Weekend Edition
Occupy Oakland demonstrators march to the Port of Oakland

Oakland's day of defiance

The streets of Oakland echoed with the voices of protest as workers, students and activists responded to the Occupy movement's call for a general strike.

We are all Oakland

The call for a general strike in Oakland to protest a brutal police attack on protesters shows a new potential power for the Occupy movement everywhere.

We are all Scott Olsen

For veterans like me, the Oakland police attack that left a former Marine critically injured recalls how U.S. forces crush dissent everywhere.

Calls to action on November 2

Solidarity and support from around the country for Occupy Oakland's call for a general strike and day of action.

Tens of thousands march as part of the Occupy Wall Street protest (Eric Hart) has collected our featured coverage of Occupy Wall Street--from eyewitness reports to analysis and history of the struggle--in an Internet pamphlet.

Myths about human nature

Do human beings have a built-in nature, shaped genetically by their physical attributes, which programs their behavior?

Nuestra Opinión

Todos somos Oakland

La convocatoria de una huelga general en Oakland para protestar el brutal ataque policíaco contra los manifestantes muestra el potencial del movimiento Ocupa en todas partes.

Democrats call in the cops

In city after city where the Occupy movement has faced repression, the orders have come from leaders of the "party of the people."

Building a multiracial Occupy

The Occupy movement has the potential to draw attention to how economic injustices overlap with racial injustices.

Occupy's message on schools

New York City school officials came face to face with the Occupy movement at a Panel for Education Policy meeting.

Regional Marxism Conferences | October and November
More top articles of the week

The too-many-people myth

As the global population reaches 7 billion, it's time to throw out the idea that there are "too many people"--and focus on the real causes of environmental destruction.

The flat-tax flimflam

Republican presidential candidates have a bad case of flat-tax fever--and working people better hope it doesn't spread, because we'd feel the pain.

Stand up for Ahmed Hossain

Ahmed Hossain is facing deportation because of a clerical error--but New Yorkers are rallying to stop this injustice.

A stalemate in Syria?

The Syrian revolution has defied enormous repression for eight months, but the Assad regime remains entrenched.

Scandals in blue

The number of serious scandals rocking the NYPD should make us question whether the problem is just "a few bad apples."

In-depth feature on The 99 Percent Versus the 1 Percent

How the 1 percent rules

We know the 1 percent runs Wall Street and Corporate America, but their control extends into the supposedly democratic political system as well.

How the other 0.000003 percent lives

An examination of the 10 richest Americans reveals a rogue's gallery of serial polluters, budget-slashers, CIA contractors, union-busters and right-wing nuts.

Why Karl Marx was right

When mainstream economists start citing capitalism's greatest critic, you know the crisis of the free market is severe.

The bankruptcy of casino capitalism

It's gratifying to see Goldman Sachs executives get grilled, but working people will be on the hook for years for the cost of the Wall Street bailout.

The two Americas

With poverty on the rise and long-term unemployment at record levels, most families in the U.S. are scrambling to get by. But some are doing just fine.

The case for a socialist alternative

In a world of war and crisis, the need for fundamental change has never seemed more urgent. But what choices do we have to make a new future?

Dreaming of our future

Imagine growing up in a world where you've never known war or poverty or exploitation, and where people's needs, not profits, have always come first.

Mission unaccomplished

The pullout of U.S. forces from Iraq scheduled for the end of the year will leave behind a society shattered by an imperialist conquest that was sold as liberation.

Western allies of Libya's torturers

It wasn't so long ago that U.S. and British intelligence were helping Libyan dictator Muammar el-Qaddafi repress his enemies.

Green light for the pipeline disaster?

The Keystone XL pipeline is a watershed moment not just for Barack Obama, but for the mainstream environmental movement.

A re-energized struggle at Verizon

More than 1,000 union members and supporters rallied against the phone giant Verizon and marched to Occupy Wall Street.

Marx Matters: A collection of SW articles on the Marxist tradition
Featured video

Author Anthony Arnove speaks at Occupy Boston as part of the Howard Zinn Memorial Lecture Series

Their ideas don't belong

The politics espoused by Ron Paul and his libertarian supporters are the opposite of what the Occupy movement is about.

Find out about the activities of the International Socialist Organization

Wrong answer to the debt crisis

Angela Merkel (center) speaking to a conference of the youth organization of the Christian Democratic Union

The agreement announced at last week's European summit meeting brings no acceptable solution to the eurozone crisis.

General strike call from Oakland

The call for a general strike and day of action on November 2 by Occupy Oakland is a decisive step for the movement.

Resisting the crackdown in Oakland

Protesters have reclaimed Oscar Grant Plaza in Oakland, 24 hours after a savage police assault on the Occupy camp that has rocked the Bay Area.

Featured in the ISR
International Socialist Review

The Rise and Fall of New World Slavery | Robin Blackburn discusses his new book on the rise and fall of the slave regimes in the Americans through the 19th century--in an interview with Anthony Arnove. | Read more at

Black kids used as guinea pigs

A child at a protest against lead-contaminated housing

Revelations that researchers at the Kennedy Krieger Institute purposefully exposed Black children to lead paint are sparking outrage.

The flood crisis in Thailand

The damage from flooding in Thailand has been exacerbated by a political crisis dating back to the 2006 military coup.

Strip-search brutality

Irish political prisoners are staging a protest against strip-searches that are designed to humiliate and degrade them.

Another soccer is possible

A new book shows there's more to international football than big business--there's also resistance to corporatization.

Nuestra Opinión

Misión incumplida

Las tropas americanas podrán salir de Irak, pero Estados Unidos aún buscará mantener su control sobre el Medio Oriente.

Officer not-at-all-friendly

Maybe the attack on Occupy Oakland protester Scott Olsen will settle the debate about whether the police are on our side.

Occupying with John Carlos

In speeches at Occupy encampments across the country, Dr. John Carlos has drawn a direct line from 1968 to today.

Why was Marx a materialist?

Marx's materialist philosophy was rooted in the idea that the world around us shapes and limits our possibilities.

Ideas that will divide Occupy

For the Occupy movement to be successful, it must be a movement that takes a stand against ideas that will divide us.

No place for sexism in Occupy

I hope the sexist "Hot Chicks of Occupy Wall Street" video sparks a discussion about the links between women's oppression and corporate greed.

Class war on the ballot in Ohio

On November 8, Ohioans will have a chance to vote against legislation that would strip public-sector workers of their union rights.