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Updated November 12, 2011 - 1:01 AM EST
Iran Mocks IAEA's Increasingly Shrill Allegations
  Eyeing Iran, US Plans to Sell Bunker-Buster Bombs to UAE
  Hezbollah Chief: Israeli-US Strike on Iran Will Lead to Regional War
Al-Qaeda Group: We 'Benefit From' Libyan Arms
  Niger to Grant Saadi Gadhafi Asylum on Humanitarian Grounds
Violence Soars in Syria: 300 Killed Since Deal
Gallup: Suffering Soars in Afghanistan
Yemeni Troops Shell Protesters: 17 Killed
CBS Poll: Americans Oppose Starting New Wars
Panetta Was Warned About Landfill Bodies Months Ago
Judge Orders Twitter to Hand Over WikiLeaks Related Info
Moving Beyond the Yellow Ribbons and Flag Waving  by Kelley Vlahos
Trouble in Paradise: The Militarization of Jeju Island  by John Feffer
Why the Washington Post Won't Fire Jennifer Rubin  by Glenn Greenwald
Why Defense Debates Are Unbalanced  by Benjamin H. Friedman
Veterans Day: Thanks but No Thanks  by Tim Kelly
Déjà Vu Over Iran A-Bomb Charges  by Robert Parry

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by Anthony Gregory
Wounded Soldiers Face Sack Under New UK Army Redundancy Plans
Britain Warns Israel Against Blocking Funds for Rights Groups
Tape Sheds Light on Surreal Nixon-Protesters Meeting
Gingrich Hints at John Bolton for Presidential Cabinet
War, What Is It Good For? Absolutely Nothing Except for Antiwar Music Videos
German Drawdown in Afghanistan 'Falls Short'
Afghanistan Mother and Daughter Stoned and Shot Dead
In Afghanistan, Unit Greets Gay Marine With Threats to Life
Soldier Found Guilty of Murdering Afghans, Sentenced to Life
India Court Shocked at Pakistanis Held Without Charge
Imran Vows to Bring Army, ISI Under Civilian Control
China Censors Target Internet News
Sri Lanka's War Report Ready Next Week
Libya Looks Cautiously Toward Elections
Libyan Islamist Commander Swaps Combat Rig for Suit
Libya Hoping for a Post-War Tourism Boost
Somalia Soldiers Fire on Unruly Food Handout, Kill 1, Wound 5
Eritrea Says It Can't, Won't Supply Weapons to Somali Militants Pursued by Kenya
Somalis in Kenya Living in Fear of Xenophobic Attacks as Kenyan Troops Battle Somali Militants
UN Blames Khartoum for Bombing South Sudan Refugee Camp
Sudan's Ambassador to UN Denies Aerial Bombardment, US Envoy Calls Him a Liar
US Group: Sudan Building Up Air Bases Near South Sudan
Zimbabwe's Mugabe and Tsvangirai Talk Peace
Rearming the Security Forces
Police: Protest Hits North Nigeria Hours After a 24-Hour Curfew Is Relaxed in Volatile Region
Parliament Chief Downplays Unilateral Release of American, Possible Swap for Cuban Five
Official: Haiti to Restore Army Despite Resistance
US Military
Dover Panel Chief's Political Plans Catch Pentagon by Surprise
Unemployment for Young Vets: 30%, and Rising
Uncertainty About Skills, Injuries Dampens Hiring of Veterans
Air Force Wants Ray Guns for 'Weed Prevention'
Audit: Naval Academy Wasted $3.5m on Contract
US Army Destroys Nazi Stockpile of Nerve Agent
Future Wars May Be Fought by Synapses
Iran: Nobody Would Dare Attack Islamic Republic
Iran Rejects IAEA Findings as 'Lousy' Intelligence Work
IAEA Shows Iran Intel to 35 Nations
UN Nuclear Report Puts Iran 'Mystery Man' in Spotlight
Dissident Cleric Lambasts Current Iranian Regime
Iran Coffee Shops Gain Popularity
UN Committee Divided on Palestinian Membership Bid
Israeli Soldiers Shoot Dead West Bank Rabbi Settler, Wound Two Others, in Checkpoint Incident
Soldier Who Mistakenly Killed Rabbi: Sorry
Israel Speeds Up Work on Airline Defense System
UNESCO Files Complaint Against Israeli Delegation Over Haaretz Cartoon
Report: Syria Crackdown Amounts to Crimes Against Humanity
Heavy Security Measures Along Iraqi-Syrian Borders
On Syria's Border With Turkey, Unrest Divides Communities
Debate Over Trial in Absentia for Hariri Suspects
First Lebanese Casualty of Syrian Landmines
Poll: Three in Four Back Iraq Troop Pullout
Iraq Violence Kills 7, Including Iranian Pilgrims
Mass. Soldier's Death in Iraq Now Ruled Homicide
Iconic Photo of Toledoans Shows Human Side of 'Bad Day' in Iraq
Deadly Village Feud in Central Egypt Reveals Depth of Security Breakdown Since Mubarak Ouster
Hundreds March in Egypt's Capital to Mourn Coptic Christians Killed in Clashes With Military
UN Calls for Release of Egyptian Blogger
Jailed Egyptian Blogger's Mother on Hunger Strike
Comic Book Tries to Capture Complexity of Egypt's Revolt
Middle East
UN Envoy in Yemen in His Sixth Attempt to End the Crisis
Suspected Kurd Militants Hijack Ferry in Turkey
Bahrain Opposition Says Leader's House Tear-Gassed
Mexico: No. 2 Official Dies in Helicopter Crash
Blake Mora: Key Strategist in Mexico's Drug War
The War at Home
Arab Christians Reshaping US Enclaves
Ohio Man Sentenced for Illegal Military Exporting
Read more

Justin Raimondo
Looking at the 'Big Picture'

Philip Giraldi
Washington Loses on Own-Goal Hat Trick

Ivan Eland
Spending Other People's Money Usually Leads to Bad Results

Kelley B. Vlahos
Occupy Veterans Day

Nebojsa Malic
Identity And Other Politics

Ran HaCohen
Was Elliott Abrams Hitler's Senior Advisor?

Charles V. Peņa
Doomsday Defense Cuts?

David R. Henderson
The Left's Antiwar Movement in Monterey: Down but Not Out

Additional Contributors
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