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Eating with the Seasons: Apples

By Kira Gossack-Keenan We’ve all heard the saying “an apple a day keeps the doctor away”. I would bet my favorite kitchen appliance every person reading this article has seen this tiresome saying on a sign in their  old pediatrician’s office. Is it just a rhyme to get kids to eat fruits, or does it actually mean something? Recently, I was asked to write an article for M-Bodi that used a food that was in season for the month of November. There are actually a large number of interesting foods in…

Wonderful use of data and speculation to determine that the next Revolutionary User Interface is here

Revolutionary User Interfaces[Via asymco] A few years ago, around the middle of the last decade, the mobile phone market was characterized by the rivalry between a few established vendors. These were Nokia, Samsung, LG, Motorola and Sony Ericsson. These incumbent companies had a broad portfolio of devices including smartphones and feature phones and basic phones. Many also sold networking equipment and were deeply engaged with their customers, network operators. There was also a set of entrants who…

Sustainability and the CAD Workstation: Heat, Noise and Power Consumption

Price and performance generally increase as you climb the workstation ladder, and so do heat, nose and power consumption. These metrics, which were of low or no concern years ago, are top of mind today. Heat We’re all looking to cut costs and go greener; electricity is used by your new machine, of course, but also in cooling the office space that the machine heats up. Remember the heat output of a workstation impacts the company’s overall utility bills. If you multiple that effect by the number of…

daily green: reusable containers

There are many different types of disposable containers that we can replace with reusable ones. Here are three examples… 1. Grocery bags: You’ve probably seen these reusable bags advertised in dozens of stores. The important thing is to actually use them, because you have to use it 171 times to “offset the higher carbon emissions.” 2. Ziplock bags: Try to use tupperware whenever possible, because ziplock bags can only be used a certain number of times. 3. Coffee mugs: Many cafes will give you a slight…

NOTES FROM THE FIELD: A Taste of Peak Oil – Malawi style

by Kathleen Draper (Marlboro MBA Candidate 2011) During our Independent Learning Adventure (ILA) trip to Malawi we had the luck (not sure if it was good or bad to this day…just interesting) to run smack into a quasi-peak oil experience. Enlightening doesn’t begin to describe it. With absolutely no warning, we found out that the petrol (gas) imported to the country had stopped. Completely. Apparently this was due to currency problems or that is the story we were told anyway. We were on our way to…


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