
Father Ted meets #OccupyWallStreet

October 18, 2011

The bearer of the sign said he was a “big fan of Graham Linehan and Arthur Mathews’ work”.

Right back atcha, fella!

(Of course, he’s not the first person who’s had the idea)


It’s Not The End of The World

October 14, 2011

I call this picture ‘James Delingpole pops out for a snack’, even though I’m fairly sure that’s not James Delingpole.

The sun’s always shining when it’s GLINNER’S MIXTAPE TIME!


Try to download this, motherfuckers!

September 30, 2011

Ha! You can’t! You’re going to have to just come along.


Meanwhile, look out for Roger Ebert’s review of ‘Transformers 4′

September 19, 2011

Gamers Solve Molecular puzzle that baffled scientists



A short but vivid recap of Murdoch v The Guardian

September 17, 2011

It’s OK, I don’t think anyone noticed

September 16, 2011

(thanks to these guys)

Update: Fake, I believe. Apparently there’s a few edits doing the rounds of varying degrees of offensiveness).


Feelin’ like a new man

September 13, 2011

New compilation!

(not sure who to credit for this photo–let me know on Twitter if you have any idea.) Pic by Terry O’Neill.


Not very chill for a Zen dude

September 6, 2011

I enjoyed Deepak Chopra’s response to a critic on Twitter today, sandwiched between some New Age higher-consciousness shite for maximum ironic laffosity.


It’s a compilation!

August 2, 2011

What a happy day.





Get a load of this ridiculous thing I found the fuck out last night

July 27, 2011

Seriously. Get a load of this.

Received the following tweet from Chris Spyrou, who I know from Twitter as being even more obsessed by the hacking scandal than I am.

@Glinner Any ideas what this means re: Daily Show Global Edition? Possible Murdoch stuff? http://bit.ly/nuG6FZ
July 26, 2011

No need to click the link, it leads to the following exchange.

Where is the Daily Show Global Edition? Didn’t record on More 4, and it’s advertised, but not on More 4 +1. @C4Insider
July 25, 2011
@chrisspyrou Sorry compliance probs so we couldn”t show
July 26, 2011

I was curious as to why an episode of The Daily Show that would have been of particular interest to the UK public–covering, as it did, the News of The World scandal–would not be shown in this country. I tweeted @C4insider.

@C4Insider what were the compliance problems for Daily Show? Out of curiosity.
July 26, 2011
@glinner Will do some investigating and get back to you.
July 26, 2011

Well. You’ll never guess.

Asked Channel 4 why the latest Daily Show isn’t being shown on 4+1 (HT: @chrisspyrou) and got the following reply…
July 26, 2011
@Glinner We are prevented by parliamentary rules from broadcasting parliamentary proceedings in a comedic or satrical context.
July 26, 2011

Oh, OK. 

Wait, what?

@Glinner C4′s restriction led by this guidance (FOIA response), specifically section 4: http://bit.ly/n48eaa
July 26, 2011
@Glinner Aimed at "preserving the dignity of the House", I think.
July 26, 2011

Holy shit! So politicians in the UK…

@Glinner Same in Ireland. Smallprint under “Rules of Coverage”: http://www.oireachtas.ie/parliament/watchlisten/
July 26, 2011

….so politicians in the UK and Ireland are protected from satirical TV programs by the law? But only if they’re for national consumption? REALLY? 

This means that the The Daily Show writers can make fun of the UK using Parliamentary footage, but satirists in the UK can’t. This means that Have I got News for You can use the following clip…


Doesn’t anyone else find this situation insane?
@C4Insider @Glinner OK well those rules need changing. Doesn’t sound right that America can take the piss out of us but we can’t
July 26, 2011

Well, QUITE.

Here’s one bit that would have been in the Global Edition.

Daily Show: Accountability in the U.K.- http://www.thedailyshow.com/watch/wed-july-20-2011/accountability-in-the-u-k-?xrs=share_twitter – Not shown in the UK @Glinner
July 26, 2011

It’s region-locked, but there are several ways to see it. I use Overplay VPN but there are many free alternatives (the vast majority of which I find impossibly fiddly…and I was never a big Torrenter). 

The only free service that ever worked for me was using Firefox with the Modify Headers extension, so give that a go before doing anything else.

Here’s how it works…

Anyway. I digress. Around the same time that all this was happening, I discovered that Ai Weiwei is on Google+. His ‘about’ page reads ”Suspected of being involved in: distributing pornography, tax evasion, inciting subversion, shortchanging someone in a transaction on the black market, keeping a mistress, plagiarism, and reselling cultural artifacts for profit (seven deadly sins).”

Poor guy. They’ll probably take him in again for that. Can you imagine living in a country whose rulers were so scared of satire that they…
Never mind.

2 clips from @TheDailyShow (19/20 July) not shown in the UK – http://mediaite.com/a/mlyrv + http://mediaite.com/a/jdbgf
July 27, 2011
Thanks to everyone who sent this link, which has just now started working for me.


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