Chronology and Fourth Communique from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico / FAI

From culmine via this is our job:

To all like-minded arsonists and antagonists, the fourth communiqué from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico / Informal Anarchist Federation:

Neither exasperated, indignant, nor broken! Arsonists at war against every authority!

All our solidarity with comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva!

We’re celebrating two months of direct attacks on capital and the State!

Against the system of domination!

For Total Liberation!

Yesterday [26/10/11] at 6:23 p.m., liberatory fire again burned where it hurts most, destroying merchandise. The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) faction of the Mexican Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-M), Veracruz section, gave life to liberatory fire at the Wal-Mart located at Universidad and Avenida Las Palmas in the heart of Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. With this new attack, we avenge comrade Gabriel Pombo da Silva (held captive in Aachen prison) and demand his immediate release from the German and Spanish states. We also stand in solidarity with our comrade Tamara, with the Bombings Case compas in Chile, with the imprisoned Conspiracy of Cells of Fire compas in Greece, and with all our comrades abducted by the State in Mexico and the rest of the world.

Over the 45 days since forming this new organization for antagonistic struggle, we have lashed out at the system of domination, showing that struggle is possible because the system is vulnerable. We’ve left behind the fear and indignation of the broken, and made the shift to decisive struggle against domination. We don’t want to change capital and the State, we don’t want to change their laws, we don’t want improvements, we don’t want to change technology, we don’t want to change domination. WE WANT TO DESTROY THEM!

The supposed differences between electoral parties don’t matter to us, nor do the lies and promises of Peña Nieto, AMLO, Marcelo, or Vasquez Mota. THEY MAKE NO DIFFERENCE TO US BECAUSE WE FIGHT AGAINST DOMINATION, WHETHER RIGHTIST, LEFTIST, POPULIST, OR REVOLUTIONARY.

Comrades, when the time comes to attack, if you don’t join in then don’t get in the way. This is a struggle until the final consequences, until total Liberation.

Neither exasperated, indignant, nor broken—we are Arsonists!

We are all the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!

The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire isn’t an ORGANIZATION or a single group. Rather, it is the antagonists’ expression of rage and contempt toward domination and its institutions.

To spread the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire, you only need gasoline, matches, and the desire to fight for total liberation.

We have begun the war against the existent order.

Long live antagonistic struggle!

— Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico / Informal Anarchist Federation



September 15:
The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico (CCF) faction of the Mexican Informal Anarchist Federation (FAI-M) is formed by affinity groups and like-minded people in several Mexican states.

September 16: The Arson Cell of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico carries out three simultaneous arsons in the Alce Blanco section of the Naucalpan industrial park. Liberatory fire destroys merchandise, as flames consume Textiles Suburbia, CV Directo, and TF Victor.

September 27: Mexico City cells give life to liberatory fire at the warehouse located on Avenida Pacífico between Miguel Ángel de Quevedo and Eje 10 Sur in Coyoacán, Mexico City.

September 28:
The Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico City torches the Airport Staff training school of the National College of Professional Technical Education (CONALEP), located in the Third District of Arenal in the Venustiano Carranza area of Mexico City.

September 30: In an action coordinated between the Mexico City cells and the Jalisco cells, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) simultaneously attacks capital in Mexico City and Jalisco, setting fire to the Wal-Mart on Calle Luis Donaldo Colosio in the Buenavista area of Cuauhtémoc, Mexico City and torching the Pabellón shopping mall on Avenida Patria in Guadalajara, Jalisco.

October 6: Arson at the lumber warehouse on Avenida Industria Nacional in the Alce Blanco section of the Naucalpan industrial park in Mexico State

October 25: In an action coordinated between the Mexico State cells and the Veracruz cells, the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF) carries out simultaneous arsons in Naucalpan, Mexico State and Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz. The targets are Fabrica Butonia, again in the Alce Blanco section of Naucalpan, and the Wal-Mart in Coatzacoalcos, Veracruz.

Through our actions of propaganda by the deed, we avenge comrade Gabriel, comrade Tortuga, comrade Tamara, and our comrade prisoners in Mexico and the rest of the world.

Greetings to the Autonomous Cells for Immediate Revolution (CARI-PGG), the comrades from Individuals Tending Toward the Wild (ITS), and all anarchist action groups!

Long live insurrectionary and eco-anarchist groups in struggle!

The struggle has begun, and we’ll make sure it spreads everywhere.

We are all accomplices of the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!

Long live the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire (CCF)!

Ling live the Mexican Informal Anarchist Federation!

Long live liberatory fire and avenging gunpowder!

Be strong, captive comrades in the Bombings Case!

Be strong, imprisoned comrades from the Conspiracy of Cells of Fire!

Be strong, comrades from Epanastatikos Aganos [Revolutionary Struggle]!

Be strong, comrade Tortuga!

Be strong, comrade Tamara!

Be strong, comrade Gabriel! We are with you!

Against the technological system of domination!

For the demolition of prisons!

For Total Liberation!

For international anarchist coordination!

For Anarchy!

— Conspiracy of Cells of Fire – Mexico / Informal Anarchist Federation (CCF/FAI); October 26, 2011

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This entry was posted on Saturday, October 29th, 2011 at 4:32 pm and is filed under Direct Action.