Obey Giant Headlines

Shepard Interviewed at OccupyLA

Shepard Interviewed at OccupyLA

Here’s a video of one of the interviews I did at Occupy LA. Campaign finance reform is a solution I discussed to decrease corporate influence in politics that made it into a different interview but not this one. To learn about an organization pushing for campaign finance reform and ending corrupt influence in congress, check out Rootstrikers.org. Thanks for caring.
-Shepard Fairey

David Flores x Obey Giant

David Flores x Obey Giant

My friend David Flores asked me to share a wall with him in downtown LA. David has been doing some great portraits and I added to his piece with some of my patterns to keep my contribution decorative and secondary to David’s portrait. I think they work well together. Check it out.

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Obey In Copenhagen Part 2

Obey In Copenhagen Part 2

We followed Shepard around on his trip to Copenhagen for his solo show at V1 Gallery in August. The trip is documented in a 4 part series that will be released over the next 4 weeks. The videos include footage of the installations Shepard and the OBEY crew did, the show itself and afterparty as well as the controversy that surrounded the trip with commentary by Shepard.
-Steve Ternoski (Obey Clothing)



Shepard Goes to #Occupywallstreet

Shepard Goes to #Occupywallstreet

My friend Russell wrote this great piece about his experience visiting Occupy Wall Street NY. Check it out here.

I had a similar experience here in LA when I went down to City Hall on Sat. I took a few handmade signs and some cookies, as well as my books for the library tent. People were very friendly. A guy named Jesse was hand screen printing “we are the 99%” bandanas and promptly offered me one. I did a couple short interviews in support of the Occupy movement. I talked about the importance of action beyond just voting, and how every effort makes a difference. I also shared my belief that campaign finance reform is the first step toward giving incentive to politicians to look out for the interests of the people before the corporations. There were a broad range of views about banking, the environment, war, veganism, the American dream, etc…displayed by the people and their signs. Some were more fringe or extreme than my beliefs, but people were very tolerant and generous in spirit. I found Occupy LA to be almost utopian, in dramatic contrast to the Tea Party, the other theoretically “populist” movement. Check it out and support if you can.
-Shepard Fairey

To learn about an organization pushing for campaign finance reform and ending corrupt influence in congress, check out Rootstrikers.org

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Art As A Weapon

Art As A Weapon

Jeffery caught up with Shepard on a mural installation San Diego a few months ago.  Check out the trailer for this beautifully shot documentary he’s working on. Please join me in supporting the production of the film.  For more information please visit, Artasaweapon.info
- Shepard
Support Here:

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Support the Occupy Movement x Free Downloads

Support the Occupy Movement x Free Downloads

Here at OBEY, we are always in support of a grassroots effort to change the world for the better.  These FREE downloadable posters are promotional materials to help support the Occupy Wall Street Movement. Click the link below, download the posters and make your voice be heard!  For more information on the Occupy Movement, please visit www.occupytogether.org.

The folks at occupytogether.org have some cool posters that can be downloaded. Check them out. http://www.occupytogether.org/2011/09/23/downloadable-posters-are-now-available/


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