Tell Congress: Don't Defund UNESCO

    Tell Congress: Don't Defund UNESCO

    Tell your Representative to support allowing American funding to continue to int'l agencies that admit the Palestinians as members. Click here to send your email.
    A New Voice for Israel

    The New Book: A New Voice for Israel

    Get your copy of J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami's recently-published book on fighting for the survival of the Jewish nation. Plus, see if he's coming to your town on the nationwide book tour going on now!
    Israelis for a Two-State Solution

    Prominent Israelis Issue the Call for Two States

    Help amplify the political, communal, and grassroots voices in Israel calling for a two-state solution. Click here to share.

    J Street Hails Efforts by 44 Members of Congress to Protect Israel through Continued US Assistance to Palestinian Authority

    WASHINGTON – J Street welcomed the release today of a letter signed by 44 members of Congress urging the Chair and Ranking Member of the House Appropriations Subcommittee for State, Foreign Operations and Related Programs to support continued US-Palestinian assistance, as a matter that is in the “essential security interest of both Israel and the


    Now What?

    Reports today suggest that the Palestinian application for U.N. membership will fall short of the nine votes needed in the Security Council next week.


    J Street Calls on Congress to Maintain American Contributions to UNESCO, Other UN Institutions

    WASHINGTON — J Street today called on Congress to amend US law to preserve American contributions to the United Nations Economic, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO). Those contributions are threatened by provisions of existing law prohibiting such funding following UNESCO member states’ decision today to grant the Palestinians full membership.


    J Street Welcomes Quartet Call for Border and Security Proposals from Parties

    WASHINGTON— J Street President Jeremy Ben-Ami issued the following response to the Middle East Quartet’s statement today at the conclusion of its meetings with Israeli and Palestinian officials in Jerusalem: “J Street welcomes the Quartet’s announcement today that the Israelis and Palestinians have each agreed to put forward comprehensive proposals on territory and security within
