Combined exForces also features our old mate Billy ‘Bunter’ Baker of the English Nationalists Association –hello Chubs, how’s the diet? – and they are threatening to march on Downing Street on September 3rd. I may be wrong but the only ‘forces’ Bunter Baker has experienced is when he forces another pasty into his toothless maw. The 3rd is also the date of the Tower Hamlets do which Tommy has promised is going to be a ‘bloodbath.’ Yes, but for who?

The EDL have been invited to a Peterborough mosque to discuss issues but we will not be holding our breath. The EDL will not publicly debate with muslims for 3 reasons: that many of the EDL’s arguments are flawed and do not stand up to scrutiny; that the leadership have no one left who is articulate enough to debate in public; and they are unable to distinguish between moderate Muslims and the tiny percentage of Islamic extremists in the UK – as demonstrated by them singing ‘Mohammed /Allah is a pedo’ and assuming ‘moderate Muslims’ will not mind. So all in all a pretty terrible couple of weeks for the EDL: Norway, the Jewish division problems, numerous fallouts, being slagged in Parliament by Mr Dave and ever diminishing demos. Shame. See you on the 3rd!

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EDL Latest Fiascos by ‘MacMalatesta’

Crivvens, Jings and Help Ma Boab! Whit a week it’s bin. The EDL got a dreadful kicking in the media last week over the alleged connections with the Norwegian murderer Anders Breivik and spent inordinate amounts of energy denying it. Then folk on their forums said ‘actually, I met him/ had him as a friend’ on Facebook. Former EDL member Paul Ray was cited as an ‘influence’ on Breivik and Norwegian plod announced they wanted to interview him. Ray has subsequently been on Al Jazeera denying all knowledge of Breivik but no doubt revelling in the 15 minutes of media fame which everyone in the EDL vanity operation is so desperate for. Ray was booted out of the EDL by ‘Sir’ Tommy Robinson in the early ego clashes (much to our amusement) and spends his days greeting into his laptop aboot Tommy and his uncle ‘Kocaine’ Kev Karrol on his ridiculous Lionheart blog (which also features his Knights Templar obsessions and has a great pic of  him praying at some daft shrine or other!). The man’s a bampot and widnae know his bawbag fae a haggis!

Incidentally, EDL forum posters have started to refer to Tommy as ‘Sir Tommy’ as if Her Maj is going to knight an ex-convict woman beater who is under investigation for fraud amongst other things. Last week on some radio show Tommy of the ‘non-racist, non-violent’ EDL was quizzed about being found guilty for violence at a Luton football game that day to which he replied that he was ‘appealing’ as if this implies he is therefore not-guilty!  Tommy was sentenced to a 12-month community rehabilitation order, 150 hours of unpaid work and was banned from football grounds for three years. That’s a Big Guilty!

MAC Lads?

But that’s not all. At the weekend to try to show the world that they have nothing to do with right wing extremists the EDL sent a delegation to the Norwegian Embassy to lay a wreath in honour of the slain wee ones. This completely backfired: the Norwegians telt them tae get tae fuck and the media saw it as the crass publicity stunt it so clearly wis! Not only that but on the same day Anjem Choudhary’s March Against Reality eejits were marching from Leytonstone to Walthamstow so the EDL leadership warned people to stay away from it as the EDL could not afford any more negative publicity that week. This caused enormous outrage on the forums with some stating that the EDL was set up to counter Choudhary in the first place. Tommy, still reeling no doot from all the negative coverage, did not want to give the press any more ammunition. Of course, a tiny EDL mob turned up on the way to abuse MAC which caused a wee flutter in the Walthamstow Guardian. Apparently the EDL prevented Shariah law from being implemented in their pub and then went back to their beer and crisps (bacon flavoured, of course!). Apart from that, the demos passed off in their usual tedious manner and no doubt Choudhary  was upset because he gained so little publicity. The MAC and the EDL are 2 sides of the same eejit: vanity projects for deluded failures. As usual, the EDL think that because anti-fascists are against the EDL then they must therefore support MAC. Naive.

However, the demo further amplified the dissatisfaction of many EDLers with Tommy’s leadership ‘style’, i.e., distant, media hungry and kleptocratic, with someone over on the UKFD forum actually offering a leadership challenge. It is difficult not to compare this to the recent BNP leadership challenge which was manipulated right from the start. There is no way Tam is going let anyone take over his bean feast and the EDL conveniently have no elected officials or formal membership – or coherent manifesto – so his position is secure. However, this also means anyone can split off to become little Tommies to their own diminishing regional coteries as happened with the North East and North West Infidels. Oh dear!

To make matters even more hilarious Billy ‘Bunter’ Baker of the English Nationalist Alliance has slung his greasy fez into the slurry calling for unity! This occurs on an extremely regular basis on far right web forums and it never works. The far right rely on quantity not quality and the inevitable eejits and bams all join up with their own agendas. It always ends in tears!  Readers may recall Bunter being humiliated in Brighton a couple of times recently alongside the fact that Tam booted him out of the EDL after a televised debacle! Poor Chubs! Well he is now claiming that the ‘failure of the New World Order’ (bit 90s that Fats!) can be rectified by uniting the EDL and ENA. Which we all believe of course. Bilbo Bawbag also has his eye on taking the helm of an increasingly moribund ‘patriots movement.’ Although Tommy’s ego was no doubt boosted by all his media appearances last week he is looking increasingly isolated with the general fragmentation of membership and the flash demo tactic which render him pretty unnecessary. He will no doubt be flogging his cute little burkahs and hoodies whilst he can still coin it from the increasingly less gullible EDLers.

All Plymouth & No Troosers!

As if all this hasnae put the wind up Tam, – Breivik, the embassy debacle, the guilty verdict, the fragmentation – last weekend’s events in Plymouth caused even more embarrassment for the leadership. In case you didnae know, Plymouth EDL had a meet and greet (literally a greet later!) on Sunday when things got massively oot of hand after they got steaming and ‘stormed’ a kebab shop terrifying the family who run it. Apparently, ‘Muslamic militants’ had been spotted hiding in the taramasalata. This is almost too embarrassing to repeat but we will anyway. After trashing the shop and intimidating the folk there it ended with plod turning up with dogs and tasers and multiple arrests. The EDL are claiming they got a bit of a hoofing off plod and a night in the cells to boot. EDL ‘angel’ Hayley Wells was nicked which was all over Twitter/Facebook with even her mum getting involved, slagging her daughter off for going oot on the lash and fighting instead of looking after her bairns! Her Ma wis affrontit! Read all about it on the excellent Everything EDL site.

The leadership of course claimed it had nothing to do with the EDL. Tam, if the Plymouth EDL have a meet and greet and then the Plymouth EDL get pissed and attack a kebab shop, then it is the EDL who are to blame! Proscribing them after the event does not really wash. Another little grupuscule also emerged from this outrage: The Combined Ex-Forces (whose regimental motto is ‘Don’t Panic!’ Don’t Panic!’) have withdrawn from the EDL citing ‘slanderous remarks’ made against them by the leadership. From what we can gather the CxF are a tiny bunch of survivalist scrubland shitters who like to camp it up wildly after a long day ‘defending OUR COUNTRY’ and ‘OUR CHILDREN’S FUTURE’ and all that. For more read this:


And it just goes on! This weeks’ Hapless Halfwit Award goes to Martin Brennan of the Australian Defence League who is currently imprisoned in Oz for being an illegal alien. This is irony on too massive a scale to make any further jokes about so you’ll have to do that yourselves. In case you don’t remember the ADL gathered a mere 30-40 beer swilling patriots at their inaugural demo – despite the fact Brennan boasted they had 1,400 members. They were then surrounded by over 200 antifascists who stopped their demo very early and sent them away with a flea in their ear. We can only assume that the key tenet of the ADL is to stand with the Aboriginal peoples to defend Australia from any further colonial domination! See our friend Slackbastard down under for more details!

So …

August 13th sees a possible to-do at Telford when Jeff ‘Stabber’ Marsh and his Casuals are attempting to get their 15 minutes on Sky. There is, as everywhere else, much local opposition and we are hoping it will be every bit as successful as the washout in Irvine was last weekend. Have a peep at a handful of fuckwits up North in a shopping precinct not knowing whit tae dae!

To be honest, when the EDL first lurched drunkenly into the light anti-fascists were a bit unsure how to confront them. What now seems clear is that we don’t bother. We just have to sit in the pub and let the infighting and egomania consume them as they flail around looking for a future, hopelessly divided, badly led and politically naive. Braw!

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EDL & Norway

Dear, oh dear, oh dear. What a week it’s been for the English Defence League’s Tommy Robinson AKA Stephen Yaxley-Lennon. Much of the UK media have been busy trying to finger the EDL for connections with nutjob Norwegian murderer Anders Breivik and with the EDL’s Facebook pages and web forums featuring tacit support for his ‘politics’ then it has proved to be not a difficult job.

Twitching Tommy!

Tommy has been in the media this week, the best of which was on Newsnight with a bored looking Jeremy Paxman that showed Tommy to be a twitching sweaty coke fiend ranting away and having difficulty keeping his toys aboard the pram. Despite the EDL’s ludicrous claims to be a ‘non-violent, non-profit making, human rights organisation’ Twitching Tom had been found guilty earlier that day of football related violence. Something that Paxman failed to mention. Tommy was sentenced to a 12-month community rehabilitation order, 150 hours of unpaid work and was banned from football grounds for three years. Tommy was very keen on stressing that the Norwegian massacre could happen in the UK in 5-10 years time if anti-Islamic sentiment keeps being suppressed. Although he was a bit vague on how killing 76 white kids and blowing up a nice old building is going to help his ‘non-violent’ cause. One of the unsurprising things about fanatics like Breivik is that they are so often attracted to far right groups as are many others. Check here for further details.

A couple of things come out of the BBC and other appearances. Firstly, after his arrest for public order offences a couple of months back Twitching Tommy’s bail restrictions stated that he was not to have anything to do with the EDL until the case comes up in October. Forgive one’s naivety but isn’t appearing on Newsnight representing the EDL somehow contrary to these conditions? And secondly, why is the BBC interviewing a career criminal who has done a year inside for assaulting a girl and also has been arrested at least 7 times since the start of 2009? As he is currently awaiting trial for other offences as well as being under investigation for fraud  – hence his bank account being frozen – should the BBC be featuring him on their flagship programme? Twitching Tom is currently asking for 50 quid a pop for any media interviews claiming variously that he needs the cash to rent a hotel conference room for meetings in Luton and that because of the limited access to his bank account he could do with half a ton pocket money (and isn’t 50 quid the going rate for a wrap of Charlie?) Tommy is rapidly becoming a general without an army as the North West Infidels appear to be heading off on their own and the North East Infidels are being steered into a more virulent direction by that other career criminal and arse clown Derek Fender. Read all about it here:


The EDL got into a right kosher pickle recently when paper Jewish Divsion leader Roberta ‘EDL No’ Moore tried to link up with the Jewish Task Force whose leader had been in jail for terrorist offences. Oops! Moore was eventually booted out for making mental statements and generally being a PR liability. And now there are ongoing problems with her replacement Robert Bartholomeus who appears to be endorsing Breivik’s actions much to the irritation of the various EDL forum posters.

After the Moore fiasco many on the EDL forums were angry that they should be seen to be supporting Israel when they were the ‘English’ Defence League. Tommy responded in no uncertain terms that EDL support for Israel would continue. Is this because of Alan Lake by any chance? Lake has been accused of being a Zionist and has been bankrolling Tommy for some time now and Lake, Moore and Tommy have all been photographed together. On the neo-Nazi websites accusations of being a ‘Zionist,’ ‘red’ or ‘nonce’ are frequently made and many have called the EDL a Zionist front and for once the accusation may prove true. If Lake is still funding Tommy then he’s hardly going to allow him to renounce one of his principle interests – which is Zionism. So although a lot of EDL members thought they were flapping the Star of David to annoy ‘muslamics’ the Star is now there for good and the EDL leadership, i.e., Tommy, is going to find it difficult to extricate himself from Israeli extremism. Paul Ray who was booted out of the EDL by Twitching Tom has been ranting away on his website about being a Knight’s Templar and attempting to link Breivik somehow to Alan Lake but this has yet to bear fruit. (And Knight’s Templar? That’s soooo 12th Century!).

Plodding Along

After all the hoo-hah over Norway British plod have decided to ‘crack down on far right terrorism’ but first they will have to finally admit that they were completely wrong in not classifying the EDL as a far right organisation. They are. The EDL is full of known supporters of the BNP, Combat 18 and other nutty fascist grupuscules and the documentation is extensive on antifascist websites. So maybe Plod should log on and do a bit more research.  With the recent exposure of ‘Mark Stone’ – and the much welcomed collapse of the trial of the eco-activists in Nottingham – it is clear that plod spend far too much time infiltrating left wing groups whilst apparently ignoring the far right.

Without getting involved in the general weirdness of the man, one of David Shayler’s concerns whilst at MI5 was their over focussing on the far left (Class War, Communist Party) whilst ignoring the far right. Plod have found themselves in a similar situation but this does not come as a surprise to antifascists: as many EDL members say on the forums the coppers at their demos are mostly sympathetic which is something that many counter-protestors can verify.  The EDL’s web forums and Facebook pages are full of violent threats, racist outpourings and generally deranged ranting so rather than nosing into left wing business shouldn’t plod be looking into the EDL on the web and perhaps even arresting Tommy who has breached his bail conditions by being all over the national media! Surely that would mean remand as he cannot be trusted to observe the conditions laid down by the court. So why are plod content to leave him alone? Is it because he works for them? Surely not. ‘Sir’Tommy is a hero. It says so on the EDL forums!

Perhaps plod could also take a wee peak at the Redwatch site and the support it gets from some members of the EDL whilst they are logged on. This site is a potential hit list of political opponents used by far right groups to intimidate left wingers. Redwatch was started by Kevin Watmough, former member of BNP, Combat 18 and the useless British People’s Party, and onetime wet nurse to ex-NF coup leader Eddy ‘Adult Diapers’ Morrison. Watmough is a nasty little scrote and his address is not hard to find. Officers! Redwatch is a hitlist and the kind of thing that could be called a ‘far right terror threat.’ Ask any trade unionist or antifascist who have had their windows put through or received threatening phone calls because of it.

As stated earlier the EDL still claim to be a ‘non-violent human rights group’ which Robinson’s recent conviction for, er violence, must repudiate. They have also been verbal against trade unionists and student protesting against the recent cuts. So for all their rhetoric about the white working class being ignored the EDL turn round and attack members of the white working class. As someone on Urban75 rightly says, the EDL are technically a scab organisation.

And Finally …

Best article this week at Expose here:


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EDL Latest by ‘MacMalatesta’ & ‘Masala Tester’

Crivvens, Jings and Help Ma Boab! The members of the Tommy Robinson Band the English Defence League have been getting intae a right wee state this week over their various schisms and are running roond the forums like heedless haggis’s desperate for guidance from an increasingly distant leadership! Wee Tam has done a bit of a disappearing act recently: he is under bail conditions and must not have anything to do with the EDL. It also says on 1 forum that he is on a stag do abroad. Whether this is true or not we cannot verify but the statements that have come from EDL HQ certainly do not sound like him – ‘repudiate’ Tam? Crivvens! Whit does that mean? Kev Carroll, his ‘number 2,’ has also been maintaining radio silence so is anyone at EDL HQ or is that just Hel Gower tidying up the coke spoons and Pot Noodles?

The EDL Leadership

Wee Tam Robinson originally prided himself on the EDL leaderships ‘multicultural racism’ stance and oft tooted their various ‘ethnic’ members to prove they aren’t racist but things have no been going tae well: of the original leadership Richard Price, once a ‘political prisoner,’  has now been excommunicated on conviction of child porn and crack and cocaine possession. Guarmit Singh – the token Sikh member – has resigned because his Nan is poorly. ‘Mixed race yoof leader’ Joel Titus is in prison. John ‘Snowy’ Shaw has gone all religious and is promoting the bogus Protocols of Zion. As this is the first ‘big book’ he has read he naturally thinks it must all be true. Puir wee thing! He was hoofed out early on despite his part in the Dudley ‘rooftop protest.’ He is currently siding with the North West and North East Infidel factions who split from the main EDL after the do at Blackburn where Tam ‘outed’ one of his critics who got a battering. Abdul, the Glaswegian Asian laddie, has been outed this week spouting anti-Catholic vitriol which is no going tae endear him to some of the EDL members of Irish descent – like Tommy Robinson and Kev Carroll. What is clear from the demos and internet chat is that Tam is losing both his leadership buddies and control over his followers. Although he still has a fair amount of sycophants, many on the forums are unhappy with him and Kev Carroll deciding everything and although the leadership said they are no longer liaising with plod many divisions are now organising their own flash demos irrespective of what happens in Luton.


Many members have agreed that the static demos are frustrating: being stuck in a car park on the edge of town surrounded by nervous cops with no toilets and all the boozers closed is no fun. Hence the flash demos. However, the polis will no take kindly tae that kind of behaviour and come down hard like they did in Oldham last year when the EDL tried the same tactics there. They got battered and nicked. Other more sensible EDL have realised that this kind of deliberate disorder will just create negative publicity in the national media. Not that they get much positive coverage anyway. Next week is going to prove how effective the flash strategy when various divisions hold demos in their areas: Middlesboro, Bradford, Leeds, Cambridge, Clitheroe and Halifax have all threatened them and Halifax division held a trial one yesterday  though this was piss poor and covered in plod. There is the serious risk of spreading themselves too thinly as most of the demos are too close to each other to be really effective. The day could well end up as a washout.

No Moore!

The essentially paper Jewish Division had a dreadful week and lead heedbanger Roberta  Moore has finally been booted out over her increasingly uncontrollable outbursts and getting intae a reet tizzy with wee Tam over multiple things. Moore’s many infractions include attempting to align the EDL with various dodgy Zionists and internet fallouts with prominent  members. Many of the EDL membership have reacted positively to the ousting of Moore by saying they do not want anything to do with Israel and that they joined the ENGLISH Defence League. However, given that the leadership are funded by the Zionist Alan Lake wee Tam has made it clear that the EDL WILL support Israel whether the membership like it or not. Like most far-right groups the EDL depends on quantity not quality and have not been careful who they have sided with hence the final implosion with Moore. The EDL have already been fragmented by the Infidels split and this pro/anti Israel thing is going to likewise alienate a membership from whom the leadership is estranged and who are desperately seeking guidance and clarity. Neither of which are forthcoming (especially if Tam’s charlie’d up in a bar in Ibiza!). By the way, up here in auld Reekie we hear that the Scottish Defence League is still ‘yid free.’ Such wee charmers!

Wee Tam & The Big Huge!

As for Wee Tam, his legal problems pile up like fish supper wrappers on a Friday night. He is currently under bail restrictions and cannot have anything to do with the EDL although he still seems to be communicating with some members. He also has outstanding cases against him but not just to do with the EDL. Tam is a wee businessman and owns several properties and businesses and is under investigation for fraud. What is happening over this is unclear but we hope things work out for him.

This week, the Muslim Debate Initiative invited the EDL to come and discuss their differences in neutral and civilised territory to which a lot of members reacted with a predictable flurry of racist abuse. The EDL will not publicly debate for 3 reasons: that many of the EDL’s arguments are flawed and do not stand up to scrutiny; that the leadership have no one left who is articulate enough to debate in public;  and that judging from their reactions they are unable to distinguish between moderate Muslims and the tiny percentage of Islamic extremists in the UK – as demonstrated by them singing ‘Mohammed/Allah is a pedo’ and assuming ‘moderate Muslims’ will not mind.

There is still debate on whether the EDL should ‘go political’ but again they will suffer from the above 3 reasons, flawed arguments, inarticulacy and kneejerk racism. If they did ‘go official’ they would immediately disappear amongst the multiple initials of the BNP, the fluffy fascist BFP, UKIP, England 1st and any number of independent hopefuls desperate to lose their election deposits.

In Conclusion …

It’s no looking good Tam! The original leadership has been reduced to you and Kev with many on the forums questioning your wisdom. The EDL was splintered by the North West and North East Infidels who were sick of the leadership ‘down south’ bossing everyone and saying they have to like ‘Jews and Pakis’ and the infidels are more openly racist than Tam’s boys. Fellow travellers like Billy ‘Bunter’ Baker of the English Nationalist Alliance have been ostracised and now the Jewish division have been booted oot. It is clear that the EDL has suffered from egomania as well as factionalism but there is also the fact that it has proved to be a lucrative venture: the merchandising in particular but also there are questions over the whereabouts of cash raised for the now excluded Snowy defence campaign and the Richard Price defence campaign. Other EDL members not opponents bought this up first which is how we found out about it.  We will be watching how events unfold on next Saturday so see you then! Oh, and hello to Expose, keep it up!

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EDL In Rochdale (from March)

The English Defence League demonstration in Rochdale today was extremely feeble. About 350 turned up and there were 35 arrests, i.e., 10% of them. This will no doubt be interpreted as a massive victory by the under fire leadership. The EDL claim this was a regional demo but it was still a piss poor effort. The hoodies and flags on display were mainly from Wigan, Bolton and Leeds with 1 or 2 other few towns as well. Rochdale division, if one exists, maintained an extremely low profile. The cops and commentators on Twitter said that the vast majority of EDL had been bussed in, i.e., were not from round the Dale.The EDL still brag about outnumbering the opposition and no doubt will do so tonight on their web forums. Well, the reason why there isn’t a massive turnout against them is because many anti-fascists realise that the EDL are not worth it and that the EDL’s bother over ‘Islamism’ is insignificant compared to the economy, the government coalition and the middle east. However, the local youth did turn out in force – and in some rather fetching black ensembles. Nice!

Yet again the vast majority of the EDL were bussed in from outside, escorted and then kettled by the cops whilst annoying the local community – rather than representing them. They are whining about the cops having a go at them and numerous members were bitten by plod dogs. The EDL threatened to demonstrate at Dagenham and in the East Midlands but the Dagenham protest against the mosque has been hampered by the split between the EDL and the English National Alliance led by Bill ‘Bunter’ Baker, the pastryman’s friend. The EDL and ENA fell out last week after Baker had made a twat of himself on TV, something which the publicity hungry EDL leader, Stephen Caxley-Robinson resented because if anyone is going to make a twat of themselves on TV it is going to be him! From what we can gather, fuck all happened in the East Midlands either.

Still, EDL watchers this week will no doubt have been amused by the EDL Islamic Division Facebook group prank. And whilst the EDL are desperate to assure people they are not BNP, who turned up to ‘protect’ the BNP stall in Barnsley last week from beastly trade unionists, but the EDL. So much all the ‘hard work’ the leadership do purging the ranks of fascists. Fuckwits.

Bury Black Pudding

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EDL Latest (from February)

Warning : this article may contain ‘big words’ so to help the EDL trolls, here is a link to the dickshunry :

Tunisia, Libya, Egypt, Bahrain, Yemen, Oman, Luton! Massive cuts of public jobs, increased fuel costs, VAT rises, ‘Allah is a paedo.’ The ‘unstoppable’ English Defence League continue to prove themselves hopelessly out of step with the reality of politics both locally and internationally and insist that the ills of the UK are created by millions of Islamic extremists. In the UK, Muslims represent 3% of the population and the % of extremists is slight. The EDL believe that we are about to be subsumed by sharia law and that Muslims are ‘out-breeding’ ‘white Brits.’ Lads, in grown-up politics the real issues are the Middle East, the economy and the ideological attack on the public sector by the Tories. You have yet to identify or expose any extremists in any of the places you have had your piss-ups. The only extremists arrested have been EDL members. The ‘inclusive’ EDL claim to ‘peacefully oppose’ Islamic extremism and think that ‘ordinary’ Muslims will not be offended by chants of ‘Mohammed is a paedo.’ The leadership blame this on a few ‘loose cannons’ but do not understand that the point of leadership is to control the ‘loose cannons’ and prevent this kind of thing. And this ‘loose cannons’ excuse has no political credibility because it has happened on every demo so far.

The EDL’s Jewish division is also a ‘loose cannon.’ Roberta Moore of the Jewish division has blundered massively over her affiliation with the Jewish Task Force and even the EDL have realised that the JTF, and indeed Moore herself, are a political liability who do no-one any favours. But she is a ‘loose cannon’ and a girl so she is probably just confused, the poor dear. The EDL think that anyone who opposes ‘Islamic extremism’ must be okay and on their side but the reality – which is where the rest of us who can read exist – know otherwise.

Another loose cannon in the morbidly obese shape of Bill Baker has been ‘proscribed.’ The portly leader of the English Nationalist Alliance, friend of pasties everywhere, has been booted out of an increasingly fragmented EDL. In case you don’t remember, the ENA have been piggybacking the EDL for a while now and have had a couple of sparsely attended demos here and there and were utterly humiliated in Brighton last summer. Even the ‘leadership’ of the EDL have realised that Baker is an unreconstructed Nazi and is doing their ‘multicultural racism’ pose no favours. Baker is after the kind of cash that sympathetic idiots willingly handover to the EDL for a ‘burka’ facemask and the thrill of being part of a barney now that they can’t get away with it at footy matches.

The embarrassments continue and it is almost sad to list them. There is the ongoing row over the Birmingham division’s tactless photo op with masks, guns and loyalist flags which the EDL are claiming that us nasty ‘fascist-anti-fascist UAF’ (i.e., anyone who does not like the EDL) have photoshopped. Best of all was the Richard Price incident with Stephen Napoleon-Lennon first supporting him, then saying Price was never part of the leadership and then the total turnaround and saying he was leadership but after being exposed as a sex offender he is now ‘proscribed.’ Some callous wag suggested anti-fascists sing ‘Pricey is a paedo’ at counter-demos but that just not nice. (Oh, and remember, when the EDL go on about ‘Asian drug gangs’ remind them about Price’s conviction for crack and cocaine which I am sure he bought from a respectable ‘white’ dealer and the fact that many EDLers are partial to a toke and a snort now and again and members have been arrested for drugs on demos).

The EDL blunder from crisis to crisis with the diminutive Steven Yaxley-Mainwaring at the helm of an increasingly contradictory, naïve and misguided ship of fools, still convinced that political efficacy is judged by how many pissed idiots you can gather at a Wetherspoons of a Saturday. Well done. Coke snorting woman beating ex-convict Napoleon-Lennon claimed on Newsnight to a rather bored Jeremy Paxman that ‘I ain’t political nor nuffink’ but forgot to mention that photo of him at the BNP meeting with Richard Edmonds. Something the EDL trolls have yet to comment on.

The EDL are always going on about opposition being middle class as if being a balding, fat, unemployed, football hooligan was somehow inherently noble. They should remind themselves that double-barrelled Caxley-Lennon owns a tanning business as well as ‘a couple of properties.’ Not very working clarse that, is it? And neither is Alan Lake founder of the EDL. Captain Yaxley-Mainwaring’s bank account has been frozen over money laundering allegations and it is a commonly held view that he has done a Griffin and siphoned off cash from the burka and hoody proceeds. He has been accused of this in the past by former EDL ‘martyr’ Snowy who also claimed Caxley-Trousers was an Irish republican. And speaking of Ireland, EDL supporters claim that their chant of ‘no surrender’ has no loyalist overtones, i.e., no relation to the footy chant ‘no surrender to the IRA’ – which is like saying the Hitler salute is in fact a Roman one and no negative connotations were intended.

The undoing of the EDL could well be over money like the BNP and Nickclops Griffin who could not keep his hands off all that lovely lolly. There were moves to make people pay for access to the EDL website but this seems to have been shelved as it is such an obvious racket. The website itself still features pro-BNP sentiments which are eventually deleted by the dozy moderators and the section for opponents to comment has been removed. So as the British government are making massive cuts in public spending and affecting pretty much every area of life the EDL fail to expose any extremists. They limp from PR crisis to PR crisis blaming Islam for the world’s ills and Stephen Hyphen-Mainwaring’s legal troubles are coming to a head. But will his Special Branch handler step into the breach and save him in time? No.

The next EDL demo is set for Rochdale on 5th March. See you there.


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