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The Ludwig von Mises Institute

Tu Ne Cede Malis

Advancing the Scholarship of Liberty in the Tradition of the Austrian School

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How to Fix the Housing Crisis

They keep trying and trying with ever-worse results. There is no middle way to solve the housing crisis. The real help for underwater homeowners will only arrive when Fannie, Freddie, and the rest are allowed to fail.
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Law without the State

The elimination of the state will not lead to lawless chaos. Not only will market law be more efficient; it will also be more equitable than the government alternative.

Liberty and Shakespeare

What if, instead of Marxist or quasi-Marxist paradigms, literary critics adopted the theories of free-market economics?

Immigration and Misplaced Blame

Many have misdirected their anger toward illegal immigrants or the businesses that hire them. Their outrage should be aimed at the state.

In the Mises Store

Austrian School of Economics Photo Album

This beautiful monograph treats the Austrian School as a family of thought dating back to the Renaissance with a special emphasis on the school's formal founding with Menger and looking forward. I... More »

Economic Depressions: Their Cause and Cure

Need a short monograph on Austrian business cycle theory? This is the one to get. Murray Rothbard was the master of reducing complicated theories to their very essence while retaining theoretical rig... More »

Economics in One Lesson

Here is a publishing event: the new Mises Institute edition of the classic book that has taught many millions sound economic thinking. It is a hardbound volume, priced very low thanks to special benef... More »

Recent Blog Posts

Mises Daily: Mises Daily: Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Are Government Jobs Productive? by Ryan P. Long The government creates a demand for these services out of thin air: the existence of ambassadors is what leads to the work done by ambassadors. They do not take their services t ... More »

David Veksler: New Mises.org torrents posted!

New torrent files are available for all of Mises.org (270 GB) and books only (8.6 GB). (The complete torrent includes the books.) For more information on Mises.org bittorrent dumps, see the original original announcement and the follow-up. Remember ... More »

Per Bylund: Open Letter to the Mayor of Lviv

Some may remember the search for and the final success in finding Ludwig von Mises birthplace in the Ukrainian town of Lviv. Then, at the 130th anniversary of Mises's birth, a conference was organized to celebrate the life and works of Ludwig von ... More »

Brandon Hill: Lew Rockwell on Freedom Watch with Judge Napolitano tonight.

Don't miss it! Airs Monday, 10/31/2011, 8PM & 11PM ET. ... More »

Jeffrey Tucker: Larry Summers and His Magic Cure

The central irony of financial crisis is that while it is caused by too much confidence, too much borrowing and lending and too much spending, it can only be resolved with more confidence, more borrowing and lending, and more spending. ~ Lawrence Sum ... More »

Mises Daily: Mises Daily: Monday, October 31, 2011

The Market Stars in Margin Call by Doug French The movie depicts individuals grappling with the unwinding of a bubble and the inevitable fallout that takes place. Fortunes are lost, jobs are lost, and relationships destroyed. ... More »

Jeffrey Tucker: The phony troop pullout

Only government could come up with something like this: The Obama administration plans to bolster the American military presence in the Persian Gulf after it withdraws the remaining troops from Iraq this year, according to officials and diplomats ... More »

Stephan Kinsella: Speaking on "Why Intellectual Property is not Genuine Property" at Adam Smith Forum, Moscow

The 3rd Adam Smith Forum is being held Nov. 12, 2011 in Moscow. This is an impressive event, organized by the Center for the Philosophy of Freedom, the Libertarian Party of Russia, and others. The Chairman of the ASF Steering Committee is economist P ... More »

Douglas French: “Politics is entertainment."

Those are words of veteran Republican political consultant Roger J. Stone Jr. who is lending a hand to stand-up comedian Steve Berke who is running for mayor of Miami Beach. Berke is described by The New York Times as,a libertarian member of hi ... More »

Justin Ptak: The Austrian Business Cycle Theory in a Major Motion Picture

The new film Margin Call is a tale of a Lehman-like collapse and a Goldman Sachs-like crony return that is the first to even try to explain the Austrian Business Cycle Theory in a major studio film even though they do miss the cause of these fluctuat ... More »

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Video on mises.org

Mustafa Akyol: The Commercial Heritage and Contribution of Islam

The Lou Church Memorial Lecture in Religion and Economics. Recorded 12 March 2011 at the Ludwig von Mises Institute in Auburn, Alabama. [57:58] ( 3/12/2011 )

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Online Courses In the Mises Academy See All Courses

"Libertarian Controversies"
Modern libertarianism is a young, developing and vibrant science. Variants ... (more) Register Now

"Libertarian Ethics"
Why should liberty be advanced? What is the basis of rights? What is the ... (more) Register Now

"Economic Reasoning"
Learn how to "see the unseen" as David Gordon teaches you how to apply logi... (more) Register Now

"Money, Monopoly, and Market Intervention"
This course will cover chapters 10, 11, and 12 of Murray Rothbard's systema... (more) Register Now

Upcoming Events

Contemporary Issues in Economics: High-School Seminar in Auburn (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Contemporary Issues in Economics: High-School Seminar in Auburn (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Auburn, Alabama

Let's talk about economic policy - and say what needs to be said.... MORE

Why Economics Matters: High-School Seminar in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Why Economics Matters: High-School Seminar in Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Houston, Texas

A free seminar for high-school students in the Houston area.

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Mises Circle, Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)

Mises Circle, Houston (Sponsored by Jeremy S. Davis)
| Houston, Texas

Mises Circle at Furman University (Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow)

Mises Circle at Furman University (Sponsored by Furman Conservative Students for a Better Tomorrow)
| Furman University, Greenville, SC

War doesn't liberate; it enslaves. It is the state on overdrive: ... MORE

Austrian Scholars Conference 2012

Austrian Scholars Conference 2012
| Auburn, Alabama

The world gathering of Austrian School scholars.

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Mises University 2012

Mises University 2012
| Auburn, Alabama

The world's leading instructional program in the Austrian School ... MORE