China Worker


星期三, 16 十一月 2011.



星期二, 15 十一月 2011.



星期天, 13 十一月 2011.



星期天, 13 十一月 2011.


历史文件:《苏联的革命和反革命》第三章 资本主义复辟的前景

星期六, 12 十一月 2011.


香港: 為性平權鬥爭到底!

星期五, 11 十一月 2011.



星期五, 11 十一月 2011.


世界經濟: 大衰退的新階段

星期四, 10 十一月 2011.


請求聲援:歐洲議會議員保羅‧墨菲(Paul Murphy)仍然在囚

星期三, 9 十一月 2011.



星期三, 9 十一月 2011.

社會主義行動(Socialist Action)首次參加區議會選舉,派出鄧美晶參選深水埗的元州及蘇屋區


星期二, 8 十一月 2011.



星期一, 7 十一月 2011.



星期六, 5 十一月 2011.



星期五, 4 十一月 2011.



星期四, 3 十一月 2011.


Occupy Wall Street: Tremble Ye Bankers the People Are Coming

Wednesday, 16 November 2011.

Warren Buffet, one of the richest men in the world said earlier this year that “There has been class warfare going on... and my class isn’t just winning, I mean we’re killing them”.

Hong Kong: 2,500 turn out for Pride Parade

Saturday, 12 November 2011.

A welcome return but struggle against oppression and discrimination must be stepped up

Eurozone Crisis: Failed G20 summit takes eurozone nearer to the abyss

Saturday, 12 November 2011.

"A ’No Cannes Do’ summit"

Breaking News: Paul Murphy MEP and other activists released; on flight home

Friday, 11 November 2011.

Gaza Flotilla activists abducted in international waters and illegally held for 7 days by the Israeli state

Hong Kong: Pro-Beijing parties prevail in rigged district elections

Friday, 11 November 2011.

Crisis for stunned pan democratic leaders – we need a mass working class political alternative

Gaza Solidarity Flotilla: EU Parliament President calls on Israel to free Paul Murphy

Thursday, 10 November 2011.

Breaking News: 7 detainees to be "released" tomorrow, followed by Paul Murphy MEP on Friday

Solidarity Needed: Paul Murphy MEP still in jail

Wednesday, 9 November 2011.

Israeli authorities delay deportation, continue imprisonment

Reply to critics: Why Socialist Action is standing in the district council elections?

Wednesday, 9 November 2011.

Socialist Action (SA) is standing for the first time in the district council elections, running Sally Tang Mei-ching in the constituency of Un Chau and So Uk

Greece: Prime Minister George Papandreou forced out of office

Tuesday, 8 November 2011.

New ’National unity’ government = ‘austerity coalition’

Hong Kong: 493 votes for Socialist Action’s Sally Tang Mei-ching

Monday, 7 November 2011.

Pro-government camp use racism and smears to exact electoral revenge upon pan democratic ‘radicals’

Breaking News: Socialist Party MEP Paul Murphy detained by Israeli Army

Saturday, 5 November 2011.

Flotillas blocked and activists detained – Send protests urgently!

Is Hong Kong facing a ‘hard landing’ in 2012?

Friday, 4 November 2011.

Property bubble about to burst • Finance Secretary warns of hard times ahead

Ireland: Excellent performance by the Socialist Party in Dublin parliamentary by-election

Thursday, 3 November 2011.

Labour had a good day in Presidential and by-election polls but it’s all down hill from here

Belgium: Nationalise the steel sector under workers’ control!

Wednesday, 2 November 2011.

ArcelorMittal wants to close ‘liquid’ steelproduction in Liège. Workers resist, unions call for nationalisation

US: Break the Power of Wall Street - The Case for Public Ownership of the Banks

Tuesday, 1 November 2011.

Only a massive movement of working people and young people could make it happen. The Occupy Wall Street movement is an important step in this direction

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