Lotsa Big News we end up reading about every day. It’s mind boggling. eCAHN and I were yakking a bit the other day about how it’s challenging to keep on top of Everything! But, minute by minute by minute we keep holding on. And, as much as some days I Feel Like I’m Tied To The Whipping Post,- does anyone Not just Love Gregg Allman? – I mostly feel grateful, blessed and Lucky.
This whole Occupy Everything event has got me excited about people feeling into their individual power. And, then the increased power of a whole group searching for a better Something. And, it’s got me thinking about the beginning of a real potential for a Group Think Leap in our society. Imagine! But, I also see an increased need for people to work together to make change happen. Our friend, Southern Dragon, shares links most mornings and I just love the Gandhi Rap he shares from time to time. It inspires me. So what helps us work together more efficiently? I think being nice makes the whole process work more easily and with Way Better Vibes.
Good Golly, Ms. Molly, demi’s talking about being Nice again! But, that’s not precisely what I’m hoping to talk to you about this morning. It’s naturally easy for me to be nice to people if I’m in a happy mood. Or, more precisely if I’m in touch with my own personal happiness. I sometimes wonder who and what I wanna Be. And, I choose to be Happy. When I’m happy, I can do anything. (Still thinking about the Occupy Movement? Good.)
I talked to a few friends and asked them what they thought about happiness, if I were to quote them, what would they say? One person, let’s call him chef, said that “True happiness comes from within.” He’s the kindest man, teaches me alot and loves to serve others. “chef” walks what he talks. So. And “boss” said “The key to happiness is not getting what you want, but appreciating what you have.” Okay, see why he’s the boss? Another said “Happiness, this is the important thing. I tell my kids this is their priority.” Someone else said that “Happiness isn’t what you get for yourself, but what you do for others.”
I think we have to be happy within ourselves before we can share any of that with others. Well, duh. Like with the oxygen masks on planes. Always put yours on first so that you can help those around you. And, like it happens with us, the effort of looking inward makes us focus. And, that focusing invigorates us. Okay, sometimes it’s scary, but that’s fun too. And, sometimes in moments we actually feel great benefits, it’s like another Gregg Allman song, Love is Everywhere.
As with other aspects of our lives, when we practice being happy – going through the steps of Identifying, Choosing and Action, it becomes like a second nature. Smile, sweeties, in that act, you already feel better. Smile at someone out in the world, and they most likely will smile back at you. How many smiles can you share today? What are your feelings about happiness?
Tell Blondie. Tell Blondie all about it. Pull up a chair and dish, sweet pups.