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Campaign news

Emergency Action on Legal Aid, Sentencing and Punishment Bill

Their Crisis Not Ours!

UPDATE: Thanks to all those who have already lobbied Labour MPs, shadow housing minister Jack Dromey and Labour leader Ed Miliband. John McDonnell MP has now tabled two amendments to New Clause 26, supported by Crisis and the Squash campaign. Please email keep lobbying MPs to vote against New Clause 26 or at least to support the amendments to it tabled by John McDonnell MP.  [continue...]

LRC conference 2011 - Get involved

Labour's Future

LRC annual conference ‘Labour’s Resistance’ will take place on Saturday 19 November in London. We encourage all LRC members to attend and discuss our campaign strategy for the coming year. The conference will debate and vote on policy, elect new officers and a national committee, and will hold hustings for LRC nominees for the centre-left Labour Party NEC slate. [continue...]

Defend welfare, Stop workfare

Stop Welfare Reform

The welfare state is under increased attack from the coalition government. Since coming to power they have announced over £20bn in welfare cuts, while giving £25bn in tax breaks to businesses. The LRC is urging all members to fight against attacks on welfare by challenging anti-welfare attitudes within the Labour Party and in wider society (download new LRC flyer ‘Defend Welfare’) and by taking direct action in conjunction with other organisations. If you are a Labour Party member, please get this model motion passed in your CLP. [continue...]

Labour Party conference needs democracy and debate, not abolition

Labour's Future

Joint secretaries Pete Firmin and Andrew Fisher had a letter published in the Guardian calling for greater democracy and debate at party conference to make it relevant again, and for the Party to find the policies that can win back members and voters to defeat the coalition government. [continue...]

Towards 30 November - Build the Resistance

Their Crisis Not Ours!

Up to 3 million public sector workers from 20 unions are planning to take co-ordinated action on 30 November. This follows the decision at TUC Congress 2011 when unions voted unanimously to support co-ordinated strike action to defend public sector pensions. [continue...]

Labour is a political movement not a fanclub

Labour's Future

. . .Grassroots labour activists and MPs reluctantly call for rejection of Refounding Labour [continue...]

Events calendar

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