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Walter Jones was first sworn in to the U.S. House of Representatives in 1995, after serving 10 years as an elected member of the North Carolina General Assembly. Jones strongly believes in the strength of faith and family and has worked to represent the citizens of Eastern North Carolina with both honor and integrity.

Since entering office, Congressman Jones has been a strong voice in fighting for an effective, commonsense government that returns power and control back to the people. His dedication and commitment to providing tax relief for American families, retirement security for our nation's seniors, a strong national defense and a quality education for every child has earned him respect among his colleagues on both sides of the political aisle.  Congressman Jones has been a leader in fighting the U.S. trade deficit and leveling the trade playing field for American workers. When it comes to values issues, Jones has always been very outspoken on his pro-life views and in his fight to protect the free speech of military chaplains and all clergy. 

Currently serving his 9th term in Congress, Congressman Jones is a member of the House Committees on Armed Services and Financial Services.

As a member of the Armed Services Committee, he has concentrated on safeguarding the well being of our nation's veterans and our men and women on active duty.  Congressman Jones has introduced legislation every year since 2001 to change the name of the Department of the Navy to the Department of the Navy and Marine Corps.  He strongly believes that our nation's Marines deserve proper recognition for their sacrifice.  He had language signed into law in the 2010 National Defense Authorization Act concerning treatment for returning troops suffering from PTSD and TBI.  His concern for Vietnam-era veterans led him to introduce the War Crimes Act of 1996, which allows prisoners of war, the opportunity to bring their persecutors to justice in U.S. courts. While only three percent of all bills introduced in the 104th Congress ever became law, the President signed Jones' War Crimes Act into law on August 21, 1996.

As a member of the Financial Services Committee, Jones has earned a reputation for fighting for small businesses, and for helping individuals gain greater access to capital and a broader array of financial services. With its jurisdiction over America’s banking, insurance and securities industries, the Committee is of great importance to North Carolina's many financial services operations and their employees.

Jones is also committed to preserving and protecting North Carolina's unique history and culture. In 1998, he passed legislation to protect the Shackleford Banks wild horses of Cape Lookout National Seashore. 

Congressman Jones has crafted a wide range of legislation throughout his time in Congress. Click here to read about some of his bills that have been signed into law.

In 2010, Congressman Jones was named #17 out of 535 on The Hill Newspaper's 25 Hardest Working Lawmakers list.  In 2004, a survey of top Capitol Hill staff conducted by Washingtonian Magazine ranked Congressman Jones #1 out of the 435 U.S. House members in the "Just Plain Nice" category.  To read about other honors and awards Congressman Jones has earned for his work in Congress, click here.

Congressman Jones and his wife Joe Anne have one daughter, Ashley, and they maintain their home in Farmville, North Carolina.

Download the official photo of Rep. Walter B. Jones here.