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What is PHP?

PHP is a widely-used general-purpose scripting language that is especially suited for Web development and can be embedded into HTML. If you are new to PHP and want to get some idea of how it works, try the introductory tutorial. After that, check out the online manual, and the example archive sites and some of the other resources available in the links section.

Ever wondered how popular PHP is? see the Netcraft Survey.

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12. (1st)PHPConf Taiwan 2011
20. PHP Days: Call for Paper

User Group Events

07. PHP Online User Group
08. Hamburg
08. Dallas PHP/MySQL Users Group
08. Dallas PHP Users Group (DPUG)
08. Austin PHP Meetup
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08. South Florida PUG - Lauderdale
09. Wash DC PHP Developers Group
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09. BostonPHP - Google Analytics
10. Meeting usergroup Dortmund
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12. PHP User Group Nanaimo, BC/CA
12. PEA meeting from phpchina
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24. Arabic PHP Group Meeting
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24. SydPHP November 2011 Meetup
26. Miami Linux Meetup
26. PHP RIO Meetup
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07. MySQL Spain
07. Curso PHP Madrid
07. PHP E-Learning/Germany
07. Curso on-line ActionScript / PHP
07. PHP & MySQL Training in Kassel
07. PHP & MySQL com Dreamweaver MX
07. Curso on-line de PHP
07. PHP & MYSQL-Construindo WebSites
07. PHP Training Heilbronn
07. Schulung PHP, MySQL, HTML, CSS
07. ZEND: PHPI: Foundations On-line
07. ZEND: Test Prep: PHP 5.3 Cert
07. ZEND: Framework: Fundamentals
07. ZEND: Framework: Advanced
08. MySQL5.Проектирован
08. Zend Framework Philippines
09. UK Object Orientation Workshop
10. UK Smarty Templating Workshop
14. PHP para Expertos Curso on-line
14. Curso PHP y MySQL
14. ZEND: Studio On-line
14. Zend: Server On-line
14. PHP Data Objects training
14. French - Zend Framework
15. Cursos de PHP en Bilbao
15. ZEND: PHP Security On-line
17. Chennai PHP Training
19. Разр-ка сложных п
21. PHP & MySQL Training / Gießen
21. PHP Intro Course South Africa
21. Zend Server - Dortmund
22. UK PHP Training
23. Разработка на PHP 5
23. PHP Data Objects Seminar
24. PHP Brasil - Training
24. PHP Training in Kolkata
24. Cloud Infrastructure using ZF
25. PHP Training
27. Learning to Program in PHP
28. Basic PHP Course
28. PHP Programming
28. ZEND: PHPII: Higher Structures
28. ZEND: PHP I Foundations for IBMi
28. French - Zend PHP I IBMi/OS
30. Zend Server for IBM i Update
30. French - Zend Framework Cert

PHP 5.4 beta2 released


The PHP development team is proud to announce the second beta release of PHP 5.4. PHP 5.4 includes new language features and removes several legacy (deprecated) behaviours. Windows binaries can be downloaded from the Windows QA site.


Please help us to identify bugs by testing new features and looking for unintended backward compatibility breaks, so we can fix the problems and fully document intended changes before PHP 5.4.0 is released. Report findings to the QA mailing list and/or the PHP bug tracker.

This release includes numerous bug fixes and improvements since the first beta release.

Read the NEWS file for a complete list of changes.

PHP 5.4 beta1 released


The PHP development team is proud to announce the first beta release of PHP 5.4. PHP 5.4 includes new language features and removes several legacy (deprecated) behaviors. Windows binaries can be downloaded from the Windows QA site.


New features were added and bugs were fixed since alpha1. Please help us to identify bugs by testing new features and looking for unintended backward compatability breaks, so we can fix the problems and fully document intended changes before PHP 5.4.0 is released. Report findings to the QA mailing list and/or the PHP bug tracker.

Changes since the first alpha version include:

  • Added callable typehint.
  • Removed the timezone guessing algorithm. "UTC" is now used in case the timezone is not set.
  • The mysql, mysqli and pdo_mysql extensions now use mysqlnd by default.

Read the NEWS file for a complete list of changes.

PHP 5.3.8 Released!


The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.3.8. This release fixes two issues introduced in the PHP 5.3.7 release:

  • Fixed bug #55439 (crypt() returns only the salt for MD5)
  • Reverted a change in timeout handling restoring PHP 5.3.6 behavior, which caused mysqlnd SSL connections to hang (Bug #55283).

All PHP users should note that the PHP 5.2 series is NOT supported anymore. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.8.

For a full list of changes in PHP 5.3.8, see the ChangeLog. For source downloads please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can be found on

For more details on the crypt() blowfish security issue in pre 5.3.6 see the crypt blowfish page

5.3.7 upgrade warning


Due to unfortunate issues with 5.3.7 (see bug#55439) users should postpone upgrading until 5.3.8 is released (expected in a few days).

PHP 5.3.7 Released!


The PHP development team would like to announce the immediate availability of PHP 5.3.7. This release focuses on improving the stability of the PHP 5.3.x branch with over 90 bug fixes, some of which are security related.

Security Enhancements and Fixes in PHP 5.3.7:

  • Updated crypt_blowfish to 1.2. (CVE-2011-2483) (more info)
  • Fixed crash in error_log(). Reported by Mateusz Kocielski
  • Fixed buffer overflow on overlog salt in crypt().
  • Fixed bug #54939 (File path injection vulnerability in RFC1867 File upload filename). Reported by Krzysztof Kotowicz. (CVE-2011-2202)
  • Fixed stack buffer overflow in socket_connect(). (CVE-2011-1938)
  • Fixed bug #54238 (use-after-free in substr_replace()). (CVE-2011-1148)

Key enhancements in PHP 5.3.7 include:

  • Upgraded bundled Sqlite3 to version
  • Upgraded bundled PCRE to version 8.12
  • Fixed bug #54910 (Crash when calling call_user_func with unknown function name)
  • Fixed bug #54585 (track_errors causes segfault)
  • Fixed bug #54262 (Crash when assigning value to a dimension in a non-array)
  • Fixed a crash inside dtor for error handling
  • Fixed bug #55339 (Segfault with allow_call_time_pass_reference = Off)
  • Fixed bug #54935 php_win_err can lead to crash
  • Fixed bug #54332 (Crash in zend_mm_check_ptr // Heap corruption)
  • Fixed bug #54305 (Crash in gc_remove_zval_from_buffer)
  • Fixed bug #54580 (get_browser() segmentation fault when browscap ini directive is set through php_admin_value)
  • Fixed bug #54529 (SAPI crashes on apache_config.c:197)
  • Fixed bug #54283 (new DatePeriod(NULL) causes crash).
  • Fixed bug #54269 (Short exception message buffer causes crash)
  • Fixed Bug #54221 (mysqli::get_warnings segfault when used in multi queries)
  • Fixed bug #54395 (Phar::mount() crashes when calling with wrong parameters)
  • Fixed bug #54384 (Dual iterators, GlobIterator, SplFileObject and SplTempFileObject crash when user-space classes don't call the parent constructor)
  • Fixed bug #54292 (Wrong parameter causes crash in SplFileObject::__construct())
  • Fixed bug #54291 (Crash iterating DirectoryIterator for dir name starting with \0)
  • Fixed bug #54281 (Crash in non-initialized RecursiveIteratorIterator)
  • Fixed bug #54623 (Segfault when writing to a persistent socket after closing a copy of the socket)
  • Fixed bug #54681 (addGlob() crashes on invalid flags)
  • Over 80 other bug fixes.

Windows users: please mind that we do no longer provide builds created with Visual Studio C++ 6. It is impossible to maintain a high quality and safe build of PHP for Windows using this unmaintained compiler.

For Apache SAPIs (php5_apache2_2.dll), be sure that you use a Visual Studio C++ 9 version of Apache. We recommend the Apache builds as provided by ApacheLounge. For any other SAPI (CLI, FastCGI via mod_fcgi, FastCGI with IIS or other FastCGI capable server), everything works as before. Third party extension providers must rebuild their extensions to make them compatible and loadable with the Visual Studio C++9 builds that we now provide.

All PHP users should note that the PHP 5.2 series is NOT supported anymore. All users are strongly encouraged to upgrade to PHP 5.3.7.

For a full list of changes in PHP 5.3.7, see the ChangeLog. For source downloads please visit our downloads page, Windows binaries can be found on

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