Neue Termine: “Wissen und Macht” Symposium und 28C3

Es ist mit eine Freude, zwei neue Termine anzukündigen: Ich spreche auf dem “Wissen ist Macht” Symposium des Deutschen Technik Museum Berlin. Am 28.11.2011 halte ich den Talk “Revolutionen von der Couch”, der eine kürzere deutsche Version des heute in Schweden gehaltenen Talks ist. Andererseits darf ich mit der großartigen Willow Bl00 zusammen den Talk “Your Disaster/Crisis/Revolution just got Pwned” auf dem 28C3 halten. Den genauen Tag kann ich leider noch nicht sagen, hier aber das Abstrakt: Weiterlesen »

Syria – release all the logs!

Vermutlich habt ihr es mitbekommen – Telecomix hat 54GB (gepackter) Daten veröffentlicht. Doch was zeigen uns die Logfiles? Warum ist das so wichtig und welche Schlussfolgerung müssen wir ziehen? Wo kommen sie eigentlich her? Ich will versuchen, ein paar Antworten zu geben und ein wenig Licht ins Dunkel zu bringen.

Zuerst: Die Logfiles kommen von Routern der Firma bluecoat. Diese befinden sich im syrischen Telekommuniktionbackbone. Durch Unfähigkeit der Administratoren konnten Telecomix Agenten auf diese Router zugreifen und die Logdateien herunter laden. Kleiner Spaß am Rande: Was die Agenten dort getan haben, fällt unter § 202a StGB – Ausspähen von Daten.

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Kurz notiert: Telecomix im SPIEGEL

Am 10.Oktober erscheint der neue SPIEGEL – darin eine Geschichte über Telecomix, den Agenten Okhin und mich – in Farbe und bunt! Endlich könnt ihr nachlesen, was Telecomix im arabischen Frühling so geleistet haben.

INDECT – Elektrischer Reporter

Ich habe für die Piratenpartei Deutschland ein paar Dinge über INDECT gesagt – vor der Kamera des elektrischen Reporters, der jetzt erschienen ist.

Vorwort zum openmind #om10 Konferenzband

Die openmind #om11 steht ins Haus und rechtzeitig vorher wird ein kleiner Band als PDF veröffentlicht, der die Beiträge der openmind #om10 zusammenfasst und aufbereitet. Dazu haben Julia Schramm und ich das Vorwort geschrieben, dass ich jetzt schon einmal veröffentlicht wissen möchte. Den Band findet ihr auf und natürlich auch bei der Piratenpartei.

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Another unsung hero

This is the story of Muhammad. Muhammad lives in Syria and organises parts of the revolution going on in Syria. I had the chance to speak with him personally as well as seeing large parts of an interview certain news agencies were conducting with him passing by my IRC-window.

I will not paste the whole interview here as you will soon be able to read it in a big and influential German newspaper. Muhammad is just a 20 year old guy fighting for his right to be free. His mother and father do know what he is doing and he and his family are willing “to pay the price”. Muhammad knows about the danger he is going every day when he is demonstrating: He told me that he has about three to seven minutes until the armed forces could be shooting at him. His phone is under surveillance.

As I said, you will be able to read the story in a newspaper. But some of Muhammad’s words at the end of the interview brought tears to my eyes. I am sharing these words as they remind us, what we are: Brothers and sisters on this earth. Weiterlesen »

Paper published – Software for Activists

I have recently published a paper with the title “Software for Activists – the Do’s and Don’ts” on pastebin. Please feel free to share and distribute. Thanks.

Does free software ensure freedom?

Today I recieved a mail by Dr. Stallman who arose concerns about propagating PGP instead of GnuPG in an interview with Deutsche Welle I gave recently.

Here is a screenshot of his email: Weiterlesen »

The day I wanted to die – a personal confession or: Why the shutdown of a cluster is making people live

I have to make a confession. A very personal one. I wanted to die.

I planned everything. I planned how to do it. I organized the tools to do it. I wrote down how to gain access to my email account, my server, my IRC sessions and who was to be informed. I was in a deep depression. I saw no way out to stop this feeling other than to commit suicide.

The pressure was to much for me. I was working since January on different projects with Telecomix and others. We were helping egyptians to gain back their connection to the internet, helped in Syria, Lybia and many other countries to give the opressed a possibility to speak. We made it possible that their voices were being heard. Literally, I fought for that. I fought against my sleeping cycle, eating habits and my need for recreation. On some days it was normal to stay awake for 30 or more hours.

I saw and read things I would never have considered possible. In the last months we helped many people to get connected to the internet, to speak up and to show the world what was happening. Some people got lost. I never saw them again and I do not know if they just moved away from us or if they got arrested or killed. I do not fucking know and I will never know.

Every day in the media we see so many bad news from all over the world – news which are bad but which do not affect us directly. The news about these people (or lack thereof) who were talking to me affected me deeply. The pressure arose to help, to help these people who struggle hard for their right to speak freely. The more we helped the people the more the responsibility I felt grew to a new level.

I could not fucking sleep any more. I drank way to much. I smoked more than was good for me. I saw no more meaning in my life than helping other people. Over that, I forgot what I needed for myself. Sleep, recreation, movies, music. Hanging around with my friends and not thinking about people on the ground and what to do next.

One day I realised that I was lost. Lost in this life that was not mine. Lost in a life where I only served others, people considering me a hero. Noone saw that i was just a little boy who wanted to play around with techology and write papers about the future of communication.

Long story short: It all needed to end for me. I saw no other way than going. Leaving. Not beeing a hero any more. I planned to commit suicide a day after the CCC Camp. Everything was prepared. But there it happened. We closed down the activist cluster I was with. I met many great people for the first time in real-life and many of them have the same problem. My friends were there and showed me that life is worth living it.

With the reboot of the cluster I will reboot myself. I am starting to make plans for my life again. I am not lost anymore. I have my place in the hacking and activists scene and I have my friends all over the world. I am not alone and the facts I considered a burden are not a burden anymore but opened my eyes to what is important in life: To communicate what you feel. And if my communication of my feelings helps others to do the same, it was worth it.

So, shutting myself down to reboot. It is time. reboot -h now.

And another Hacker died…

Again a hacker has gone from us. The police just found him last night. Rest in Peace. Read his obituary (not written by me)

Musing… [Feel free to Kopimi]
You can feel it in the air. There’s an electrical tension running high all over the net, far more so than the simple pulses of electricity that pass through it every second of every day. There is a shift coming. It’s approaching quietly, picking up speed and momentum as the Message is sent out to the Minds of the world. Here, where the silicon cities of the nineties have become reality, where the jacked in, jacked up, and often jacking off cyber dissidents roam, here in the maze of Societies debris, we find Hope. Here and there the fires of change are smoldering, growing stronger as more fuel is added to the fire and the armies of Information march slowly towards Disclosure. We sit now on the Balance waiting for the Others to awaken and take back what is rightfully theirs; Their Lives.

When I was younger I used to love the sound of the dial-up modem. I heard music in those beeps and twangs, an old song played on outdated instruments. It sang for me, just as it sang to the rest of the world, letting it know that it was a part of the Whole, that it had Connected. And we listened. We heard the call, and answered, sending back our responses through the means of ones and zeros, always ready to see what the next days adventures would bring. Over the years, the song has changed and grew silent, but if you listen one night when everything is quiet and sleeping, you too may hear the voice from the modem, calling out to be connected. Do the ghosts of old dial-ups beep silently away in the junk yards of the night, only to sadly hang up once the sun rises, shedding light on a swiftly advancing world? Perhaps…

RIP Kalyan smoke – Drake