Histomat: Adventures in Historical Materialism

'Historical materialism is the theory of the proletarian revolution.' Georg Lukács

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Workers Occupy in London

Inspired by the occupations in places like Wall Street, last night I finally picked up a copy of Occupy! A Short History of Workers' Occupations by Dave Sherry - an excellent little history of one of the most militant tactics of class struggle yet seen -only to read that, this morning - well:

'Electricians fighting attempts to tear up their terms and conditions marched, blocked roads and construction sites and occupied one site, this morning, Wednesday. In London, some 350 workers and supporters assembled at the Balfour Beatty Blackfriars site and blocked the entrance...'

Perhaps the slogan for November 30 shouldn't be 'All Out...and Stay Out' - but 'All Out..and sit in'? It would certainly enable people to keep warm...

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Marcus Garvey on Vladimir Lenin

'One of Russia's greatest men, one of the world's greatest characters, and probably the greatest man in the world between 1917 and 1924, when he breathed his last and took his flight from this world...We as Negroes mourn for Lenin because Russia promised great hope not only for Negroes but to the weaker people of the world'.
Marcus Garvey, speech in New York, 27 January 1924, quoted in Jacob A Zumoff, 'The African Blood Brotherhood from Caribbean nationalism to Communism', Journal of Caribbean History

Saturday, October 22, 2011

International Socialism # 132

The new issue of International Socialism is now out, and online. People should go peruse the contents for themselves - the journal ranges in topics discussed from the great early 19th century black Caribbean radical Robert Wedderburn to Queer Theory. Yet the heart of the volume I guess is analysis of the latest phase of the deepening economic crisis from Alex Callinicos - and defences of classical Marxist interpretations of that crisis from Guglielmo Carchedi and Joseph Choonara. There is also an examination of the resistance from ordinary people to being made to pay for the crisis - including the indignados movement in Spain dating from 15 May - which remains a key inspiration for the current global anti-capitalist 'occupy' movement with its demands "For real democracy now" and declaration that "We are not commodities in the hands of politicians and bankers".

Closer to home, while the occupy movement has finally hit Britain over the last week or so, the journal has a nice contemporary history of the recent riots which rocked England this summer, an article which ends with SWP founder Tony Cliff's thoughts on the 1981 riots - quoted from Ian Birchall's recent biography. There have been an increasing number of reviews of Birchall's work - see for example John Palmer in Red Pepper, and in this ISJ, Nigel Harris, another former leading member of the group and a former editor of International Socialism, gives his thoughts on the strengths and limitations of Cliff's revolutionary Marxism. There is much to reflect on in Harris's and Palmer's criticisms of Cliff, but one point Harris makes about Cliff's faith in the world working class being problematic for a Marxist in Britain when the class itself apparently 'had decamped to east Asia' with globalisation, seems a little weak. This is not only because Marxists in the IS tradition ranging from Chris Harman to Mike Haynes in this issue have examined in more detail than Cliff was able to the changing nature of the global working class - but also because - as the looming mass strike in Britain on November 30 - the struggles of the organised working class remain of fundamental importance if the slogans of the global occupy movement such as "For real democracy now" and "We are not commodities" are ever going to be turned into reality, and so linking up the movements on the streets with networks of rank and file trade unionists remains the critical task of socialists in the period ahead.

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Wednesday, October 19, 2011

David Harvey on Marx's Method

The Isaac and Tamara Deutscher Memorial Prize Committee, in
conjunction with Historical Materialism, present the 2011 Deutscher
Memorial Lecture:

David Harvey 'History versus Theory: A Commentary on Marx's Method in Capital'

Friday, 11 November 2011
Location: Friends House, 173 Euston Road, London NW1 2BJ
Time: 1830-2030

At the lecture the winner of the 2011 Deutscher Memorial Prize will be
announced. The following books have been shortlisted:

• Jairus Banaji, Theory as History: Essays on Modes of Production and
Exploitation, (Brill)
• Gail Day, Dialectical Passions: Negation in Postwar Art Theory
• Charles Post, The American Road to Capitalism: Studies in Class
Structure, Economic Development and Political Conflict, 1620-1877
Online pre-booking: £3

On the door price: £5

Due to the high demand for this event, it is suggested that you book
early to avoid disappointment. Please note that although this event
takes place as part of the Historical Materialism conference, the
price is not included in the conference fee due to the very high costs
of hall booking in Central London.

Book online here
All enquiries: alex.callinicos@kcl.ac.uk


International Brigades 75th anniversary honoured

Though there were other groups and parties who went to fight fascism in Spain in 1936 after Franco's uprising, for example from the Independent Labour Party in the UK, the International Brigades did most of the 'heavy lifting' - to use that awful phrase which seems to have entered the language of politics recently - in terms of organising volunteers to go. Quite appropriately then, Philosophy Football have honoured their contribution by helping make an educational film and also a special T-shirt (see above)


Sunday, October 16, 2011

The New College of Resistance

Earlier this year, it was announced that a private elite New College of the Humanities was to be launched in London, the inevitable logical result of the marketisation of education that has been steadily underway in the UK. It is therefore a pleasure to announce that in less than two weeks a 'New College of Resistance' will be held in central London on Saturday 29 October - a teach-in to help forge the links between lecturers and students for the coming struggles ahead. The timetable is now online, and to register go to here.

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Friday, October 14, 2011

Laying down the law

‘When we see disruption and disorder around marches and demonstrations that otherwise would be peaceful, very often it is groups that have covered up and go in and create disorder on the fringes of these demonstrations...'
Home Secretary Theresa May yesterday - sadly she was not talking about defending the right to protest in the face of the disorder created by groups of covered up police thugs...


Thursday, October 13, 2011

Two journals, a newsletter and a conference

Just a quick blog I'm afraid - but readers of Histomat might be interested to note that the latest issues of Socialist Register (on 'The Crisis and the Left') and Race and Class (on 'Black History, Black Struggle') are now online, as is the new issue of the London Socialist Historians Group newsletter - and finally registration is now open for this years Historical Materialism conference in London in November. I wish I could say I was off to occupy the London Stock Exchange, but sadly my life is not quite that exciting...