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Does Obama’s Victory Mean the End of Racism in America? Print E-mail
By Josh Lucker, USA   
Friday, 21 November 2008
An overwhelming 95 percent of black voters cast their ballots for Barack Obama.  The scenes on the streets in Chicago and around the country were full of jubilation, as many working people, both Black and white, fervently believe that change is now on the horizon.

Many commentators from the mainstream media share this exuberance, and have even compared Obama to Moses. Spike Lee, the famous director of such films as Do the Right Thing, Bamboozled, Malcolm X, and others, has gone so far as to say that America has moved beyond race...Has the U.S. truly moved beyond racism? We don’t think so.

Audio File: Marxism and the Black Struggle Print E-mail
By Fred Weston   
Friday, 18 July 2008

black-slave-trade.jpgWhat is the most effective way of combating racism? Fred Weston, of the editorial board, spoke at the Marxist Day School held recently in London on the effects of positive discrimination and the lessons for the labour movement, touching on  the origins of racism, the Black question in the USA, South Africa and the struggle against apartheid and Brazil where today the Black Socialist movement is opposing racial legislation.

How Capitalism Failed African Americans Print E-mail
By Alan Woods   
Monday, 15 January 2007
The Second American Revolution [The U.S. Civil War] was a tremendous step forward, but it never realized its promise to Black Americans. The real winners in the Civil War were the Northern capitalists who opened up new markets and obtained a huge new supply of dirt-cheap labor. Nearly a century and a half after the abolition of slavery in the U.S.A., we are very far from achieving genuine equality for all, regardless of race, color or sex. Despite a number of advances achieved through the struggles of black people in the 1960s, the position of black Americans remains one of clear disadvantage. Originally published in the book Marxism and the USA, published by and available from Wellred.
Horror of Britain's Immigration Controls Print E-mail
By Heiko Khoo   
Friday, 28 July 2000
The horrific deaths of 58 Chinese migrants found in Dover, revealed to the world the monstrous effects of Britain's immigration regime. By making it virtually impossible for refugees and migrants to enter this country legally, many thousands every year seek to come here illegally. Jack Straw was quick to place the blame on Chinese smuggling gangs called the Snake Head. Thinking people can see through this.
Trotsky and the Struggle Against Fascism Print E-mail
By Fred Weston   
Wednesday, 29 March 2000
Leon Trotsky spent the last decade of his life in a struggle to keep alive the genuine method of Marxism in all fields. While on all sides Marxism was being distorted and misused both by the Stalinists and the Social Democracy to justify their own betrayal of the working class movement, Trotsky consistently put forward a revolutionary position on all problems facing the workers. One of the immediate dangers facing the international working class was the rise of fascism and therefore this new phenomenon clearly needed to be understood.
Which Way for Blacks in the US - Black Nationalism or Socialist Revolution? Print E-mail
By Rob Sewell   
Saturday, 27 February 1999
The United States is the richest and most powerful country on the planet. Yet despite this, the poison of racism remains an integral part of America. Blacks, together with the other racial minorities, remain the most exploited section of society, mostly employed in the lowest-paid and menial jobs. Racism remains an everyday part of their desperate existence. Today, despite all the "reforms" of the last thirty-odd years, blacks continue to suffer from lynchings and violence at the hands of the state, racist organisations and individuals, as well as being forced to live under conditions of mass poverty and oppression. The recent gruesome murder of a black man in Texas who was dragged to death behind a truck is a vivid reminder of American racism. Black youth are faced with daily harassment and intimidation by the police.

Pamphlet: What We Stand For

New 2011 edition of What We Stand For now available.
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Hands Off Venezuela

Michael Albert speaks in London:

HOV Meeting 10th Oct

HOV Conference report:

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Militant Student

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This volume covers the period 1938-42 and is titled "Trotskyism and the Second World War."

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History Of British Trotskyism

Reason In Revolt

Lenin And Trotsky



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