Featured Stories

Universal Jursidiction – did Clegg and the Lib Dems make a difference after all?

Remember universal jurisdiction? Before the last election, both Tories and Labour were falling over backwards in their pledges to Israel that, if elected, they would change the law so that Tzipi Livni, the Israeli leader of the opposition, could visit Britain without fear of arrest for alleged war crimes. She, it may be recalled, was [...]

Gilad Shalit: Comment Piece

The untried face of nineteen year old Gilad Shalit stares out from the front pages:  a face as yet unmarked by violence or hatred.  Shalit, the Israeli Defence Force soldier kidnapped in a border raid by Hamas, has been held prisoner for the last five years as a bargaining chip for Palestinian prisoners in Israeli [...]

Chris Davies MEP blogging from Gaza

06 November 2011

For more details, see Chris Davies’ website: http://chrisdaviesmep.org.uk/?p=780 31 October 2011 – “AN AFTERNOON IN GAZA” The sun shone.  Mediterranean waves broke gently against the beach.  Small children made their way from school, bags on their backs.  There was no shelling.  It was a nice afternoon in Gaza, and I could see the sea from my [...]

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Jonathan Fryer: Palestine, UNESCO and the US

06 November 2011

Via Jonathan Fryer’s blog: http://jonathanfryer.wordpress.com/2011/11/04/palestine-unesco-and-the-us/   The vote to accord Palestine member status at UNESCO means that the Palestinians now have their foot in the door of the United Nations and this must now make it easier for them to obtain membership of UN specialised agencies such as the WHO. Of course, the impasse regarding Palestinian membership [...]

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Pick of the Week: Bedouins get mobilized as Israel pushes them off their land

06 November 2011

Via Palestine Monitor: http://www.palestinemonitor.org/?p=2780 Author: Silvia Boarini Al-Araqib and the Bedouins At the break of dawn on 27 July 2010, the unrecognized Bedouin village of al-Araqib, home to the Turi tribe, was surrounded by 1,500 police officers clad in black riot gear. February, 2010: Al-Araqib as it was before the mass demolition of July 2010. Helicopters [...]

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The EU-Israel Association Agreement: make sure our Members of the European Parliament support party policy!

04 November 2011

The Agreement on Conformity Assessment and Acceptance of Industrial Products Protocol (the “ACAA”) sounds extremely tedious – but please bear with us for a second because it is important. It is official Lib Dem party policy that the EU Israel Association Agreement – which gives Israel many trade privileges for its products in the EU [...]

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National lobby of Parliament

03 November 2011

As the pressure grows on Israel to end its illegal occupation and more and more of us become aware of the injustices against Palestinians denied their basic rights, so Israel’s government grows more repressive. The international community, with the UK playing a leading role, needs to act now. Please help campaign for Palestine by lobbying [...]

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Eye on Palestine – 16/10/2011

16 October 2011

Israeli-Palestinian Prisoner Swap In the past week, Israel has agreed a historic deal with Hamas to free Gilad Shalit, held captive in Gaza for five years, offering 1027 Palestinian prisoners in return. The Israeli High Court received, and rejected, several petitions against the prisoner swap. After years of refusing to talk to Hamas, and suggesting [...]

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Eye on Palestine 25/07/2011

25 September 2011

Palestine’s bid for statehood at the UN: where are we at now? The Guardian reports that the Palestinian leadership is to press for a vote as soon as possible on its demand for full statehood at the UN security council as President Mahmoud Abbas returned to Ramallah to declare before cheering crowds that the “Palestinian [...]

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Why Britain Should Recognise a Palestinian State – Jonathan Fryer

22 September 2011

Tomorrow, the President of the Palestinian Authority, Mahmoud Abbas, is expected to ask the United Nations Security Council for the world body to recognise Palestinian statehood. At least 130 of the 193 members of the General Assembly have already indicated that they will be voting ‘Yes’ if the issue goes there, which it could, if [...]

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Palestine: in the shadow of the Arab Uprising – what role should Britain play?

16 September 2011

Medical Aid for Palestinians, the New Statesman and Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine are jointly presenting a Fringe Meeting at the Liberal Democrat Conference in Birmingham. The venue is the  Novotel Hotel, Burne-Jones room. Monday 19 September 6.15 – 7.30 pm Chair – Mehdi Hasan (New Statesman) John McHugo – Liberal Democrat Friends of Palestine [...]

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LDFP Annual General Meeting

16 September 2011

Our annual AGM is being held on Monday 19 September at 2.30 pm in the drawing room of the Hyatt Regency Hotel at the party’s autumn conference in Birmingham. (This is a non-secure zone: no pass required) all those who have been members for one year are free to put themselves forward for election to [...]

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