Using the UNISON online pensions calculators in Havering
UNISON has now published Local Government pensions calculators on the national union website. There are two calculators, one which shows how much more we will be asked to pay up front if the Government get there way – and another which shows how much our pension will be reduced by and how we will have to work longer to get that pension.
Right now there are two different options proposed by the Government, and two options put forward by the Local Government Employers.
There are also further changes planned for the future of the scheme and there are a range of proposed "accrual rates"
The calculators offer you choices about these things so that you can see the full range of possible changes to your pension contributions and your pensions.
It is well worth spending 5 minutes clicking through to work out how much you'll lose - once you have done this please also encourage workmates to do it, or perhaps a group of you could do it together in your lunch hour.
Nationally in local governement people work a 37 hour week but in Havering (and most of London) the hours are 36.
This does not matter if your full time just leave the calculator on its default setting of 37 hours.
If you work part time – instead of entering the number of hours you actually work each week you need to divide that figure by 35 and then multiply it by 36 (or, which is easier, multiply by 1.029).
So if you work 18 hours then enter 18 x 1.029 = 18.5, or if you work 25 hours then enter 25 x 1.029 = 25.7. If you work 28.8 hours/ 4 days (like me) enter 28.8 x 1.029 = 29.6.
For schools or If you work term time only then you need to calculate your hours over a whole year to work out what proportion of a year of pensionable service you earn for each of your working years - myself and Dave Thomas will work some examples out for schools for when we start our tour of Havering Schools next week.
Here are the links to the national calculators again;
How much more you will pay
How much less you will get