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    Liverpool Antifascists is dedicated to driving fascism from the streets of Liverpool. We exist to confront fascist ideas, activities, and organisations wherever and however they occur.

    A large part of that is in street activism. Be it delivering leaflets on estates, opposing the BNP and EDL directly, or organising and building community links, activists from Liverpool Antifascists will be at the forefront of it.

    If you want to find out more about the work we do, or to get involved yourself, then please contact us.

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Islamists plan November 11 demonstration

On Armistice Day, the Islamist group Muslims Against Crusades is holding a demonstration under the banner of “Hell for Heroes.” They claim that this is to “highlight the atrocities which have been committed and continue to be committed against the Muslims … by the US, UK and their allies.” But it is also a deliberate … Read more

EDL chief faces assault sentence

The leader of the English Defence League from Bedfordshire is due to be sentenced for assaulting a fellow-member of the far-right group. Stephen Lennon, founder of the English Defence League (EDL) headbutted his victim shortly after speaking at a rally of 2,000 followers in Blackburn, Lancs, on April 2. The 28-year-old, from Luton, launched a … Read more

No unity so far for anti-Griffin right

AFTER ALL THE HYPE AND PROMISES, the annual booze-up in memory of one of Britain’s most infamous postwar, jackbooted nazi leaders was a distinct disappointment. John Tyndall, who died in July 2005, founded the British National Party and led it until Nick Griffin became chairman in 1999. Even the fact that the event was an … Read more

BNP member denies he helped hold woman in Comber car park

A senior member of the BNP has denied that he helped hold a former employee of the party against her will in a car park in Comber. Clive Jefferson also told an industrial tribunal he had not ordered the woman to falsify election expenses. Marion Thomas is claiming unfair dismissal from her job at the … Read more


BNP conference demo report

On the first day of the BNP Conference, I arrived at about 10.45am to join a small but very loud group of people outside The Cricketers. There were lots of police vans around and the hi viz jackets were spotted in abundance as I approached. It was heartening to see that people had arrived early … Read more


THE British National Party is set to face allegations this week that it is a dangerous, bankrupt and fraudulent organisation. An unfair dismissal case brought by a disgruntled ex-employee­ could put the final nail in the coffin of the crumbling party. The far-right organisation’s head Nick Griffin is expected to give evidence at the hearing … Read more

Liverpool EDL's appearance at a march of female asylum seekers

Liverpool EDL’s vendetta against the working class

Although I and others have long noted the English Defence League’s anti-working class agenda, it seems that of late the Liverpool Division have decided to ramp it up a notch. Today, few will have been surprised to hear that several EDL members came out in opposition to the demo against the BNP conference. But it’s not just … Read more

The Cricketers in Wavertree hosts BNP Conference

This weekend, the BNP are holding their annual conference in the North West. In the run up to the event, it was largely assumed by anti-fascists that the event would be held in Manchester. However, on Friday it emerged that the conference would be held in Liverpool and locals called a demonstration. The venue being … Read more

The English Democrats welcome ‘ex’ BNP members into the fold

The English Democrats, a far-right party previously best known for their farcical mayoralty of Doncaster, have been steadily accepting into their organisation “former” members of the BNP. Hope not Hate has uncovered evidence that suggests that the two parties are not so separate as they claim: Chris Beverley, the former Yorkshire BNP organiser and councillor … Read more

Neo-Nazis still pose real threat

A far-right extremism expert has warned that the real threat of neo-Nazi terrorism is being ignored because of the focus on Islamist violence. During a debate on the British far right at the Jewish Museum last week, author Nick Ryan warned that antisemitism was still “the glue” which united many extreme far-right groups in Europe … Read more


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