The Australian Greens will provide stability in the Senate and will continue to provide a constructive voice in Parliament, Australian Greens Leader Bob Brown said when the federal Greens party room of 10 met for the first time.

Greens MPs, 25th October 2011

Ten Years On and Still No Answers

On 19th October 2001, at the height of the Howard government's election campaign based on the mantra, "We will decide who comes to this country.." the SIEV X sank on its way to Australia with the shocking loss of 353 lives including 142 women and 146 children. 41 adults and three children survived. The truth about what happened to the SIEV X has never been told as no judicial inquiry or coroner's inquiry was ever held because the ship apparently did not sink in Australian waters. Huge questions remain:
Why were the asylum seekers on the SIEV X transported to the boat in buses with blacked out windows and forced to board by Indonesian police carrying guns?
What did Australian authorities know about the SIEV X before it departed given that Australia was involved in or knew about "disruption" activities in Indonesian ports at that time?
Did the Shoal Bay tracking station know where the SIEV X was and where it was sinking? Was a tracking device on the ship?

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Greens MPs, 25th October 2011

Coalition tied in knots over gay marriage

Greens MPs, 18th October 2011

It costs less to be humane

Greens MPs, 12th October 2011

Today Melbourne delivered

Greens MPs, 11th October 2011

The bigger picture

A new Green economic future

The gap between Australia’s rich and poor is growing and our long-term prosperity is being undermined.

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