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Urban Sprawl


"Sprawl" refers to the rural acres lost as an Urbanized Area spreads outward over a period of time.

An "Urbanized Area" is a central city and its contiguously developed suburbs, as calculated by the Census Bureau.

"Percent Sprawl" is the percentage increase of total acres of land in an Urbanized Area over a period of time.

Population growth is half the problem in sprawl

Population growth, largely from immigration, contributes half of sprawl.
A major controversy in the efforts to halt rural land loss is whether land-use and consumption decisions are the primary engines of urban sprawl, or whether it is the nation's continuing population boom providing most of the power driving the expansion.

Population growth without Sprawl apparently not practicable

Housing density has decreased even as population increased.
The virtual void of population-stabilization plans within the anti-sprawl programs around the country is related to a belief that population growth can be accommodated without causing sprawl.

Understanding Per Capita Land Consumption

Per capita urban land consumption is not limited to the size of a person's house lot or to a person's proportion of the land covered by an apartment complex.

Key Statistics Of Urban Sprawl

Farmland is threatened by encroaching urban sprawl
Between 1982 and 1997 America converted approximately 25 million acres (39,000 square miles) of rural land — forests, rangeland, pastures, cropland, and wetlands — to developed land: that is, sub-divisions, freeways, factories, strip malls, airports, and the like.

What is Sprawl?

sprawling suburbs
Although there are many definitions of sprawl, a central component of most definitions and of most people's understanding of sprawl is this:

In the News

California counties cut healthcare to illegal immigrants

In the News - Monday, April 27, 2009

"Forced to slash their budgets, some California counties are eliminating nonemergency health services for illegal immigrants -- a move that officials acknowledge could backfire by shifting the financial burden to emergency rooms.

Sacramento County voted in February to bar illegal immigrants from county clinics at an estimated savings of $2.4 million. Contra Costa County followed last month by cutting off undocumented adults, to save approximately $6 million. And Yolo County is voting on a similar change next month, which would reduce costs by $1.2 million."

Anna Gorman, LA Times, 27 April 2009


SHRM-Backed Bill Launches Employment Verification Debate

In the News - Thursday, April 23, 2009

"With momentum building for Congress to address comprehensive immigration reform later this year, two members of the House have introduced a bill to put employment verification at the center of the debate.

Written by Reps. Gabrielle Giffords, D-Arizona, and Sam Johnson, R-Texas, the measure would establish a mandatory electronic verification system that replaces an existing government-run system that has been roundly criticized by employer groups...."

Mark Schoeff, Workforce Management, 23 April 2009


Treading on a taboo

In the News - Monday, June 16, 2008

"Portland's fevered efforts to stave off global warming by reducing carbon dioxide began more than two decades ago. And how much progress have we made? None. Zero. Zilch. Every day we dump more planet-threatening gas into the atmosphere. Why? Because at the same time Portland's metro-area population has grown by 42 percent. We cancel out every reduction in CO2 emissions with a gain in CO2 emitters...."

Jack Hart, The Oregonian, 15 June 2008

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Half of Americans Believe Immigration Should be Reduced

Prefer Lower Numbers - Friday, August 7, 2009

A Gallup poll released on August 5, 2009 shows that 50% of all Americans believe that immigration should be reduced.  This number is 11 points higher than the figure from an identical poll conducted last year.  Only 14% of Americans say immigration should be increased (down from 18%) and 32% say immigration levels should remain the same (down from 39%).

5 August 2009, Gallup


Poll Reveals Progressives Support Lower Immigration Numbers

Prefer Lower Numbers Oppose Amnesty - Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Leah Durant, the Executive Director of Progressives for Immigration Reform, will appear on Lou Dobbs on CNN on Tuesday night to explain new poll numbers showing that liberals are concerned about rising population numbers due to increased immigration. The poll was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC in April.

The poll revealed:
  • Sixty seven percent of liberals and progressives felt the level of population growth caused by immigration negatively impacts the quality of life in the United States.
  • Fifty eight percent felt that the current levels of immigration are harmful to the environment.
  • Sixty three percent said that current levels of immigration hurts job prospects for American workers.

Progressives for Immigration Reform

Leah Durant, the Executive Director of Progressives for Immigration Reform, will appear on Lou Dobbs on CNN on Tuesday night to explain new poll numbers showing that liberals are concerned about rising population numbers due to increased immigration. The poll was conducted by Pulse Opinion Research, LLC in April.

The poll revealed:

  • Sixty seven percent of liberals and progressives felt the level of population growth caused by immigration negatively impacts the quality of life in the United States.
  • Fifty eight percent felt that the current levels of immigration are harmful to the environment.
  • Sixty three percent said that current levels of immigration hurts job prospects for American workers.
  • With regard to undocumented workers already here, the poll revealed that self-identified liberals are split over whether illegal immigrants should be offered an amnesty. Fifty three percent were in support of a pathway to citizenship and forty five percent were opposed.

Progressives for Immigration Reform

Show More http://www.progressivesforimmigrationreform.org/2009/06/23/survey-of-600-progressives-and-liberals/